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Lightweight C++ and Python wrapper for zarr and n5 file format.

Support for the following compression codecs:



Conda packages for the relevant systems and python versions (except python2.7 on windows) are hosted on conda-forge:

$ conda install -c conda-forge z5py

From Source

The easiest way to build the library from source is using a conda-environment with all necessary dependencies. You can find the conda environment files for build environments in each of the supported python versions under unix in .environments/unix

To set up the conda environment and install the package on Unix (for python 3.6):

$ conda env create -f environments/unix/36.yml
$ conda activate z5-py36
$ mkdir bld
$ cd bld
$ make install

Note that in the CMakeLists.txt, we try to infer the active conda-environment automatically. If this fails, you can set it manually via -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/conda-env. To specify where to install the package, set:

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: where to install the C++ headers
  • PYTHON_MODULE_INSTALL_DIR: where to install the python package (set to site-packages of active conda env by default)

If you want to include z5 in another C++ project, note that the library itself is header-only. However, you need to link against the compression codecs that you use.

Examples / Usage


The Python API is very similar to h5py. Some differences are:

  • The constructor of File takes the boolean argument use_zarr_format, which determines whether the zarr or N5 format is used (if set to None, an attempt is made to automatically infer the format).
  • There is no need to close File, hence the with block isn't necessary (but supported).
  • Linked datasets (my_file['new_ds'] = my_file['old_ds']) are not supported
  • Broadcasting is only supported for scalars in Dataset.__setitem__
  • Arbitrary leading and trailing singleton dimensions can be added/removed/rolled through in Dataset.__setitem__
  • Compatibility of exception handling is a goal, but not necessarily guaranteed.
  • Because zarr/N5 are usually used with large data, z5py compresses blocks by default where h5py does not. The default compressors are
    • zarr: "blosc"
    • n5: "gzip"

Some examples:

import z5py
import numpy as np

# create a file and a dataset
f = z5py.File('array.zr', use_zarr_format=True)
ds = f.create_dataset('data', shape=(1000, 1000), chunks=(100, 100), dtype='float32')

# write array to a roi
x = np.random.random_sample(size=(500, 500)).astype('float32')
ds[:500, :500] = x

# broadcast a scalar to a roi
ds[500:, 500:] = 42.

# read array from a roi
y = ds[250:750, 250:750]

# create a group and create a dataset in the group
g = f.create_group('local_group')
g.create_dataset('local_data', shape=(100, 100), chunks=(10, 10), dtype='uint32')

# open dataset from group or file
ds_local1 = f['local_group/local_data']
ds_local2 = g['local_data']

# read and write attributes
attributes = ds.attrs
attributes['foo'] = 'bar'
baz = attributes['foo']

There are convenience functions to convert n5 and zarr files to and from hdf5 or tif. Additional data formats will follow.

# convert existing h5 file to n5
# this only works if h5py is available
from z5py.converter import convert_from_h5

h5_file = '/path/to/file.h5'
n5_file = '/path/to/file.n5'
h5_key = n5_key = 'data'
target_chunks = (64, 64, 64)
n_threads = 8

convert_from_h5(h5_file, n5_file,


The library is intended to be used with a multiarray, that holds data in memory. By default, xtensor is used. See There also exists an interface for marray. See To interface with other multiarray implementation, reimplement readSubarray and writeSubarray. Pull requests for additional multiarray support are welcome.

Some examples:

#include "xtensor/xarray.hxx"
#include "z5/dataset_factory.hxx"
#include "z5/multiarray/xtensor_access.hxx"
#include "json.hpp"

int main() {
  // create a new zarr dataset
  std::vector<size_t> shape = {1000, 1000, 1000};
  std::vector<size_t> chunks = {100, 100, 100};
  bool asZarr = true;
  auto ds = z5::createDataset("ds.zr", "float32", shape, chunks, asZarr);
  // write array to roi
  std::vector<size_t> offset1 = {50, 100, 150};
  std::vector<size_t> shape1 = {150, 200, 100};
  xt::xarray<float> array1(shape1, 42.);
  z5::multiarray::writeSubarray(ds, array1, offset1.begin());

  // read array from roi (values that were not written before are filled with a fill-value)
  std::vector<size_t> offset2 = {100, 100, 100};
  std::vector<size_t> shape2 = {300, 200, 75};
  xt::xarray<float> array2(shape2);
  z5::multiarray::readSubarray(ds, array2, offset2.begin());

  // read and write json attributes
  nlohmann::json attributesIn;
  attributesIn["bar"] = "foo";
  attributesIn["pi"] = 3.141593
  z5::writeAttributes(ds->handle(), attributesIn);
  nlohmann::json attributesOut;
  z5::readAttributes(ds->handle(), attributesOut);
  return 0;

When to use this library?

This library implements the zarr and n5 data specification in C++ and Python. Use it, if you need access to these formats from these languages. Zarr / n5 have native implementations in Python / Java. If you only need access in the respective native language, it is recommended to use these implementations, which are more thoroughly tested.

Current Limitations / TODOs

  • No thread / process synchonization -> writing to the same chunk in parallel will lead to undefined behavior.
  • Supports only little endianness and C-order for the zarr format.

A note on axis ordering

Internally, n5 uses column-major (i.e. x, y, z) axis ordering, while z5 uses row-major (i.e. z, y, x). While this is mostly handled internally, it means that the metadata does not transfer 1 to 1, but needs to be reversed for most shapes. Concretely:

n5 z5
Shape s_x, s_y, s_z s_z, s_y, s_x
Chunk-Shape c_x, c_y, c_z c_z, c_y, c_x
Chunk-Ids i_x, i_y, i_z i_z, i_y, i_x


Lighweight C++ and Python interface for datasets in zarr and N5 format







No packages published


  • C++ 62.8%
  • Python 28.5%
  • CMake 4.5%
  • Java 3.4%
  • Other 0.8%