diff --git a/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg b/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg index f4ea4e2e4430..9bc5d4deb199 100644 --- a/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg +++ b/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/03_To_the_Mines.cfg @@ -11,91 +11,39 @@ [part] story= _ "After reaching the dwarvish keep and tending to their wounded the humans led by Tallin and the dwarves led by Lord Hamel made council." [/part] - [part] - story={CAPTION ( _ "Hamel")} + _ "Be welcome to the Southern Tunnels, friends... or at least, what’s left o’ them." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - scale_background=no - [/part] - [part] - story={CAPTION ( _ "Tallin")} + _ "Thank you, Lord Hamel. Though Knalga lies in chaos, it is a great relief to see that at least some dwarves have survived." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - scale_background=no - [/part] - [part] - story={CAPTION ( _ "Hamel")} + _ "Thank you, human. It is likewise a great relief to see that our allies of old have managed to break their bonds, and live as free men once again." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - scale_background=no - [/part] - [part] - story={CAPTION ( _ "Tallin")} + _ "Yes, that touches on the main reason for our visit. We have broken free, but to stay free we need better weapons and armor. Clubs and pitchforks will not carry us through the long run." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - scale_background=no - [/part] - [part] - story={CAPTION ( _ "Tallin")} + _ "Dwarves are known to be the finest metalworkers and weapon-smiths. We were hoping that you would be able to help us." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - scale_background=no - [/part] - [part] - story={CAPTION ( _ "Hamel")} + _ "Aye, our craft is great... but we dinna’ ha’ much of weapons and armor ourselves. We’re but a remnant that survived the orcs’ in-taking of these caves. There may be other remnants; but if there are, we dinna’ yet ken of them." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - scale_background=no - [/part] - [part] - story={CAPTION ( _ "Tallin")} + _ "If you don’t mind me asking, Lord Hamel, how exactly did you manage to survive the orcish invasion? And since it was the orcs who reduced Knalga to this sorry state — where are they now? From what I have seen, it is mostly trolls and skeletons who lately haunt these caves." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - scale_background=no - [/part] - [part] - story={CAPTION ( _ "Hamel")} + _ "Oh, there are orcs enough down here, but ye’ll not likely see them; they hide from us like vermin. You see, lad, in these caves there is no more fearsome a foe than a dwarf. Not only do we move through the caves swiftly, but we know them like the backs of our hands. The orcs did indeed manage to swamp our defenses with their sheer numbers all those long years ago, but not before we surprised and slew their leader — the cursed Khazg Black-Tusk. Since then, although the orcs still foul these caves with their stench, their attacks have been uncoordinated and erratic, wi’ the orcs as likely to attack each other as they are to attack us." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - scale_background=no - [/part] - [part] - story={CAPTION ( _ "Hamel")} + _ "In more recent years, however, I ha’ noticed that there have been fewer orcs and more skeletons around. The orcs seem to fear them and shy away from them whenever possible, but their troll allies are another matter. Yon trolls actually seem to take great pleasure out of crushing the skeletons to the dust and sucking any marrow that remains in their bones..." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - scale_background=no - [/part] - [part] - story={CAPTION ( _ "Tallin")} + _ "What is the story with those skeletons anyway? They look like they were dwarves when they lived, but now they just seem to be mindless killers, attacking anyone and anything." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - scale_background=no - [/part] - [part] - story={CAPTION ( _ "Hamel")} + _ "In truth, we ha’ no idea. They just started appearing one day some years after we were trapped here — by ones and twos in the beginning, and now by the hordes. We were fair frightened when we first encountered them, but we soon discovered they fell to our hammers just as readily as the orcs fell to our axes. So, it is not their existence I fear — for we have faced far worse trials — but their rising numbers gives cause for worry..." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - scale_background=no - [/part] - [part] - story={CAPTION ( _ "Tallin")} + _ "Well, we are here with you now Lord Hamel, and in exchange for proper weapons, we will gladly assist you in clearing these caves of monsters." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - scale_background=no - [/part] - [part] - story={CAPTION ( _ "Hamel")} + _ "That is the problem lad, we ha’ been stranded in these tunnels for years now, almost completely cut off from sources of food or metals or tools. It ha’ been as much as we could do to survive. We’ll get more food again now that we can reach the surface, and tools aplenty there are in the stores where we couldna’ reach while the orcs and trolls held them. But metal will be scarce for a while yet; ore will have to be brought in for smelting, first." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - scale_background=no - [/part] - [part] - story={CAPTION ( _ "Tallin")} + _ "So, is there not any source of good ores nearby?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - scale_background=no - [/part] - [part] - story={CAPTION ( _ "Hamel")} + _ "Aye, there is. A few miles north of here is the place where we mined many of our raw metals. However, that place also seems to be where all those skeletons are coming from. For all that we have managed to hold the skeletons off in our own keep, I dare not venture right into their lair. To go there would mean certain death." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - scale_background=no - [/part] - [part] - story={CAPTION ( _ "Tallin")} + _ "With all respect, my Lord Hamel, we the people from Dwarven Doors have faced certain death many times now. Rising up against the orcs was said to be certain death. Plunging headfirst into these bleak caves was said to be certain death. If our fate is death then so be it. Until that time comes, my people will fight and I will lead them to fight!" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - scale_background=no - [/part] - [part] - story={CAPTION ( _ "Hamel")} + _ "Och, human though ye be, ye speak very like a dwarf, lad. Form up, men! To the mines! Let the guardsmen stay behind along with the noncombatants — for their safety and to hold the keep." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - scale_background=no - [/part] + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Be welcome to the Southern Tunnels, friends... or at least, what’s left o’ them.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Thank you, Lord Hamel. Though Knalga lies in chaos, it is a great relief to see that at least some dwarves have survived.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Thank you, human. It is likewise a great relief to see that our allies of old have managed to break their bonds, and live as free men once again.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Yes, that touches on the main reason for our visit. We have broken free, but to stay free we need better weapons and armor. Clubs and pitchforks will not carry us through the long run.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Dwarves are known to be the finest metalworkers and weapon-smiths. We were hoping that you would be able to help us.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Aye, our craft is great... but we dinna’ ha’ much of weapons and armor ourselves. We’re but a remnant that survived the orcs’ in-taking of these caves. There may be other remnants; but if there are, we dinna’ yet ken of them.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "If you don’t mind me asking, Lord Hamel, how exactly did you manage to survive the orcish invasion? And since it was the orcs who reduced Knalga to this sorry state — where are they now? From what I have seen, it is mostly trolls and skeletons who lately haunt these caves.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Oh, there are orcs enough down here, but ye’ll not likely see them; they hide from us like vermin. You see, lad, in these caves there is no more fearsome a foe than a dwarf. Not only do we move through the caves swiftly, but we know them like the backs of our hands. The orcs did indeed manage to swamp our defenses with their sheer numbers all those long years ago, but not before we surprised and slew their leader — the cursed Khazg Black-Tusk. Since then, although the orcs still foul these caves with their stench, their attacks have been uncoordinated and erratic, wi’ the orcs as likely to attack each other as they are to attack us.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "In more recent years, however, I ha’ noticed that there have been fewer orcs and more skeletons around. The orcs seem to fear them and shy away from them whenever possible, but their troll allies are another matter. Yon trolls actually seem to take great pleasure out of crushing the skeletons to the dust and sucking any marrow that remains in their bones...")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "What is the story with those skeletons anyway? They look like they were dwarves when they lived, but now they just seem to be mindless killers, attacking anyone and anything.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "In truth, we ha’ no idea. They just started appearing one day some years after we were trapped here — by ones and twos in the beginning, and now by the hordes. We were fair frightened when we first encountered them, but we soon discovered they fell to our hammers just as readily as the orcs fell to our axes. So, it is not their existence I fear — for we have faced far worse trials — but their rising numbers gives cause for worry...")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Well, we are here with you now Lord Hamel, and in exchange for proper weapons, we will gladly assist you in clearing these caves of monsters.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "That is the problem lad, we ha’ been stranded in these tunnels for years now, almost completely cut off from sources of food or metals or tools. It ha’ been as much as we could do to survive. We’ll get more food again now that we can reach the surface, and tools aplenty there are in the stores where we couldna’ reach while the orcs and trolls held them. But metal will be scarce for a while yet; ore will have to be brought in for smelting, first.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "So, is there not any source of good ores nearby?")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Aye, there is. A few miles north of here is the place where we mined many of our raw metals. However, that place also seems to be where all those skeletons are coming from. For all that we have managed to hold the skeletons off in our own keep, I dare not venture right into their lair. To go there would mean certain death.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "With all respect, my Lord Hamel, we the people from Dwarven Doors have faced certain death many times now. Rising up against the orcs was said to be certain death. Plunging headfirst into these bleak caves was said to be certain death. If our fate is death then so be it. Until that time comes, my people will fight and I will lead them to fight!")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Och, human though ye be, ye speak very like a dwarf, lad. Form up, men! To the mines! Let the guardsmen stay behind along with the noncombatants — for their safety and to hold the keep.")} [/story] {NR_TRACK {REVOLT_STAGE3}} diff --git a/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg b/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg index 5c3c38135e01..b09d04bad0c7 100644 --- a/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg +++ b/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/06a_Old_Friend.cfg @@ -26,93 +26,52 @@ [part] story= _ "When Tallin’s party had shaken the dust of the road from their clothes, the humans and dwarves once again met in council." [/part] - [part] - story= _ "It is well, Hamel. Our people prosper." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Aye. Word ha’ spread, and dwarves who had been living rough in the wilds for fear of the orcs have been coming to join us. Thanks to you, Tallin, Knalga is rising again!" - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "We have cleared the connecting tunnels to here and to the old keep as well as other parts o’ Knalga." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "It is slow and dangerous work, mostly due to the trolls. But it ha’ been made easier by Malifor’s ending." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "The lich’s skeletons were fighting the trolls, but when you destroyed him, they all just fell apart. So, there are many tunnels that are now infested with nothing but piles of old bones." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Great! How about the weapons and armor?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "As you can see, Tallin, there are muckle heaps of them, all ready to be borne into battle." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "What’s more, some of the dwarves who are expert with the sword, mace and bow, as well as some of yer own men who have grown skilled by experience, can teach others how to wield them." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "I didn’t know that you dwarves knew swordplay. I thought you all fought with axes, hammers or those thunder weapons." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - # wmllint: local spelling weaponsmiths - story= _ "Aye, it’s true we do prefer our axes and hammers, but then again, we make swords. We couldna’ claim to be expert weaponsmiths wi’out kenning how to wield the weapons we make." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "There are some dwarves out there that are bonny fighters wi’ a sword as any ye are like to meet. Belike with bows, maces and any other weapons we fashion." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "That’s great! What is the price of your weapons? We have gathered much booty from Malifor’s treasury and we will be able to pay you generously." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Price?! Don’t insult us, Tallin. Ye have done great things to help the dwarves — it’s because of you that we ha’ made a start rebuilding Knalga in the first place. Dinna’ ye speak of price to us." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "But don’t you need the gold to help rebuild Knalga? And we have plenty." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Tallin, Knalga was an extremely rich nation. Malifor’s treasury is hardly a fraction of the riches that we will find, and are finding every day now. So nae! Ye’ll need yon gold to rebuild Dwarven Doors." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Thank you, Hamel." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - # wmllint: local spelling Pahhh - story= _ "Pahhh, thank you!" - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "And Tallin, one more thing, I have been leading our people into battle for many years now. As a young dwarf I was trained in the arts of leadership and war. There are things you will need to know..." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - # wmllint: local spelling swingin' - story= _ "I know you’re impressive wi’ a pitchfork, and you are not half bad with a sword when you choose to use one. But there skills beyond swingin’ a weapon that a general must learn." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "I would be honored, Lord Hamel." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Ahhhh, quit with the formality, me lad. Now, first things first. One of the most important things about being a leader is...." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "It is well, Hamel. Our people prosper.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Aye. Word ha’ spread, and dwarves who had been living rough in the wilds for fear of the orcs have been coming to join us. Thanks to you, Tallin, Knalga is rising again!")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "We have cleared the connecting tunnels to here and to the old keep as well as other parts o’ Knalga.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "It is slow and dangerous work, mostly due to the trolls. But it ha’ been made easier by Malifor’s ending.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "The lich’s skeletons were fighting the trolls, but when you destroyed him, they all just fell apart. So, there are many tunnels that are now infested with nothing but piles of old bones.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Great! How about the weapons and armor?")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "As you can see, Tallin, there are muckle heaps of them, all ready to be borne into battle.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "What’s more, some of the dwarves who are expert with the sword, mace and bow, as well as some of yer own men who have grown skilled by experience, can teach others how to wield them.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "I didn’t know that you dwarves knew swordplay. I thought you all fought with axes, hammers or those thunder weapons.")} + + # wmllint: local spelling weaponsmiths + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Aye, it’s true we do prefer our axes and hammers, but then again, we make swords. We couldna’ claim to be expert weaponsmiths wi’out kenning how to wield the weapons we make.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "There are some dwarves out there that are bonny fighters wi’ a sword as any ye are like to meet. Belike with bows, maces and any other weapons we fashion.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "That’s great! What is the price of your weapons? We have gathered much booty from Malifor’s treasury and we will be able to pay you generously.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Price?! Don’t insult us, Tallin. Ye have done great things to help the dwarves — it’s because of you that we ha’ made a start rebuilding Knalga in the first place. Dinna’ ye speak of price to us.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "But don’t you need the gold to help rebuild Knalga? And we have plenty.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Tallin, Knalga was an extremely rich nation. Malifor’s treasury is hardly a fraction of the riches that we will find, and are finding every day now. So nae! Ye’ll need yon gold to rebuild Dwarven Doors.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Thank you, Hamel.")} + + # wmllint: local spelling Pahhh + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Pahhh, thank you!")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "And Tallin, one more thing, I have been leading our people into battle for many years now. As a young dwarf I was trained in the arts of leadership and war. There are things you will need to know...")} + + # wmllint: local spelling swingin' + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "I know you’re impressive wi’ a pitchfork, and you are not half bad with a sword when you choose to use one. But there skills beyond swingin’ a weapon that a general must learn.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "I would be honored, Lord Hamel.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Ahhhh, quit with the formality, me lad. Now, first things first. One of the most important things about being a leader is....")} + [part] story= _ "The humans rested for many days while they were equipped with new arms and armor and trained by the dwarves." [/part] diff --git a/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg b/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg index 2f44cc75c118..7be0929b9acf 100644 --- a/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg +++ b/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/07a_Settling_Disputes.cfg @@ -29,161 +29,85 @@ [part] story= _ "As the battle raged on, Tallin again made council with Hamel." [/part] - [part] - story= _ "How did ye fare?" - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "It was fierce and bloody. We fought them for three days and nights with no end in sight. Every time we killed an orc, it seemed that two more would take his place. We most assuredly cannot win fighting like this." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "So you withdrew. Rightly done, me lad. Our prepared defenses will be able to hold the orcs off far longer and with less loss than ye could ha’ done in the open field. I see that my training of you hasna’ been for naught." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "And I am grateful — but what should we do from here? The number of humans and dwarves is limited, unlike the orcs whose numbers seem unlimited." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Aye. But we must utterly crush this orcish host if we are to ha’ anything other than a brief respite." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Orcs are fickle; if we negotiated a treaty with them — assuming they would accept — it would just be broken as soon as the next warlord arose among them." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Then what shall we do? Can we assassinate this Rakshas fellow and throw them into disarray once more?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - #po: "coil" meant, in Middle and Early Modern English, a difficulty - #po: or problem. - story= _ "That will be very difficult. We did that last time and they will no doubt be alert to that threat now. Anyway, it would be but a temporary solution. Soon another strong leader would emerge and we’d find oursel’ back in the same coil." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Well, back to the drawing board. What should we do?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "I think we should try to gather more allies. That way we can engage them on many fronts, or divide them into smaller groups, or cut them off from their supplies. The possibilities are endless." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Wise words, but who is there in these wild Northlands that might aid us?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "You can count the Elves out. They are a selfish lot, only interested in themselves. They would only aid us if something drastic happened to them and they needed our help. What about Wesnoth?" - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Wesnoth is too far away, and we have no idea what political state they are in." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "The last news we heard of them was years ago when Prince Konrad passed through here. At that time the evil queen Asheviere was ruling, and it was said that she was in alliance with the orcs." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "And then that Princess Li’sar was in hot pursuit of Konrad as well. I wonder what became of them." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "The last time any dwarf set eyes on Konrad was when he set out to the eastern tunnels in search of the Sceptre of Fire, so he could claim his place as ruler." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Geez, what a fool’s quest. Everyone in these Northlands knows that the Sceptre is long gone." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "But we’re meandering. Where can we find allies in these wild Northlands?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Tallin, before I was captured by Malifor, I used to be in contact with a powerful magician called Ro’Arthian and his brother Ro’Sothian." - background=portraits/Father_Morvin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Ro’Arthian, bah! Don’t utter that cursed name!" - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Why not, Hamel, have you a grievance with him?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "I have heard all about him from my good friend Stalrag. He is — or was anyway, haven’t heard from him in years — the chief o’ the villages that lay along Highbrook Pass." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Those foul mages have long terrorized Stalrag and his people." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Remember, Hamel, there are often two sides to a story like this. Perhaps the mages see your dwarves as invaders. How would you feel if say... the elves decided to come in and level Knalga so they can grow another big forest on top?" - background=portraits/Father_Morvin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Those filthy elves! I’ll..." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "See?" - background=portraits/Father_Morvin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "What were you doing keeping contact with mages such as those anyway? Trying to save their souls?" - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "(Giggle) Something like that." - background=portraits/Sister_Thera.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "(Rolls eyes)" - background=portraits/Father_Morvin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Father Morvin, what are you trying to say?" - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "I propose that we go to Highbrook Pass and see how matters stand for ourselves. If the wizards are still alive, we might be able to persuade them to help us. What’s more, if Stalrag is still around we could use his help too." - background=portraits/Father_Morvin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "I don’t see how just two mages could help us very much, Father." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "They are not just any two mages. They have fine control over many creatures of the wild such as ogres, gryphons, and sometimes even trolls! It would be no bad thing to have those on your side for once." - background=portraits/Father_Morvin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "That sounds really good. What do you think, Hamel?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - # wmllint: local spelling hrmph - story= _ "Hrmph. These are desperate times. If those lunatics of mages will agree to help, I guess we’ll nae have any other choice but to accept." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Hey, we have had experiences with crazy mages ourselves. Believe me, they are dangerous! You will feel a lot better with some of them on your side." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Ye’ll need to travel light to reach Highbrook Pass before the orcs mount another assault in force. I think ye should take as little gold as you think ye’ll need and leave the rest here. We’ll store it in the tunnels furthest away from the attacking orcs in case they break through." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "So it shall be. Now how exactly do we get to this mountain pass?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "How did ye fare?")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "It was fierce and bloody. We fought them for three days and nights with no end in sight. Every time we killed an orc, it seemed that two more would take his place. We most assuredly cannot win fighting like this.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "So you withdrew. Rightly done, me lad. Our prepared defenses will be able to hold the orcs off far longer and with less loss than ye could ha’ done in the open field. I see that my training of you hasna’ been for naught.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "And I am grateful — but what should we do from here? The number of humans and dwarves is limited, unlike the orcs whose numbers seem unlimited.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Aye. But we must utterly crush this orcish host if we are to ha’ anything other than a brief respite.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Orcs are fickle; if we negotiated a treaty with them — assuming they would accept — it would just be broken as soon as the next warlord arose among them.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Then what shall we do? Can we assassinate this Rakshas fellow and throw them into disarray once more?")} + + #po: "coil" meant, in Middle and Early Modern English, a difficulty + #po: or problem. + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "That will be very difficult. We did that last time and they will no doubt be alert to that threat now. Anyway, it would be but a temporary solution. Soon another strong leader would emerge and we’d find oursel’ back in the same coil.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Well, back to the drawing board. What should we do?")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "I think we should try to gather more allies. That way we can engage them on many fronts, or divide them into smaller groups, or cut them off from their supplies. The possibilities are endless.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Wise words, but who is there in these wild Northlands that might aid us?")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "You can count the Elves out. They are a selfish lot, only interested in themselves. They would only aid us if something drastic happened to them and they needed our help. What about Wesnoth?")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Wesnoth is too far away, and we have no idea what political state they are in.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "The last news we heard of them was years ago when Prince Konrad passed through here. At that time the evil queen Asheviere was ruling, and it was said that she was in alliance with the orcs.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "And then that Princess Li’sar was in hot pursuit of Konrad as well. I wonder what became of them.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "The last time any dwarf set eyes on Konrad was when he set out to the eastern tunnels in search of the Sceptre of Fire, so he could claim his place as ruler.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Geez, what a fool’s quest. Everyone in these Northlands knows that the Sceptre is long gone.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "But we’re meandering. Where can we find allies in these wild Northlands?")} + + {STORY_PART_FATHER_MORVIN (_ "Tallin, before I was captured by Malifor, I used to be in contact with a powerful magician called Ro’Arthian and his brother Ro’Sothian.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Ro’Arthian, bah! Don’t utter that cursed name!")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Why not, Hamel, have you a grievance with him?")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "I have heard all about him from my good friend Stalrag. He is — or was anyway, haven’t heard from him in years — the chief o’ the villages that lay along Highbrook Pass.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Those foul mages have long terrorized Stalrag and his people.")} + + {STORY_PART_FATHER_MORVIN (_ "Remember, Hamel, there are often two sides to a story like this. Perhaps the mages see your dwarves as invaders. How would you feel if say... the elves decided to come in and level Knalga so they can grow another big forest on top?")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Those filthy elves! I’ll...")} + + {STORY_PART_FATHER_MORVIN (_ "See?")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "What were you doing keeping contact with mages such as those anyway? Trying to save their souls?")} + + {STORY_PART_SISTER_THERA (_ "(Giggle) Something like that.")} + + {STORY_PART_FATHER_MORVIN (_ "(Rolls eyes)")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Father Morvin, what are you trying to say?")} + + {STORY_PART_FATHER_MORVIN (_ "I propose that we go to Highbrook Pass and see how matters stand for ourselves. If the wizards are still alive, we might be able to persuade them to help us. What’s more, if Stalrag is still around we could use his help too.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "I don’t see how just two mages could help us very much, Father.")} + + {STORY_PART_FATHER_MORVIN (_ "They are not just any two mages. They have fine control over many creatures of the wild such as ogres, gryphons, and sometimes even trolls! It would be no bad thing to have those on your side for once.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "That sounds really good. What do you think, Hamel?")} + + # wmllint: local spelling hrmph + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Hrmph. These are desperate times. If those lunatics of mages will agree to help, I guess we’ll nae have any other choice but to accept.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Hey, we have had experiences with crazy mages ourselves. Believe me, they are dangerous! You will feel a lot better with some of them on your side.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Ye’ll need to travel light to reach Highbrook Pass before the orcs mount another assault in force. I think ye should take as little gold as you think ye’ll need and leave the rest here. We’ll store it in the tunnels furthest away from the attacking orcs in case they break through.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "So it shall be. Now how exactly do we get to this mountain pass?")} [/story] [story] [part] diff --git a/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg b/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg index 24c048f180aa..d3fe6de94f41 100644 --- a/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg +++ b/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/08a_Elvish_Princess.cfg @@ -56,70 +56,37 @@ {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "I think we have a chance to make some new allies here...")} - [part] - story= _ "Allies? I take it we’re to go to them and ask them to join us in return for our help in rescuing their Princess? You heard their message — those elves have got their noses so high in the air they canna’ see over them. They wouldna’ ally themselves with the likes o’ us." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Of course we won’t do that. As a matter of fact I think it’s best that we don’t say anything to the elves at all." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Why d’ye say that?" - background=portraits/Stalrag.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Well, suppose we do join up with the elves — assuming they will let us — and we make a combined raid on the fortress, what will the orcs most likely do when the ransom slips from their grasp?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Kenning the way of orcs, belike they’d kill the princess, especially if it seems the rescue ha’ any chance of succeeding." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Exactly. On the other hand, if we raided the fortress while the orcs were talking ransom with the elves, the orcs might hesitate just long enough." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Hmmm... I think you’ve the right of it, lad. Most orcs being thicker than a wood-knot, I’d lay odds on Rakshas giving strict orders that she not be touched without his direct word on the matter." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "But it would be unwise to trust that the orcs will stay stupid forever. If we do go ahead with this raid, we are going to have to be in and out like lightning." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "My Shinsplitters will be invaluable for a job like this. They are fierce and never give ground and will not stop attacking until either they or their opponent lies dead. No fortress can stand long against them." - background=portraits/Stalrag.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Ha ha, I like this plan. Once we get our hands on this little sorceress the elves will be forced to do whatever we want them to." - background=portraits/Arthian.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Remember, Ro’Arthian, we need willing allies rather than resentful lackeys that would turn on us at the first reverse. If we rescue their princess, the elves may yet choose not to help us, but that is a risk we’ll have to take." - background=portraits/Father_Morvin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Elves are deeply honor-bound, especially in matters that touch their kin. If we rescue the princess, I am certain the deed will not go without reward." - background=portraits/Sister_Thera.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "And at the very least, the orcs will not be able to raise troops with ransom money they don’t have." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Bah... weak, soft humans. Have it your way if you must." - background=portraits/Arthian.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "So it shall be, Tallin, I’ll hold the caves here while you and Stalrag’s Shinsplitters fare to Bitterhold. The orcs still haven’t given up their attack on our southern tunnels." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Then to arms, men! For Knalga and the princess!" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Allies? I take it we’re to go to them and ask them to join us in return for our help in rescuing their Princess? You heard their message — those elves have got their noses so high in the air they canna’ see over them. They wouldna’ ally themselves with the likes o’ us.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Of course we won’t do that. As a matter of fact I think it’s best that we don’t say anything to the elves at all.")} + + {STORY_PART_STALRAG (_ "Why d’ye say that?")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Well, suppose we do join up with the elves — assuming they will let us — and we make a combined raid on the fortress, what will the orcs most likely do when the ransom slips from their grasp?")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Kenning the way of orcs, belike they’d kill the princess, especially if it seems the rescue ha’ any chance of succeeding.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Exactly. On the other hand, if we raided the fortress while the orcs were talking ransom with the elves, the orcs might hesitate just long enough.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Hmmm... I think you’ve the right of it, lad. Most orcs being thicker than a wood-knot, I’d lay odds on Rakshas giving strict orders that she not be touched without his direct word on the matter.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "But it would be unwise to trust that the orcs will stay stupid forever. If we do go ahead with this raid, we are going to have to be in and out like lightning.")} + + {STORY_PART_STALRAG (_ "My Shinsplitters will be invaluable for a job like this. They are fierce and never give ground and will not stop attacking until either they or their opponent lies dead. No fortress can stand long against them.")} + + {STORY_PART_ARTHIAN (_ "Ha ha, I like this plan. Once we get our hands on this little sorceress the elves will be forced to do whatever we want them to.")} + + {STORY_PART_FATHER_MORVIN (_ "Remember, Ro’Arthian, we need willing allies rather than resentful lackeys that would turn on us at the first reverse. If we rescue their princess, the elves may yet choose not to help us, but that is a risk we’ll have to take.")} + + {STORY_PART_SISTER_THERA (_ "Elves are deeply honor-bound, especially in matters that touch their kin. If we rescue the princess, I am certain the deed will not go without reward.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "And at the very least, the orcs will not be able to raise troops with ransom money they don’t have.")} + + {STORY_PART_ARTHIAN (_ "Bah... weak, soft humans. Have it your way if you must.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "So it shall be, Tallin, I’ll hold the caves here while you and Stalrag’s Shinsplitters fare to Bitterhold. The orcs still haven’t given up their attack on our southern tunnels.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Then to arms, men! For Knalga and the princess!")} [/story] {NR_TRACK {RECOVERY_STAGE1}} diff --git a/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg b/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg index 6a62c13a9809..e3de99197ede 100644 --- a/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg +++ b/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/10a_Stolen_Gold.cfg @@ -31,54 +31,31 @@ [part] story= _ "Fearing the worst, Tallin rushed to find Hamel who also couldn’t bear to meet his eyes." [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Hamel, what is wrong?! Why is everyone acting so strangely?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "We are deeply ashamed of ourselves, Tallin. We ha’ failed the trust that ye gave us." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "What do you mean?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Yer gold, Tallin, we ha’ failed to protect it." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "My gold!? Why, what happened? Start from the beginning." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "No sooner had ye left then the orcs once again launched a massive assault." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Such a massive and fierce assault it was that we had to call upon all our reserves. When that proved insufficient, we had nae other choice then to call some men off the other defenses." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "It was a ploy. Nae sooner ha’ we thinned the ranks of the northern defenders then a small, hardened group of trolls smashed through the defenses and made their way straight for your gold." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "We beat them back, but not before they made off with your entire stock of gold." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "I am sorry, Tallin, we did all that we could. I would we could ha’ done more." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Oh no! Rakshas will raise many troops with that gold!" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Aye. Well I ken it, Tallin." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Hamel, what is wrong?! Why is everyone acting so strangely?")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "We are deeply ashamed of ourselves, Tallin. We ha’ failed the trust that ye gave us.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "What do you mean?")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Yer gold, Tallin, we ha’ failed to protect it.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "My gold!? Why, what happened? Start from the beginning.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "No sooner had ye left then the orcs once again launched a massive assault.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Such a massive and fierce assault it was that we had to call upon all our reserves. When that proved insufficient, we had nae other choice then to call some men off the other defenses.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "It was a ploy. Nae sooner ha’ we thinned the ranks of the northern defenders then a small, hardened group of trolls smashed through the defenses and made their way straight for your gold.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "We beat them back, but not before they made off with your entire stock of gold.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "I am sorry, Tallin, we did all that we could. I would we could ha’ done more.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Oh no! Rakshas will raise many troops with that gold!")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Aye. Well I ken it, Tallin.")} + # Eryssa alive and friendly [if] [variable] @@ -86,67 +63,29 @@ equals=no [/variable] [then] - [part] - story= _ "Were you able to pursue them?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Och, we tried, Tallin, but with the orcs still pressing our southern defenses and other groups of trolls trying to break through everywhere, we simply ha’ not the manpower." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "How long ago did the trolls make off with the gold?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "It couldna’ been more than a day now." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Then we shall pursue them. Even if we don’t catch them, we might be able to hit Rakshas before he has had a chance to put all that gold to good use." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Hamel, rally the dwarves and prepare to mount an all-out offensive against the orcs. It’s time to give them some of their own." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "We will follow the trail of the trolls; it should lead us back to Rakshas." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Eryssa, what news of the elves?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Our gryphons have reached them. They are no more than a few days march from us." - background=portraits/Eryssa.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "I will send another message to them asking them to send out scouts to locate the trolls who took your gold. Mayhap the elves will be able to get between the trolls and their allies." - background=portraits/Eryssa.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "So it shall be. Hamel, when I make contact with the orcs I’ll send you a message. When you get it, come at all speed. It is near time for the battle that will decide all." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "The axes and hammers o’ every dwarf thirst for the blood of the orcs!" - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "All right, let’s move out, people!" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Thus the party set off to the northern tunnels to pursue the trolls." - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "They met but light resistance all along the trail of the trolls, which they quickly overcame." - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Soon, the trail began to lead east, and then south. A few hours later the party emerged from the tunnels into dawn’s early light." - [/part] + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Were you able to pursue them?")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Och, we tried, Tallin, but with the orcs still pressing our southern defenses and other groups of trolls trying to break through everywhere, we simply ha’ not the manpower.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "How long ago did the trolls make off with the gold?")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "It couldna’ been more than a day now.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Then we shall pursue them. Even if we don’t catch them, we might be able to hit Rakshas before he has had a chance to put all that gold to good use.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Hamel, rally the dwarves and prepare to mount an all-out offensive against the orcs. It’s time to give them some of their own.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "We will follow the trail of the trolls; it should lead us back to Rakshas.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Eryssa, what news of the elves?")} + + {STORY_PART_ERYSSA (_ "Our gryphons have reached them. They are no more than a few days march from us.")} + + {STORY_PART_ERYSSA (_ "I will send another message to them asking them to send out scouts to locate the trolls who took your gold. Mayhap the elves will be able to get between the trolls and their allies.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "So it shall be. Hamel, when I make contact with the orcs I’ll send you a message. When you get it, come at all speed. It is near time for the battle that will decide all.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "The axes and hammers o’ every dwarf thirst for the blood of the orcs!")} [/then] # Eryssa dead or hostile [else] @@ -157,147 +96,76 @@ [/variable] # Eryssa is dead [else] - [part] - story= _ "This isn’t looking good. Not only do we fail to get the princess but now we lost all of our gold! Seriously Hamel, I don’t know if we’re gonna make it." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Don’t give in to despair, Tallin. At least you prevented the orcs from getting the ransom money." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Yeah, they ran off with all the rest of our gold instead." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Snap out of it Tallin! We are not in control of fate. We will do all we can to the best of our ability and leave the results to the gods." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "You’re right, Hamel, sorry. Were you able to pursue the trolls?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "We tried, Tallin, but with the orcs still pressing our southern defenses and other groups of trolls trying to break through everywhere, we simply didna’ ha’ the manpower." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "How long ago did the trolls make off with the gold?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "It couldna’ ha’ been more than a day now." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Then we shall pursue them. Even if we don’t catch them then we might be able to hit Rakshas before he has had a chance to put all that gold to good use." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Hamel, rally the dwarves and prepare to mount an all-out offensive against the orcs. It’s time to give them some of their own." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "We will follow the trail of the trolls; that should lead us to Rakshas." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "It is well thought. May the Bright Gods be with you." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "All right people, let’s move out!" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Thus the party set off to the northern tunnels to pursue the trolls." - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "They met but light resistance all along the trail of the trolls, which they quickly overcame." - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Soon, the trail began to lead east, and then south. A few hours later the party emerged from the tunnels into dawn’s early light." - [/part] + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "This isn’t looking good. Not only do we fail to get the princess but now we lost all of our gold! Seriously Hamel, I don’t know if we’re gonna make it.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Don’t give in to despair, Tallin. At least you prevented the orcs from getting the ransom money.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Yeah, they ran off with all the rest of our gold instead.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Snap out of it Tallin! We are not in control of fate. We will do all we can to the best of our ability and leave the results to the gods.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "You’re right, Hamel, sorry. Were you able to pursue the trolls?")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "We tried, Tallin, but with the orcs still pressing our southern defenses and other groups of trolls trying to break through everywhere, we simply didna’ ha’ the manpower.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "How long ago did the trolls make off with the gold?")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "It couldna’ ha’ been more than a day now.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Then we shall pursue them. Even if we don’t catch them then we might be able to hit Rakshas before he has had a chance to put all that gold to good use.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Hamel, rally the dwarves and prepare to mount an all-out offensive against the orcs. It’s time to give them some of their own.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "We will follow the trail of the trolls; it should lead us back to Rakshas.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "It is well thought. May the Bright Gods be with you.")} [/else] # Hostile [then] - [part] - story= _ "See, you wretched human! At least now you will appreciate the generosity of the elves." - background=portraits/Eryssa.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Shut up, you little snot! If it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t have lost our gold in the first place!" - background=portraits/Arthian.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "I wasn’t talking to you, lich! Learn to keep your mouth shut." - background=portraits/Eryssa.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Who is this annoying chit?" - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "This is the famous and benevolent princess Eryssa, in whose rescue we sacrificed many lives and much gold." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "That’s it! I have had enough from you worthless rabble. I will soon send a rider with the promised gold, and in the meantime, I’m leaving!" - background=portraits/Eryssa.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Begone and good riddance, brat!" - background=portraits/Arthian.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Back to the issue of the stolen gold, were you able to pursue the trolls?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "We tried, Tallin, but with the orcs still pressing our southern defenses and other groups of trolls trying to break through everywhere, we simply didna’ ha’ the manpower." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "How long ago did the trolls make off with the gold?" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "It couldna’ ha’ been more than a day now." - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Then we shall pursue them. Even if we don’t catch them then we might be able to hit Rakshas before he has had a chance to put all that gold to good use." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Hamel, rally the dwarves and prepare to make an all-out offensive against the orcs. It’s time to give them some of their own." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "We will follow the trail of the trolls, which, lead us back to Rakshas..." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "It is well thought. The axes and hammers of every dwarf thirst for the blood of the orcs!" - background=portraits/Hamel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "All right, let’s move out people!" - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Thus the party set off to the northern tunnels to pursue the trolls." - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "They met but light resistance all along the trail of the trolls, which they quickly overcame." - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Soon, the trail began to lead east, and then south. A few hours later the party emerged from the tunnels into dawn’s early light." - [/part] + {STORY_PART_ERYSSA (_ "See, you wretched human! At least now you will appreciate the generosity of the elves.")} + + {STORY_PART_ARTHIAN (_ "Shut up, you little snot! If it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t have lost our gold in the first place!")} + + {STORY_PART_ERYSSA (_ "I wasn’t talking to you, lich! Learn to keep your mouth shut.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "Who is this annoying chit?")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "This is the famous and benevolent princess Eryssa, in whose rescue we sacrificed many lives and much gold.")} + + {STORY_PART_ERYSSA (_ "That’s it! I have had enough from you worthless rabble. I will soon send a rider with the promised gold, and in the meantime, I’m leaving!")} + + {STORY_PART_ARTHIAN (_ "Begone and good riddance, brat!")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Back to the issue of the stolen gold, were you able to pursue the trolls?")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "We tried, Tallin, but with the orcs still pressing our southern defenses and other groups of trolls trying to break through everywhere, we simply didna’ ha’ the manpower.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "How long ago did the trolls make off with the gold?")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "It couldna’ ha’ been more than a day now.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Then we shall pursue them. Even if we don’t catch them then we might be able to hit Rakshas before he has had a chance to put all that gold to good use.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Hamel, rally the dwarves and prepare to make an all-out offensive against the orcs. It’s time to give them some of their own.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "We will follow the trail of the trolls; it should lead us back to Rakshas.")} + + {STORY_PART_HAMEL (_ "It is well thought. The axes and hammers of every dwarf thirst for the blood of the orcs!")} [/then] [/if] [/else] [/if] + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "All right, let’s move out, people!")} + + [part] + story= _ "Thus the party set off to the northern tunnels to pursue the trolls." + [/part] + [part] + story= _ "They met but light resistance all along the trail of the trolls, which they quickly overcame." + [/part] + [part] + story= _ "Soon, the trail began to lead east, and then south. A few hours later the party emerged from the tunnels into dawn’s early light." + [/part] [/story] {NR_TRACK {RECOVERY_STAGE4}} diff --git a/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg b/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg index 59781695a856..c0411b70d20c 100644 --- a/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg +++ b/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/scenarios/12a_Get_the_Gold.cfg @@ -36,55 +36,38 @@ [part] story= _ "With tears streaming down her face, Eryssa approached the fallen hero and cradled his head in her lap. As she stroked his face, his eyes fluttered open." [/part] - [part] - story= _ "I am sorry, princess... We held him for... as long as we could... but his bodyguards... were... just too many and powerful... And then... the orcish... reinforcements arrived..." - background=portraits/Hidel.png - [/part] + + {STORY_PART_HIDEL (_ "I am sorry, princess... We held him for... as long as we could... but his bodyguards... were... just too many and powerful... And then... the orcish... reinforcements arrived...")} + [part] story= _ "Her face streaked with tears, Eryssa gazed imploringly at Father Morvin and Sister Thera. They simply sighed and shook their heads. It was too late to save Hidel. In a broken voice Eryssa addressed him:" [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Hidel, I am sorry. I have sent you to your death, and I grieve." - background=portraits/Eryssa.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "... Don’t tax yourself... princess... I have died... a warrior’s death... You should be proud..." - background=portraits/Hidel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "... But... there is... one thing... we... could do. We... managed to... recover the gold... Sisal... took it and... retreated south..." - background=portraits/Hidel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "I held out as... long as... I could... but they... defeated us... Rakshas went... east and the... rest... went... after... Sisal..." - background=portraits/Hidel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Now... uphold the honor... of the Northern... Elves... Recover... the gold... slay this monster... and bring peace and... prosperity... back to the... Northlands... Tallin?" - background=portraits/Hidel.png - [/part] + + {STORY_PART_ERYSSA (_ "Hidel, I am sorry. I have sent you to your death, and I grieve.")} + + {STORY_PART_HIDEL (_ "... Don’t tax yourself... princess... I have died... a warrior’s death... You should be proud...")} + + {STORY_PART_HIDEL (_ "... But... there is... one thing... we... could do. We... managed to... recover the gold... Sisal... took it and... retreated south...")} + + {STORY_PART_HIDEL (_ "I held out as... long as... I could... but they... defeated us... Rakshas went... east and the... rest... went... after... Sisal...")} + + {STORY_PART_HIDEL (_ "Now... uphold the honor... of the Northern... Elves... Recover... the gold... slay this monster... and bring peace and... prosperity... back to the... Northlands... Tallin?")} + [part] story= _ "At Hidel’s call Tallin approached and knelt beside Hidel, bowing his head in respect." [/part] - [part] - story= _ "At your service, sir." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Eryssa has been... my charge ever... since she was born... I now return... to the earth... from which... I sprang... Please take care... of her." - background=portraits/Hidel.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Rest assured, sir, I will place myself between Eryssa and any ill that strength or love may counter." - background=portraits/Tallin.png - music=love_theme.ogg - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Thank you... Tallin... Now I may rest... in... peace... May you... be victorious..." - background=portraits/Hidel.png - [/part] + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "At your service, sir.")} + + {STORY_PART_HIDEL (_ "Eryssa has been... my charge ever... since she was born... I now return... to the earth... from which... I sprang... Please take care... of her.")} + + {STORY_PART_TALLIN (_ "Rest assured, sir, I will place myself between Eryssa and any ill that strength or love may counter.")} + + {STORY_PART_HIDEL (_ "Thank you... Tallin... Now I may rest... in... peace... May you... be victorious...")} + [part] story= _ "With these words Hidel closed his eyes and breathed his last. As Eryssa wept with Hidel’s head in her lap, Tallin approached her, hesitating, and then wrapped her gently in his arms." + music=love_theme.ogg [/part] [part] story= _ "Sobbing against Tallin’s chest, Eryssa told him of the many ways Hidel had cherished and warded her since the hour of her birth. How he had comforted her childhood hurts; how in later years, he had guided her in the green paths of the forest, and taught her the deep mysteries of Elven-kind." @@ -95,14 +78,11 @@ [part] story= _ "As Tallin comforted Eryssa, the rest of the party spread out and rallied the scattered elves, and tending to the wounded. This being done, they once again came before Tallin and Eryssa." [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Princess... it is a hard thing, I know, but you must put your grief behind you. Or at least, put it aside for a little while. We must go quickly to the aid of Sisal and recover our gold." - background=portraits/Father_Morvin.png - [/part] - [part] - story= _ "Forge your sorrow into rage, girl, and visit it on the slayers of your kinsmen. Teach them what happens to those who make an enemy of an elf." - background=portraits/Arthian.png - [/part] + + {STORY_PART_FATHER_MORVIN (_ "Princess... it is a hard thing, I know, but you must put your grief behind you. Or at least, put it aside for a little while. We must go quickly to the aid of Sisal and recover our gold.")} + + {STORY_PART_ARTHIAN (_ "Forge your sorrow into rage, girl, and visit it on the slayers of your kinsmen. Teach them what happens to those who make an enemy of an elf.")} + [part] story= _ "At these words, Eryssa arose and wiped away her tears. She took command of the surviving elvish forces, for all knew she was a princess of high rank and looked to Hidel’s ward as their leader by right. Scarcely a face among them was less grim than her own as they took arms and started down Rakshas’s back-trail." music=vengeful.ogg diff --git a/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/utils.cfg b/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/utils.cfg index 2aff42b0dc6e..4339bc695913 100644 --- a/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/utils.cfg +++ b/data/campaigns/Northern_Rebirth/utils/utils.cfg @@ -63,10 +63,22 @@ {STORY_PART_SPEECH portraits/Father_Morvin.png (_ "Father Morvin") {SPEECH_STRING} } #enddef +#define STORY_PART_SISTER_THERA SPEECH_STRING + {STORY_PART_SPEECH portraits/Sister_Thera.png (_ "Sister Thera") {SPEECH_STRING} } +#enddef + #define STORY_PART_STALRAG SPEECH_STRING {STORY_PART_SPEECH portraits/Stalrag.png (_ "Stalrag") {SPEECH_STRING} } #enddef +#define STORY_PART_ERYSSA SPEECH_STRING + {STORY_PART_SPEECH portraits/Eryssa.png (_ "Eryssa") {SPEECH_STRING} } +#enddef + +#define STORY_PART_HIDEL SPEECH_STRING + {STORY_PART_SPEECH portraits/Hidel.png (_ "Hidel") {SPEECH_STRING} } +#enddef + #macro for spawning a unit with ai guardian special #define GENERIC_GUARDIAN_UNIT SIDE TYPE X Y {GENERIC_UNIT {SIDE} {TYPE} {X} {Y} }