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winton committed May 24, 2015
1 parent 7973a1c commit a06d7a2
Showing 1 changed file with 54 additions and 10 deletions.
64 changes: 54 additions & 10 deletions
@@ -1,28 +1,72 @@
# coffee-mixin

mix = require("coffee-mixin")

class A
constructor: -> console.log "hello"
world: -> console.log "world"

class B
@mixin A

constructor: -> super()
world: -> super()

new B().world()
C = mix A, B

# Outputs:
# hello
# world
new C().world()
# hello
# world

## Options

Available options with default values:
We can also automatically wrap all functions to call super before or
after the function is executed.

@mixin [Class],
append_super: false, # monkeypatch all functions with super (append)
prepend_super: false, # monkeypatch all functions with super (prepend)
change_super: true # modify existing super
append: false, # append all functions with super
prepend: false, # prepend all functions with super

## Append Example

mix = require("coffee-mixin")

class A
constructor: (str) -> console.log "#{str}lo"
world: (str) -> console.log "#{str}ld"

class B

# CoffeeScript does not `return` by default in constructors.
constructor: -> return "hel"
world: -> "wor"

C = mix A, B, append: true

new C().world()
# hello
# world

## Prepend Example

mix = require("coffee-mixin")

class A

# CoffeeScript does not `return` by default in constructors.
constructor: -> return "hel"
world: -> "wor"

class B
constructor: (str) -> console.log "#{str}lo"
world: (str) -> console.log "#{str}ld"

C = mix A, B, prepend: true

new C().world()
# hello
# world

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