diff --git a/guide/index.md b/guide/index.md index 9c235a5e..8dd0142d 100644 --- a/guide/index.md +++ b/guide/index.md @@ -11,25 +11,25 @@ [options]: /guide/configuration [features]: /features/ -# Getting Started +# 开始 {#getting-started} -**Windi CSS** is a next-generation utility-first CSS framework. +**Windi CSS** 是下一代工具优先的 CSS 框架。 -If you are already familiar with [Tailwind CSS], think about Windi CSS as an **on-demanded** alternative to Tailwind, which provides faster load times, **fully compatible with Tailwind v2.0** and with a bunch of additional cool features. +如果你已经熟悉了 [Tailwind CSS],可以把 Windi CSS 看作是**按需供应的** Tailwind 替代方案,它为你提供了更快的加载体验,**完美兼容 Tailwind v2.0**,并且拥有很多额外的酷炫功能。 -## Why Windi CSS? +## 为什么选择 Windi CSS?{#why-windi-css} -A quote from the author should illustrate his motivation to create Windi CSS: +在阐述为什么创建 Windi CSS 时,作者曾说: -> When my project became larger and there were about dozens of components, the initial compilation time reached 3s, and hot updates took more than 1s with Tailwind CSS. - [@voorjaar](https://github.com/voorjaar) +> 当项目越来越大时(大约几十个组件),使用 Tailwind CSS 最初的编译时间达到了 3s,而热更新时的时间甚至超过了 1s。- [@voorjaar](https://github.com/voorjaar) -By scanning your HTML and CSS and generating utilities on demand, Windi CSS is able to provide [faster load times][video comparison] and a speedy HMR in development and does not require purging in production. +通过扫描 HTML 和 CSS 按需生成工具类(utilities),Windi CSS 致力于在开发中提供 [更快的加载体验][video comparison] 以及更快的 HMR,并且在生产环境下无需对 CSS 进行 Purge(一种在生产环境中对未使用的 CSS 进行清除而节省体积的技术)。 -## Basic Usage +## 基础用法 {#basic-usage} -All [utilities] of [Tailwind CSS] are supported in Windi CSS without any extra configurations. +Windi CSS 支持 [Tailwind CSS] 的所有 [工具类][utilities],无需任何额外配置。 -You can use utility classes in your components and stylesheets as usual: +你可以像平常一样正常编写你的组件,同时在样式表中使用实用类: ```html
@@ -37,21 +37,21 @@ You can use utility classes in your components and stylesheets as usual:

Erin Lindford


Product Engineer



``` -**Only the utilities you use will generate the corresponding CSS.** +**只有你使用的工具类才会产生相应的 CSS**。 -## Integrations +## 集成 {#integrations} -We provide **first-class integrations** for your favorite tools with the best developer experience on each one of them, see the [integrations guides](/guide/installation) to get started! +我们为主流工具提供了**最佳的适配**,在每一个工具上都有最好的开发体验,请参阅 [集成指南](/guide/installation),选择你最喜欢的工具即刻体验! -## Features +## 特性 {#features} -In addition to Tailwind CSS v2, we also have some great features that only possible for Windi CSS. Refer to the [next chapter][features] for more details. +除了 Tailwind CSS v2 的已有特性外,我们还提供了只有 Windi CSS 才能实现的优秀特性。欲了解更多,请参考 [下一章节][features]。