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Dora is a better job manage system with minimum dependence.

License and Terms of Use

License Agreement

Effective July 25, 2024, the library is licensed under the AGPL-v3. Non-commercial use requires adherence to the current license terms. Commercial use necessitates explicit authorization from the author. All library implementations must comply with the latest license within three months of this date.

Terms of Use for Commercial Exploitation of Library Content

Commercial Use and Copyright

Any commercial use of library content without explicit written consent from the author constitutes a breach of copyright. Such unauthorized use obligates the user to contribute 1% of the commercial income derived from the use of the library to the author.

Grace Period for License Transition

Existing commercial users of previous library versions have a three-month grace period to transition. After this period, users must either cease commercial use or comply with the latest license.

Commitment to Security and User Support

The author is committed to providing the highest level of security for commercial users. To ensure timely security updates, which often require significant development resources, commercial users are encouraged to register their usage. This information aids in effective resource allocation and prioritization of security enhancements.

Commercial use of the library without registration may result in delayed or limited access to critical security updates. Unregistered commercial use is prohibited.

More detail see the link