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###Activity 2

  1. A deck is a class which contains cards in a specific order
  2. 6 cards
  3. To play the game "21" the following is required:
ranks = {"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "jack", "queen", "king", "ace"};
suits = {"spades", "hearts", "diamonds", "clubs"};
pointValues = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11 };
Deck d = new Deck(ranks, suits, pointValues);
  1. The order of elements in rank and pointValues matter in that they must be of the same arbitrary order as each other. The order of elements in suits do not matter.

###Activity 3

  1. flip method
public static String flip() {
    double rand = Math.random();
    if (rand < 0.25) return "heads";
    else return "tails";
  1. arePermutations method
public static boolean arePermutations(int[] array1, int[] array2) {
    if (array1.length != array2.length) return false; //checks lengths
    int sum1 = 0;
    for (int a : array1) {
        sum1 += a;
    int sum2 = 0;
    for (int b : array2) {
        sum2 += b;
    if (sum1 != sum2) return false; //checks sums

    for (int a : array1) {
        boolean isInB = false;
        for (int b : array2) {
            if (a == b) isInB = true;
        if !isInB return false; //checks individual values
    return true;
  1. If the initial contents of values array is {1, 2, 3, 4} to change the contents of values to {4, 3, 2, 1}:
    Random numbers: {0, 1, 1, 0}

###Activity 5 1)

###Activity 6

  1. All possible plays for the board 5♠ 4♥ 2♦ 6♣ A♠ J♥ K♦ 5♣ 2♠ are:
5♠ 6♣
5♣ 6♣
  1. True. If the deck is empty, the remaining cards on the table must be able to form a pair/grouping. Any removable combination of 3 cards must be J Q K
  2. There is no strategy. The order doesn't matter because every card can only be used in one way. For example, the following is on the table:
3 8 7 9
2 A A 2

If one removes the 3 and 8 their options regarding other plays (9 and 2) will not change.
If instead one were to remove the 9 and either 2 their options regarding 3 and 8 would not change. Additionally, both 2s will affect possibilites equally as each is a single space into which the next card will be placed.

###Activity 7

c. The returned list will be


d. printCards method

public static printCards(ElevensBoard board) {
    List<Integer> cIndexes = board.cardIndexes();
    for (int i : cIndexes) {

e. removeSelectedCards needs to call cardIndexes before containsPairSum11 and containsJQK.

###Activity 8

  1. Each of the Elevens based games all involve cards that must sum to a certain point value, or must fulfill another specific requirement (e.g. a Jack Queen King pair in Elevens). The games differ in the number of piles for the game, as well as the point values assigned to the different cards.

  2. Board instance variables are initialized with the ElevensBoard values by writing

Board myBoard = new ElevensBoard();
  1. Abstract methods in

public abstract boolean isLegal public abstract boolean anotherPlayIsPossible

The way the methods above are implemented in ElevensBoard should be sufficient in covering differences between the Elevens derivative games.

###Activity 9

  1. size is not an abstract method because it is an accessor to a private variable of the abstract class Board which is a the method by which a subclass accesses cards array
  2. There is no abstract method to deal with the selection of cards being removed or replaced because which cards are selected is determined in an instance of ElevensGUIRunner (the GUI) and the selections are passed to the abstract class isLegal in Board to determine legality. In other words, the GUI must determine which cards are selected and explicitly indicate to the Board to replace those cards if necessary.
  3. Using an interface Board rather than an abstract class Board would still allow calls to isLegal and anotherPlayIsPossible however the design would not work as well as the current implementation as the using an abstract class Board allows every variation of the game (11s, 13s, etc) to use the same code in Board class to replace cards, determine if a game is won, and replace cards as these actions don't change depending on the game.

###Activity 10 *

###Activity 11 *


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