Collection of tools for investigating poker hands, odds, equity and other things to teach myself Haskell.
fp - poker equity calculator
Usage: fp [-s|--seed SEED] [-t|--trials TRIALS] [-d|--dead DEADCARDS]
[-b|--board BOARDCARDS] [HANDS...]
Calculate equity for multiple hands
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
-s,--seed SEED PRNG seed to use
-t,--trials TRIALS Number of sample boards to run
-d,--dead DEADCARDS Cards known to be dead, no longer in the deck
-b,--board BOARDCARDS Cards already on the board
The program currently takes the following options;
- trials Number of trials to run, defaults to 100,000 or the number of possible baords, whichever is lower
- dead Dead cards to be removed from stub when geenrating boards.
- board Cards already on the board to simulate the flop/turn already having been dealt.
- seed Random number seed to use. If not supplied it will use a random seed value.
Arguments following options should be hole-cards that are to be compared.
e.g. To compare the hand Ace of Diamonds and Jack of Diamonds to Ace of Clubs and Three of Clubs
bash$ fp AdJd Ac3c
e.g. To compare the above hands over a sample size of 50K trials with the Eight of Diamonds being dead and the board consisting of the Two, Four and Five of clubs;
bash$ fp --trials 50000 --dead [8d] --board [2c,4c,5c] AdJd Ac3c
I am an experienced developer who wants to learn Haskell for fun and profit. I have looked at Haskell before but never had time to really immerse myself in it.
There are projects I might want to use it for commercially and so I need more than Project Euler problems to learn where the bodies are buried in terms of complexity, performance, functionality.
This collection of libraries/tools is in a domain I understand that provides problems in terms of algorithms, IO and optimisation.
- Cards exist and have IO functions to present them neatly in the terminal
- Decks can be created and shuffled
- Hold Em hands can be created and ranked
- Hold Em hand shape can be determined
- Equity calculations for multiple hands on a sample of boards works
- Parallel calculator also present
- Comprehensive option parsing
This package uses the Stack build system.
Setup, build and install binaries to standard locations.
bash$ stack setup
bash$ stack build
bash$ stack install
Build with profiling enabled in libraries.
bash$ stack setup
bash$ stack build --executable-profiling --library-profiling --ghc-options="-fprof-auto -rtsopts"
Run with profiling options. These must come after the --
to ensure all options gets passed to you program instead of the stack
bash$ stack exec fp -- --seed 123456 --trials 10000 AdJd Ac3c +RTS -N -p -s -h -i0.1
Inspect *.prof
files or convert *.hp
files into graphs using hp2ps
bash$ hp2ps -c fp.hp
Will produce a postscript graph of the heap for that run.