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added "type2xsd" function, fixed pretty-printing.
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willemdj committed Jan 20, 2016
1 parent 66b75e7 commit a349d11
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Showing 5 changed files with 290 additions and 7 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/erlsom.erl
Expand Up @@ -52,9 +52,9 @@
-type local_name() :: string().
-type attribute() :: erlsom_sax:attribute().

-opaque model() :: #model{}.
-type model() :: #model{}.
-opaque sax_event() :: startDocument | endDocument |
-type sax_event() :: startDocument | endDocument |
{startPrefixMapping, prefix(), uri()} | {endPrefixMapping, prefix()} |
{startElement, uri(), local_name(), prefix(), [attribute()]} |
{endElement, uri(), local_name(), prefix()} |
Expand Down
14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions src/erlsom_lib.erl
Expand Up @@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@ unique(A, [], Acc) ->

%% NOTE: this probably does not work on all possible XML files, it has only be written
%% NOTE: this probably does not work on all possible XML files, it has only been written
%% to pretty print WSDL files generated by erlsom.
%% The rules are:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1052,6 +1052,12 @@ prettyPrint(String) ->
Indent = string:copies(Spaces, IndentLevel),
TagContent = printStartTagContent(NewNamespaces, SE),
{[[Indent, $<, TagContent, ">\n"] | Acc], IndentLevel + 1, [], Event, false};
{{startElement, _, _, _, _} = SE, {startPrefixMapping, _, _}} ->
%% Will always be followed by another startElement, so treat like
%% the clause above
Indent = string:copies(Spaces, IndentLevel),
TagContent = printStartTagContent(NewNamespaces, SE),
{[[Indent, $<, TagContent, ">\n"] | Acc], IndentLevel + 1, [], Event, false};
{{characters, Characters}, {startElement, _, _, _, _}} ->
%% mixed scenario, print characters and newline
{[[xmlString(Characters), $\n] | Acc], IndentLevel, [], Event, false};
Expand All @@ -1070,7 +1076,8 @@ prettyPrint(String) ->
NewIndentLevel = IndentLevel - 1,
Indent = if NoIndent == true -> []; true -> string:copies(Spaces, NewIndentLevel) end,
{[[Indent, "</", printPf(Prefix), LocalName, ">\n"] | Acc], NewIndentLevel, [], Event, false};
{_, _} ->
{_, _Ignored} ->
%io:format("ignoring: ~p~n", [_Ignored]),
%% ignore
Expand All @@ -1080,7 +1087,8 @@ prettyPrint(String) ->

printStartTagContent(NewNamespaces, {startElement, _, LocalName, Prefix, Attributes}) ->
Namespaces = printNamespaces(NewNamespaces),
AttributeStr = printAttributes(Attributes),
% silly but the sax parser delivers them in the wrong order.
AttributeStr = printAttributes(lists:reverse(Attributes)),
[printPf(Prefix), LocalName, Namespaces, AttributeStr].

printAttributes(Atts) ->
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/erlsom_parseXsd.erl
Expand Up @@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ xsdModel(Namespaces) ->
atts = [#att{nm = ref, nr = 3, opt = true, tp = qname},
#att{nm = id, nr = 4, opt = true, tp = char}],
nr = 3}],
nss = [#ns{prefix = "xsd", uri = ""} | Namespaces],
nss = [#ns{prefix = "xsd", uri = "", efd = qualified} | Namespaces],
th = [],
any_attribs = true,
value_fun = fun(Value, _Acc) -> {Value, Value} end}.
Expand Down
274 changes: 274 additions & 0 deletions src/erlsom_type2xsd.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
%% translates an erlang type specification to an xsd.

%% The set of type specifications that can be translated is limited

%% The spec consists of record definitions only.
%% Only integer() and string() can be used as basic types.
%% Lists and unions can be used to structure things (no tuples).
%% All fields will be optional, except if you provide a default value (this is
%% conform the meaning of the type specs). This is often not what you
%% want in the XSD. It is easy to fix this in the resulting XSD.

%% 'elements' will be created for all types. You can change this behaviour by
%% explicitly limiting for which types elements must be created by using
%% a module attribute "-erlsom_xsd_elements([Name])." (It is recommended
%% to do this, since it will result in better type checking and
%% a cleaner XSD).

%% a namespace can be specified using a command line option, or using
%% a special attribute in the file.

%% It is possible to indicate which fields of a record have to be implemented
%% as attributes by putting a module attribute "-erlsom_xsd_attributes([Name]).", where
%% Name is of the form Record.Field. Attributes have to be declared in this way
%% before the record in which they are used.
%% Alternativily, the fields can be given a name that starts with '@': '@attribute'.
%% NOTE: only the first (couple of) elements of the record can be
%% declared as attributes, since Erlsom will always put the attributes first.


-export([test/0, test/1, type_to_xsd/2, type_to_xsd/3]).
-export([file/2, file/3]).

-include("erlsom_compile.hrl"). %% the records for XSD elements
-include("erlsom.hrl"). %% qname{} and ns{}

-type form() :: any(). %% result of erl_parse:parse_form()
-type uri() :: string().
-type prefix() :: string().
-type option() :: {target_namespace, {uri(), prefix()}}.

%% testing bits
testString() ->
{ok, Binary} = file:read_file("test_hrl_sms.hrl"),

test() ->

test(_Options) ->
XsdFile = "test_hrl_sms.xsd",
type_to_xsd(testString(), XsdFile),
{ok,Model} = erlsom:compile_xsd_file(XsdFile, [{include_any_attribs, false}]),
{ok, Struct, _} = erlsom:scan_file("sms.xml", Model),

%% end of testing bits

{elements = [] %% accumulates the top level elements
,types = [] %% accumulates the types
,atts = [] %% holds the list of elements that must be treated as
%% attributes
,els = [] %% the list of 'top level' elements. If empty, all types
%% will be made available as elements
,ns %% holds the namespace ({Namespace, Prefix}).

file(Hrl_file, Xsd_file) ->
file(Hrl_file, Xsd_file, []).

file(Hrl_file, Xsd_file, Options) ->
{ok, Binary} = file:read_file(Hrl_file),
type_to_xsd(binary_to_list(Binary), Xsd_file, Options).

type_to_xsd(String, XsdFile) ->
type_to_xsd(String, XsdFile, []).

type_to_xsd(String, XsdFile, Options) ->
{ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(String),
Forms = splitForms(Tokens),
ParsedForms = [erl_parse:parse_form(Form) || Form <- Forms],
io:format("parsed: ~p~n", [ParsedForms]),
Ok_forms = [Form || {ok, Form} <- ParsedForms],
Schema = translate_forms(Ok_forms, Options),
Xsd = make_xsd(Schema),
file:write_file(XsdFile, Xsd).

%% translate a set of forms (result erl_parse:parse_form()) to an XML schema.
%% The forms must be records ({attribute, record, _, {Name, Fields}}) or
%% the special attributes that can be used to specify things like the
%% target namespace etc.
-spec translate_forms(XSD_forms::form(), Options::option()) -> string().
translate_forms(Forms, Options) ->
Tns = proplists:get_value('target_namespace', Options, {"TargetNamespace", "tns"}),
#state{elements = Elements, types = Types, ns = Tns2} =
translateForms(Forms, #state{ns = Tns}),
#schemaType{elements = Elements ++ Types,
targetNamespace = getTns(Tns2),
elementFormDefault= "qualified", attributeFormDefault = "unqualified"}.

getTns({Value, _Prefix}) -> Value.

translateForms([], State) ->
translateForms([Form | T], S) ->
%% io:format("form: ~p~n", [Form]),
translateForms(T, translate(Form, S)).

%% returns State
translate({attribute, _, record, {Name, Fields}},
State = #state{elements = Els, types = Types, els = ExportEls,
ns = Target_namespace}) ->
%% return an element and a type
ElementName = atom_to_list(Name),
NewEls = case exportElement(ElementName, ExportEls) of
true ->
[#globalElementType{name = ElementName, type=qname(ElementName, Target_namespace)} | Els];
false ->
{Elements, Attributes} = translateFields(Fields, ElementName, State),
Model = #sequenceType{elements = Elements},
Type = #globalComplexTypeType{name = ElementName, attributes = Attributes, model = Model},
State#state{elements = NewEls, types = [Type | Types]};

translate({attribute, _, erlsom_xsd_elements, Els}, State = #state{els = ElsAcc}) ->
State#state{els = Els ++ ElsAcc};
%% state.ns holds the namespace ({Namespace, Prefix}).
translate({attribute, _, erlsom_xsd_namespace, {Ns, Pf}}, State) ->
State#state{ns = {Ns, Pf}};
translate({attribute, _, erlsom_xsd_namespace, Ns}, State) ->
State#state{ns = {Ns, undefined}};
translate({attribute, _, erlsom_xsd_attributes, Atts}, State = #state{atts = AttsAcc}) ->
State#state{atts = Atts ++ AttsAcc}.

translateFields(Fields, ElementName, State) ->
translateFields(Fields, [], [], ElementName, State).

translateFields([], Els, Atts, _ElementName, _State) ->
{lists:reverse(Els), lists:reverse(Atts)};
translateFields([{typed_record_field, Name, Type} | Tail], Els, Atts,
ElementName, #state{ns = Tns} = State) ->
{FieldName, MarkedAsAttr} = translateName(Name),
case isAttribute(FieldName, State#state.atts, ElementName) or MarkedAsAttr of
true ->
translateFields(Tail, Els, [translateAttribute(FieldName, Type, Tns) | Atts], ElementName, State);
false ->
translateFields(Tail, [translateElement(FieldName, Type, State) | Els], Atts, ElementName, State)

isAttribute(FieldName, Atts, ElementName) ->
%% Atts is a list of strings "[Element.Field"]
AttName = ElementName ++ "." ++ FieldName,
lists:member(AttName, Atts).

translateElement(FieldName, Type, #state{ns = Tns}) ->
{TranslatedType, MinOccurs, MaxOccurs} = translateType(Type, Tns),
case TranslatedType of
#choiceType{} ->
TranslatedType#choiceType{minOccurs = MinOccurs, maxOccurs = MaxOccurs};
_ ->
#localElementType{name = FieldName, type = TranslatedType, minOccurs = MinOccurs, maxOccurs = MaxOccurs}

translateAttribute(Field, Type, Tns) ->
%% TODO: a check on the validity of attribute types
{TranslatedType, MinOccurs, MaxOccurs} = translateType(Type, Tns),
%% TODO: attributes can be optional
#localAttributeType{name = Field, type = TranslatedType}.

-spec translateName(Record :: term()) -> {Name :: string(), IsAttribute :: boolean()}.
%% If Name starts with @, IsAttribute = true and @ is stripped of.
translateName({record_field, LineNo, Name, _Default}) ->
translateName({record_field, LineNo, Name});
translateName({record_field, _, {atom, _, Name}}) ->
case atom_to_list(Name) of
[$@ | T] ->
{T, true};
Other ->
{Other, false}

%% returns {TranslatedType, MinOccurs, MaxOccurs}
%% -record(qname, {uri, localPart, prefix, mappedPrefix}).
%% if the type is a union with 'undefined', the field is optional.
%% Type can be a union, a list, a simple type, ...?
%% The most complicated case is a union, so lets build a list of alternatives.
%% If one of the alternatives = "undefined", we can discard that, and make the
%% entire type optional.
%% If we still have more than 1 alternative left, it is a choice.
translateType({type, _, union, Alternatives}, Tns) ->
FilterUndefined = fun({atom, _, undefined}) -> true;
(_) -> false
FilterDefined = fun(X) -> not(FilterUndefined(X)) end,
%% look for 'undefined' (and remove it)
Optional = lists:any(FilterUndefined, Alternatives),
Alternatives2 = lists:filter(FilterDefined, Alternatives),
%% now it can either be a single simple type, or a real choice between 2 or more record types
MinOccurs = case Optional of
true -> "0";
_ -> undefined
case Alternatives2 of
[{type, _, SimpleType, _} = TheType] when SimpleType == integer; SimpleType == boolean;
SimpleType == string; SimpleType == record -> %% not really a choice
{Type, _, MaxOccurs} = translateType(TheType, Tns),
{Type, MinOccurs, MaxOccurs};
[{type, _, list, [Element]}] -> %% not really a choice
{Type, _, _} = translateType(Element, Tns),
{Type, MinOccurs, "unbounded"};
_ ->
TranslatedAlternatives = [translateAlternative(Alternative, Tns) || Alternative <- Alternatives2],
{#choiceType{alternatives = TranslatedAlternatives}, MinOccurs, undefined}

translateType({type, _, list, [Element]}, Tns) ->
TranslatedElement = translateType(Element, Tns),
{TranslatedElement, "0", "unbounded"};

translateType({type, _, record, [{atom, _, RecordType}]}, Tns) ->
{qname(atom_to_list(RecordType), Tns),
undefined, undefined};

translateType({atom, _, undefined}, _) ->
translateType({type, _, integer, []}, _) ->
{#qname{localPart = "integer", uri = ""},
undefined, undefined};
translateType({type, _, boolean, []}, _) ->
{#qname{localPart = "boolean", uri = ""},
undefined, undefined};
translateType({type, _, string, []}, _) ->
{#qname{localPart = "string", uri = ""},
undefined, undefined}.

%% alternatives have to be references to records (or lists of those).
translateAlternative({type, _, record, [{atom, _, RecordName}]}, Tns) ->
#localElementType{name = atom_to_list(RecordName), type = qname(atom_to_list(RecordName), Tns)}.

splitForms(Tokens) ->
splitForms(Tokens, [], []).
splitForms([{dot, Line} | Tail], TokenAcc, FormAcc) ->
splitForms(Tail, [], [lists:reverse([{dot, Line} | TokenAcc]) | FormAcc]);
splitForms([], [], FormAcc) ->
splitForms([Token | Tail], TokenAcc, FormAcc) ->
splitForms(Tail, [Token | TokenAcc], FormAcc).

make_xsd(Schema) ->
%% get the model
Model = erlsom_parseXsd:xsdModel(),
%% create the Xsd
%% %% TODO: attributes can be optional
{ok, R} = erlsom:write(Schema, Model),

%% if no elements are declared explitly, all will be part of the XSD.
exportElement(_Element, []) ->
exportElement(Element, List) ->
lists:member(Element, List).

%% -record(qname, {uri, localPart, prefix, mappedPrefix}).
qname(LocalPart, {Tns, Prefix}) ->
#qname{localPart = LocalPart, uri = Tns, prefix = Prefix, mappedPrefix = Prefix}.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/erlsom_write.erl
Expand Up @@ -446,6 +446,7 @@ processAttributes(Struct, ResultSoFar, [#att{nm = Name,
processAttributes(Struct, ResultWithThisAttribute, Rest, Namespaces, DeclaredNamespaces2)

%% returns:
%% {AttributeValue, NamespacesString, NewDeclaredNamespaces}
%% -record(qname, {uri, localPart, prefix, mappedPrefix}).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -536,7 +537,7 @@ processNamespaces(Tag, Namespaces, DeclaredNamespaces = {NamespacesList, Counter
{[], DeclaredNamespaces, ""};
_Else ->
%% find prefix in Model
case lists:keysearch(Prefix, 3, lists:reverse(Namespaces)) of
case lists:keysearch(Prefix, #ns.prefix, lists:reverse(Namespaces)) of
{value, #ns{uri = Uri, efd = qualified}} ->
Xmlns = case Prefix of
undefined -> " xmlns";
Expand Down

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