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Tom Keffer edited this page Feb 14, 2024 · 16 revisions

Cumulus WXNow

This is an extension to weewx that emits data to a file in the format used by Cumulus wxnow.txt. The format for the wxnow.txt file is maintained at the Cumulus web site:


wget -O

How to Install

  1. Run the extension installer:
weectl extension install
  1. Modify weewx.conf:
        filename = /var/tmp/wxnow.txt
  1. Restart weewx
sudo systemctl stop weewx
sudo systemctl start weewx


The wxnow.txt file should be modified on each LOOP. For some stations the update will happen more often than others. For example, Vantage sensors update as often as every 2.5 seconds, whereas FineOffset stations never update more often than 48 seconds.

Aug 14 2014 23:14


binding - The binding determines whether the file will be updated with every LOOP packet or archive record. Possible values are loop or archive. Default is loop.

filename - The full path of the file. Default is /var/tmp/wxnow.txt.

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