diff --git a/data/campaigns/Heir_To_The_Throne/scenarios/20b_Underground_Channels.cfg b/data/campaigns/Heir_To_The_Throne/scenarios/20b_Underground_Channels.cfg index 820cd220fa3d..f89e7b90499a 100644 --- a/data/campaigns/Heir_To_The_Throne/scenarios/20b_Underground_Channels.cfg +++ b/data/campaigns/Heir_To_The_Throne/scenarios/20b_Underground_Channels.cfg @@ -174,6 +174,47 @@ image=wesnoth-icon.png message= _ "The party enters the mysterious cave, ready to face the unknown..." [/message] + [message] + speaker=Delfador + message= _ "It is unfortunate that the drakes distrusted us. Keh Ohn seemed noble and powerful, and under different circumstances, might have provided us with some insights about these caves." + [/message] + [message] + speaker="Li'sar" + message= _ "He was just someone who couldn’t handle the power given to him." + [/message] + [message] + speaker=Kalenz + message= _ "You would do well to learn the lesson he did not." + [/message] + [message] + speaker="Li'sar" + message= _ "Move along, elf, unless you enjoy making camp in this dank cave. I, for one, do not!" + [/message] + [message] + speaker=Kalenz + message= _ "Indeed..." + [/message] + [message] + speaker="Li'sar" + message= _ "Listen, you whose eyes are fair but hide a vacuum, do you think I do not know what power can do to one’s soul? What evils a person is capable of when truth and righteousness are but scrolls that can be rewritten when a queen grows tired of them?" + [/message] + [message] + speaker="Li'sar" + message= _ "I spent my entire childhood listening to my mother give orders and command armies around. I hid in the throne room as a little girl as she met with her generals. I now know she was having people killed... entire towns of people killed!" + [/message] + [message] + speaker="Li'sar" + message= _ "I became my mother’s most trusted aide-de-camp. I was sent to quiet the worst of the rebellion. Of course they fought back. I never knew who these people were or why they fought my mother. Konrad, you are lucky. You do not know what Wesnoth has been like these past many years. There is no peace. I have never known peace." + [/message] + [message] + speaker=Delfador + message= _ "I do know the cup of bitterness poured out on Wesnoth by your mother, child. The land has been torn apart. The elves know this. The orcs know this. Undead can feel it. Large armies of men march across the plains hunting each other, and when no men remain, outsiders will claim Wesnoth as their home." + [/message] + [message] + speaker=Konrad + {KONRAD_VARIATION mad} + message= _ "Enough! I can listen to no more of this. Princess, you may want to end your mother’s rule, but I will end her life as she ended the life of my father and my brothers. Asheviere’s masterwork of treachery will end, and it will end by my blade!" + [/message] [/event] [event]