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White Ruby

White makes accepting payments in the Middle East ridiculously easy. Sign up for an account at

Getting Started

Using White with your Ruby project is simple. If you're using bundler (and really, who isn't these days amirite?), you just need to add one line to your Gemfile:

gem 'white_payments', require: 'white'

Now, running bundle install will pull the library directly to your local project.

Using White

You'll need an account with White if you don't already have one (grab one real quick at and come back .. we'll wait).

Got an account? Great .. let's get busy.

1. Initializing White

To get started, you'll need to initialize White with your secret API key. Here's how that looks (we're using a test key, so no real money will be exchanging hands):

require 'white'

White.api_key = "test_sec_k_25dd497d7e657bb761ad6"

That's it! You probably want to do something with the White object though -- it gets really bored when it doesn't have anything to do.

Let's run a transaction, shall we.

2. Processing a transaction through White

Now, for the fun part. Here's all the code you need to process a transaction with White:

    :amount => 5,
    :currency => "aed",
    :email => "",
    :card => {
      :number => "4242424242424242",
      :exp_month => 11,
      :exp_year => 2016,
      :cvv => 123
    :description => "2kg of lizard tails, non-refundable"

This transaction should be successful since we used the 4242 4242 4242 4242 test credit card. For a complete list of test cards, and their expected output you can check out this link here.

How can you tell that it was successful? Well, if no exception is raised then you're in the clear.

3. Handling Errors

Any errors that may occur during a transaction is raised as an Exception. Here's an example of how you can handle errors with White:

  # Use White's bindings...
rescue White::BankingError => e
  # Since it's a decline, White::BankingError will be caught
  puts "Status is: #{e.http_status}"
  puts "Code is: #{e.code}"
  puts "Message is: #{e.message}"
rescue White::RequestError => e
  # Invalid parameters were supplied to White's API

rescue White::AuthenticationError => e
  # There's something wrong with that API key you passed

rescue White::ProcessingError => e
  # There's something wrong on White's end
rescue White::WhiteError => e
  # Display a very generic error to the user, and maybe send
  # yourself an email
rescue => e
  # Something else happened, completely unrelated to White

Testing White

If you're looking to contribute to White, then grab this repo and run rake on your local machine to run the unit tests.


Read our Contributing Guidelines for details