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KlienVo edited this page Aug 25, 2023 · 17 revisions

Welcome to the SADISS Wiki!

SADISS stands for socially aggregated, digitally integrated sound system.

It is a web-based application that bundles smartphones into monumental yet intricate sound systems or choirs. It is developed at Institute for Composition, Conducting & Computer music of the Anton Bruckner University (Linz, Austria). The project's homepage you can find here:

It aims at making possible portable seas of sound and as well as ad-hoc ensembles and choirs allowing for the creation of:

  • massively multi-channel sound systems for re-synthesizing compositions right in the middle of the gathering of listeners using their smartphones’ loudspeakers
  • facilitating ad hoc theatre performances and choirs of human singers, guided individually via headphones.

The sound system facilitates the creation of portable, crowd-sized seas of sound opening wholly new fields for composers and artists to explore. In this Wiki we collect information about the system, its potential uses and some links to related projects and context.

The best place to start learning about SADISS might be: Overview ‐ What is SADISS?.

The development of SADISS has been funded through the following programs:

  • 'Digitale Transformation' 2022, Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport (Federal Ministry, Republic of Austria - Arts, Culture, Civil Service & Sport)
  • ‘CALL 2021 – Kunst und Kultur im digitalen Raum‘ by Land Öberösterreich, Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport


The Basics

Learn what SADISS actually is and how its components work together.

Preparing data for SADISS tracks

Learn how to prepare audio/TTS data for SADISS tracks.

Setting up performances

Learn how to create your own tracks & performances

The SADISS Server

Learn how to set up your own server

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