DITTANY: Dynamic Information and TainTing flow ANalYsis tool
I have developed the DITTANY tool while conducting my PhD at the American University of Beirut. I have collected the results and written the paper while affiliated with the Lebanese University. I submitted the paper during my first two weeks at the University of Lille where Clementine Maurice has contributed to proofreading and enhancing the final draft of the paper. The paper received the best paper award at the Binary Analysis Research Workshop 2022 (BAR'22) that was co-located with Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2022 (NDSS'22), San Diego, California, USA.
You can refer to dittanyUserGuide.pdf inside the documentation folder for more information about the tool and its usage.
Please cite the tool as:
@phdthesis{Ghandour:phd, author = {Walid J Ghandour}, title = {Leveraging Strength-Based Dynamic Information Flow Analysis to Enhance Control and Data Value Predictions}, school = {American University of Beirut}, year = {2011} }
@inproceedings{GhandourDITTANY, title={DITTANY: Strength-Based Dynamic Information Flow Analysis Tool for x86 Binaries}, author={Walid J. Ghandour and Clementine Maurice}, booktitle={The Workshop on Binary Analysis Research (BAR) 2022 held in conjunction with the Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium}, month = {April}, year={2022} }