diff --git a/data/core/units/elves/Archer.cfg b/data/core/units/elves/Archer.cfg index 9f83898dd871..a051b3281405 100644 --- a/data/core/units/elves/Archer.cfg +++ b/data/core/units/elves/Archer.cfg @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ advances_to=Elvish Ranger,Elvish Marksman cost=17 usage=archer - description= _ "Elves have always had a reputation for archery, a skill that, for many reasons, comes naturally to them. Even the frail of body can be deadly with a bow in hand, and in times of war, many will take up this weapon. Though their relative inexperience with combat leaves them somewhat vulnerable, their natural grace ensures that they can best any of humanity’s fresh recruits." + description= _ "As primarily foragers and hunters, most elves learn to become proficient archers from a young age. Besides being only a practical skill, archery is also a common pasttime and many competitions are held in sport for the entertainment of spectators and participants alike. This ability is readily turned to battle in times of war, where many elves will wield bows as their weapons of choice. Though not as sturdy as their human or orc counterparts, Elvish archers are still effective combatants, especially when fighting from the safety of their forests." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_HIT} [attack] name=sword diff --git a/data/core/units/elves/Avenger.cfg b/data/core/units/elves/Avenger.cfg index aea172c32b52..0d6418f427c0 100644 --- a/data/core/units/elves/Avenger.cfg +++ b/data/core/units/elves/Avenger.cfg @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=53 usage=mixed fighter - description= _ "The curious name of the elvish ‘Avengers’ comes from a tactic often employed by these master rangers. The enemy is allowed to break through a feint defense, and when the vulnerable troops behind the front line follow, these archers break cover and attack, cutting the supply lines and surrounding the enemy in one fell stroke. + description= _ "The curious name of the Elvish ‘Avengers’ comes from a tactic often employed by these master rangers. The enemy is allowed to break through a feint defense and when the vulnerable troops behind the front line follow, these archers break cover and attack, cutting supply lines and surrounding the enemy in one fell stroke. This has, at times, been interpreted as a form of vengeance for their brethren lost earlier in the battle. While not so base in design, it is not at all inaccurate. -This has, at times, been interpreted as a form of vengeance for their brethren lost earlier in the battle. Although not so base in design, it is not at all inaccurate."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_AMBUSH} +Even more than other elves, Avengers are a part of the realm of the forests, spending most of their time living among the arboreal creatures and learning the hidden secrets in the woods. As the keepers of nature, these elves have the propensity to explore the wilds even beyond the boundaries of the forests and are adept at traversing rough terrains like mountains and deserts. Even in such unfamiliar territories, Avengers are already powerful combatants; in their homes in the trees, they are nigh unassailable, capable of assassinating enemies from the shadows with little chance of retaliation. It is this ability which instills the most fear into any invading army, for fighting a force that can barely be tracked or seen in the forests leaves very little room for counterattack and customarily results in crushing defeat."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_AMBUSH} die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_HIT} [movement_costs] shallow_water=2 diff --git a/data/core/units/elves/Captain.cfg b/data/core/units/elves/Captain.cfg index 22ff71ec8e60..f412b535dc26 100644 --- a/data/core/units/elves/Captain.cfg +++ b/data/core/units/elves/Captain.cfg @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ advances_to=Elvish Marshal cost=32 usage=fighter - description= _ "Elves, unlike many other races, will quickly acknowledge and follow any of their peers who have experience in combat. In this they differ greatly from humanity, for whom leadership is often a matter of coercion and intimidation. The combination of their willingness to accept the wisdom of their leaders, and the tendency to choose leaders of merit is one of the quiet strengths of the elves."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_LEADERSHIP} + description= _ "Elvish captains usually lead patrols and command garrisons that stand guard over the vast forests in elvish territory. Unlike leaders from other races, they are mostly proficient at navigating small skirmishes rather than large-scale battles, and are especially skilled at defensive maneuvering. Captains typically command small units that remain together for extended periods of time, allowing them to personally mentor and befriend their troops. They are often observed to lead through camaraderie and amicability, but still command great respect from their kin."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_LEADERSHIP} die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/elves-wood/captain-defend.png" "units/elves-wood/captain.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_HIT} melee} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/elves-wood/captain-bow-defend.png" "units/elves-wood/captain-bow.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_HIT} ranged } diff --git a/data/core/units/elves/Champion.cfg b/data/core/units/elves/Champion.cfg index 07ef7449c841..b08f1f4ddf62 100644 --- a/data/core/units/elves/Champion.cfg +++ b/data/core/units/elves/Champion.cfg @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=48 usage=fighter - description= _ "Those few elves who deliberately hone themselves into weapons of war become something which belies the peace-loving reputation of their race. Dedication and skill are matched with purity of form, and the result is swordsmanship to which few can compare. Even their archery, treated as a secondary pursuit, is masterfully executed." + description= _ "Elves are typically peaceable by nature and most will attack only in retaliation for some wrongdoing wrought upon them. However, there are some elves who revel in the glory of battle and deliberately seek combat—purposeful or otherwise—for their own enjoyment. Naturally, most of these warriors live short lives devoted to honing their swordsmanship in an effort to conquer the battlegrounds: only the most talented thereof are capable of surviving constant combat and earning the title of ‘Champion’. Having spent their whole lives refining their prowess with the blade, these elves are exceptionally dangerous and should never be underestimated." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_HIT} [attack] name=sword diff --git a/data/core/units/elves/Fighter.cfg b/data/core/units/elves/Fighter.cfg index 48e3a29ccfcd..ca2e2350027a 100644 --- a/data/core/units/elves/Fighter.cfg +++ b/data/core/units/elves/Fighter.cfg @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ advances_to=Elvish Captain,Elvish Hero cost=14 usage=fighter - description= _ "Elves are not warlike by nature, but in times of need, their natural grace and agility serve them well, as does their skillful craftsmanship. An elf can grasp the basics of swordsmanship and archery in a time uncannily short by the standards of other races, and put them to effective use on the battlefield." + description= _ "Among elves, swordplay is most commonly practiced by rangers and border patrols, who serve primarily as guardians of the forests and more occasionally as small squads for intrusions into other territories. Elvish swordsmanship is known for its emphasis on swift, agile strikes, generating less power than human or orcish warriors, but also leaving less time to react and counter. Most elves can learn the basics of swordplay relatively quickly and will readily pick up the blade when confronted with battle." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_HIT} [attack] name=sword diff --git a/data/core/units/elves/Hero.cfg b/data/core/units/elves/Hero.cfg index 09bf16aa6711..9b8773b2d19a 100644 --- a/data/core/units/elves/Hero.cfg +++ b/data/core/units/elves/Hero.cfg @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ advances_to=Elvish Champion cost=30 usage=fighter - description= _ "Elves, though not warlike by nature, are swift to learn; a relatively small amount of experience will turn an elf from a competent fighter into a master of combat. Those who are honored as heroes are strong with both sword and bow, and their skill once acquired does not fade for lack of practice." + description= _ "Accomplished Elvish warriors are sometimes called ‘Sárcan’, roughly meaning ‘one who has sacrificed in defense’ or ‘one transfigured by experience’. Often translated to ‘Elvish Heroes’ in the human tongue, this name does indicate some level of esteem and prestige, but is not used to glorify the position that these elves hold. Elvish Heroes are those who have survived numerous wars and have outlived many of their friends who fell in prior battles. They have seen all manner of atrocity committed by all races, be it orcs and humans ravaging the natural beauty of the forests, or even their own kind, other elves who are not above slaughtering innocent people out of pride and vengeance. Many years of fighting naturally make these swordsmen highly skilled in melee combat, but the hardships and destruction wrought by war take a great toll on both mind and body. While the Elves realize the necessity of military strength and honor the ‘Sárcanet’ as heroes for their service, such a status is not one often sought after by the majority of Elvenkind." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_HIT} [attack] name=sword diff --git a/data/core/units/elves/Lord.cfg b/data/core/units/elves/Lord.cfg index 0b18bdd93a85..c557bd02619d 100644 --- a/data/core/units/elves/Lord.cfg +++ b/data/core/units/elves/Lord.cfg @@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ advances_to=Elvish High Lord cost=36 usage=fighter - description= _ "The nobility of the elves are possessed of merit to match their standing in society. Elvish Lords are the wisest and strongest of their people, and are fearsome in their command of magic."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_MAGICAL}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_ARCANE} + description= _ "Succession among the Elvish nobility is a highly structured process determined by a number of stringent constraints. The future leaders of the elves have the difficult task of governing the three-fold aspects of Elvish society: warriors and rangers who defend the forests, peaceable civilians who shy away from combat altogether, and the collective group of healers and mystics who study the art of faerie magic. Being able to reconcile the differences between these factions and effectively lead their people requires considerable personal merit and a deep understanding of all elves, be they warrior, mystic, or pacifist. + +Many elves begin training in archery and swordsmanship from a young age, and especially promising adolescent boys of appropriate lineage are selected to study under Enchantresses who have mastered the mystic arts. Since the nature of faerie magic lends itself more to female elves than to male elves, only the most talented learn to temper the volatile way of the faerie and connect themselves to the world of the arcane. Those who prove their personal mettle in swordsmanship and sorcery must then learn to apply their newfound powers wisely, for violent conflict is something never to be taken lightly, and just because a battle can be won does not mean it should be fought in the first place. Reconciling potent combat prowess with diplomatic restraint is difficult for most, but those who can do so are granted the title of Lord and become the next generation of Elvish leadership."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_MAGICAL}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_ARCANE} die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/elves-wood/lord-defend.png" "units/elves-wood/lord.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_HIT} melee} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/elves-wood/lord-magic-defend.png" "units/elves-wood/lord-magic.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_HIT} ranged} diff --git a/data/core/units/elves/Marksman.cfg b/data/core/units/elves/Marksman.cfg index 7346cead45f8..47b1b9af0451 100644 --- a/data/core/units/elves/Marksman.cfg +++ b/data/core/units/elves/Marksman.cfg @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ advances_to=Elvish Sharpshooter cost=37 usage=archer - description= _ "Elves are wondrously keen-sighted, a gift which contributes to their mastery of the bow. An elf practiced at archery can hit targets that a man couldn’t even see, and can nock a second arrow almost as soon as the first is let fly. Realizing this prodigious skill does come with one cost, that being a lack of practice with the sword."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_MARKSMAN} + description= _ "Elves have an intimate connection to the world of faerie, which innately imbues them with a small amount of magic and grants them highly acute senses. This, combined with years of hunting in the deep forests, makes the elves incredibly keen-sighted, a gift which contributes greatly to their mastery of the bow. An elf practiced at archery is capable of hitting a pinhole-sized target from hundreds of paces away and can shoot quickly and precisely enough to split falling branches. Of course, training the body to keep up with the eyes is no easy feat, and realizing this prodigious skill does come with the cost of weakness in close quarters."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_MARKSMAN} die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_HIT} [death] start_time=0 diff --git a/data/core/units/elves/Marshal.cfg b/data/core/units/elves/Marshal.cfg index 3de3b38074b0..422b0c3b045c 100644 --- a/data/core/units/elves/Marshal.cfg +++ b/data/core/units/elves/Marshal.cfg @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=54 usage=fighter - description= _ "The longevity and natural intelligence of elves make them apt for military matters, enough even to counter their general distaste for war. Elves remember things much more clearly than humankind, and can often intuit what others can only be trained to do. Certainly, on those rare occasions when an elf sets his mind to war, the strategy that results is often the work of a master."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_LEADERSHIP} + description= _ "Elves are not often the instigators of open war, but will not shy away when the time comes to do battle. Of course, blindly engaging in combat without any strategy or tactic is foolish, and so the elves maintain a small number of strategically-minded commanders at all times. Selected from the most talented captains, marshals undergo extensive training in various military styles, including those of the humans and orcs. They are brilliant, unorthodox strategists who excel at breaking down large battlefronts into smaller skirmishes, transforming ordinary campaigns into dispersed guerrilla warfare. Engaging elves in their own homes is always a daunting task for any invasion force, and it is precisely because of the skillful maneuvering of the marshals that manage the protection of their people."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_LEADERSHIP} die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_HIT} [abilities] {ABILITY_LEADERSHIP} diff --git a/data/core/units/elves/Ranger.cfg b/data/core/units/elves/Ranger.cfg index d723df0fc4bd..1656304cb35b 100644 --- a/data/core/units/elves/Ranger.cfg +++ b/data/core/units/elves/Ranger.cfg @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ advances_to=Elvish Avenger cost=38 usage=mixed fighter - description= _ "Though a man might spend years in the forest, he will never shake the feeling that he is a guest in a realm of which he is not truly a part. With elves, this is quite reversed. Any elf that studies the lore of the woods rapidly becomes a master of them. This, combined with a considerable skill at archery and swordsmanship, is very useful in warfare."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_AMBUSH} + description= _ "The silent watchers of the forests, rangers are masters of stealth and reconnaissance. Many are explorers and loners, preferring to travel alone along the paths between the towering trees and among the unspoiled natural beauty of their homes, of which they are fiercely protective. While they possess considerable skill in both blade and bow, rangers are a little less adept at fighting other warriors on even terms, preferring instead to ambush their enemies from the shadows in the woods. A surprise attack from rangers can cripple even a force many times their size, and attacking armies often choose to withdraw rather than risk a game of guerrilla warfare with rangers in the forests."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_AMBUSH} die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_HIT} [movement_costs] shallow_water=2 diff --git a/data/core/units/elves/Rider.cfg b/data/core/units/elves/Rider.cfg index e43b30910d81..a1d76f0ed296 100644 --- a/data/core/units/elves/Rider.cfg +++ b/data/core/units/elves/Rider.cfg @@ -18,9 +18,7 @@ #mostly like a foot Elf, but they #aren't good at defending in villages #they are weak against piercing attacks - description= _ "The master horsemen of the elves are able to move through forests at a speed which would be suicidal for any human. Awe of the rider is quite justified — but questions have also been raised about the stock of the horses, for the feats they perform seem almost supernatural. - -This combination of incredible mobility and potent combat strength is one of the greatest assets the elves possess in warfare." + description= _ "The prevalence of guerrilla tactics in Elven strategy results in great emphasis on maintaining highly mobile units capable of fighting on an adaptable battlefront. This style of warfare requires rapid communication between small skirmish groups and the ability to quickly transfer troops between combat zones. Experienced Elvish riders know this well and thus devote most of their time to improving their horsemanship rather than their individual fighting skills. The speed at which they travel through the forest would be suicidal for any other cavalry, and they are tenacious enough to ride for as much as two or three days at a time without resting. While the intelligence and communication these horsemen provide is invaluable to Elven tactics, the lack of combat prowess and front line engagement means that Elvish riders are the oft unsung heroes of war, left supporting their brethren from the back lines." die_sound=horse-die.ogg [defense] village=50 diff --git a/data/core/units/elves/Scout.cfg b/data/core/units/elves/Scout.cfg index 83fadd3185bc..7a9b31e3c751 100644 --- a/data/core/units/elves/Scout.cfg +++ b/data/core/units/elves/Scout.cfg @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ cost=18 undead_variation=mounted usage=scout - description= _ "The horsemen of the wood elves have some skill with bow and sword, but their true skill lies in their horsemanship. Even other elves are impressed by their uncanny speed in the woods, and their ability to dart through the thick of the forest with nary a scratch. They may be the only cavalry in existence that fares better in the woods than on open ground." + description= _ "Although the equines bred by the wood elves are much faster and far more agile than regular horses, they tend to be more fickle and harder to master. It takes many years to train an Elven pony, but once tamed, they are among the most loyal and devoted mounts. These unique horses allow Elvish horsemen to ride at extreme speeds through thick forests with nary a scratch and outpace most other cavalry on open ground. Though these riders possess some skill in wielding swords and bows, their greatest effectiveness comes from their ability to scout and outmaneuver enemy forces rather than engage in combat directly. Elvish scouts are most often used as messengers and support units and are adept at quickly transferring information between patrols and skirmish groups, whom they also reinforce when necessary." die_sound=horse-die.ogg [defense] village=60 diff --git a/data/core/units/elves/Sharpshooter.cfg b/data/core/units/elves/Sharpshooter.cfg index a332beb41ebd..a12792f7f1a3 100644 --- a/data/core/units/elves/Sharpshooter.cfg +++ b/data/core/units/elves/Sharpshooter.cfg @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=51 usage=archer - description= _ "There was a legend of an elf who stopped an arrow by shooting it out of the air with one of his own. It is a testament to the skill of the elves that such a story could be taken seriously. The sharpshooters of the elves have, quite simply, mastered the art of archery."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_MARKSMAN} + description= _ "Though not a formal title, ‘Sharpshooter’ is the epithet given to the most gifted Elvish marksmen. These expert archers are capable of feats that, even by Elven standards, border on miraculous: they have the precision to split incoming arrows midair and can loose a second arrow before the first hits, all while maintaining enough power to damage steel armor. A single volley of their arrows is enough to bring down a knight on horseback, and even heavily-armored infantry will survive few additional shots. The sharpshooters of the elves have honed their art to its highest form and are the undisputed masters of archery."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_MARKSMAN} die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_HIT} [attack] name=sword