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remora: less insane JavaScript templating

remora is a JavaScript-based templating engine, fashioned after Mako, which strives to be slightly less broken than the current breed of JavaScript templating engines.



It demonstrates simple usage, remora's nifty parse tree, the not-entirely-terrible generated JavaScript and even some rendered HTML!


Sort of alpha! It's being used in a real (but internal) project and is under active development.

Less broken?

In my opinion, most current JavaScript templating engines are insufficient for my purposes for one (or more) reasons:

  • Debugging is difficult (template line numbers are not included in error messages, for example).
  • They are too simple (looping is difficult and automatic filtering is not supported, for example).
  • They rely on HTML attributes or other similarly complex schemes.

I hope that remora will address these issues by:

  • Ensuring that debuggability is a fundamental design goal, considered from the eighteenth commit.
  • Copying the design and syntax of a proven language, Mako.



remora's syntax is as close as possible to Mako's syntax, which can be used to clarify any detains that aren't sufficiently clear.

Expression Substitution

The content of ${...} will be evaluated as a JavaScript expression and the result emitted. For example:

Hello, ${what}!
The length of your hypotenuse is ${Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)}.

Note: if the result of the expression is exactly undefined it will be interpreted as an empty string:

> remora.render("d${undefined}b")

Expression Escaping

Expressions can be escaped or filtered by appending |<filter> to the expression. For example:

> remora.render("<em>${name|trim}</em>", { name: "  David  " })

The built-in filters are:

  • u: URL escaping (${"foo&bar"|u} --> "foo%26bar")
  • h: HTML escaping (enabled by default (see options.defaultFilters); ${"<&>"|h} --> "&lt;&amp;&gt;")
  • trim: trims leading and trailing whitespace (${" x "|trim} --> "x")
  • n: Disables all default escaping (${"<hr />"|n} --> "<hr />")

Filters can be chained using ,: ${" foo&bar "|trim,u} --> "foo%26bar".

Currently there is no mechanism for specifying custom filters, but this will change.

Control Structures

In addition to using "plain" JavaScript for control flow (see JavaScript Blocks), remora provides a set of slightly less verbose control structures:

  • % for [<key>, ]<value> in object: iterates over an object. Note that a standard for ... in loop is used, not a .forEach-esque closure. For example:

    % for language in ["JavaScript", "Python"]:
        I like ${language}!
    % endfor
    % for name, age in { "Jim": 12, "Jane": 16 }:
        ${name} is ${age} years old.
    % endfor
  • % if <expression>:, % elif <expression>:, % else: a standard if statement:

    % if age < 18:
        Sorry, you are too young to see this page.
    % elif age > 65:
        Do your parents know what you are looking at?
    % else:
        Welcome to Bowser's Den of Bouncy Castles!
    % endif
  • % while <expression>: a standard while loop:

    % while num > 0:
        ${num} bottles of beer on the wall, ${num} bottles of beer!
        Take one down, pass it around, ${--num} bottles of beer on the wall.
    % endwhile

If a literal % is required at the beginning of a line, %% can be used:

> remora.render("%% foo")
"% foo"

JavaScript Blocks

Raw JavaScript can be inserted using <% ... %> blocks. Much like other templating languages such as PHP, these can contain functions and control structures:

<% function link(title, href) { %>
    <a href="${href|u}">${title}</a>
<% } %>

<% if (showLinks) { %>
    % for title, href in links:
        ${link(title, href)}
    % endfor
<% } %>

Unsupported Syntax

Currently only the above syntax is supported. This will change over time, though, as remora aims to be feature- and syntax-equivalent with Mako.

Any patches which further this goal will be gladly accepted.


In the near future, though, you will be able to load remora from...

  • A CommonJS-compatible runtime: var remora = require("remora");
  • AMD loader such as require.js: require(["remora"], function(remora) { ... });
  • Google Closure: goog.require("remora")
  • A <script /> tag: <script src="remora-x.x.x-min.js"></script>

Currently the three best ways to get using remora:

  • Use from the browser. This is a standalone package with no dependencies (although the jQuery plugin will only be activated if it is loaded after jQuery):

    <script src=""></script>
  • Use from Node:

    var remora = require("./path/to/node_minpkg.js");
    remora.render("Hello, ${what}!", { what: "Node.js" });
  • Download the source package and copy whatever example/index.html does. This will use Closure's deps.js dependency handling.


The simplest way to template is using the remora.render method:

> remora.render("Hello, ${what}!", { what: "world" })
"Hello, world!"

However, if a template is to be used multiple times, it is more efficient to create an instance of remora.Template, then call the Template.render method:

> t = remora.Template("Hello, ${what}!")
> t.render({ what: "world" })
"Hello, world!"
> t.render({ what: "spam" })
"Hello, spam!"

remora also includes a jQuery Plugin.

jQuery Plugin

The jQuery plugin provides two methods for combining DOM nodes and templates:

$(...).remora("template" [, options]):

Returns an instance of remora.Template using the body of the selected element as the template:

<script id="my-template" type="text/x-remora">Hello, ${what}!</script>

> $("#my-template").remora("template").render({ what: "world" })
Hello, world!

Note: the template is cached, so multiple calls to .remora("template") will be efficient.

$(...).remora("render" [, data [, options]]):

Replaces the selected element(s) with a div (or options.tag), where the content of the div is the result of rendering the old content with data:

<script id="my-template" class="foo" type="text/x-remora">
    Hello, ${what}!

> $("#my-template").render({ what: "world" })
<div id="my-template" class="foo">
    Hello, world!
> $("#my-template").render({ what: "spam" })
<div id="my-template" class="foo">
    Hello, spam!

Note that, as shown above, render can be called multiple times on the same element (although it will only be replaced on the first call), and the template will be cached between calls.


Consider this simple Twitter-like site:

<div id="status-updates">
    <script id="status-template" type="text/x-remora">
        <div id="status-${}" class="status-update" data-status-id="${}">
            <img src="${status.author_icon_small}" />
            <p>Posted ${status.posted_time_delta}</p>

<script id="selected-status" type="text/x-remora">
    % if typeof status === "undefined":
        <p>Click a status update to get more details...</p>
        <% return; %>
    % endif
    <img src="${status.author_icon_large}" />
        Posted ${status.posted_time_delta} using
        <a href="${status.posting_software_link">${status.posting_software}</a>

The jQuery plugin could be used like this:

var statuses = {};
var statusTemplate = $("#status-template").remora("template");
$.getJSON("/api/status-updates", function(value) {
    statuses = value;
    var newStatusesHTML = $.map(statuses, statusTemplate.render);

$("#selected-status").remora("render", null);
$("#status-updates").on("click", ".status-update", function(event) {
    var status = statuses[$(this).data("status-id")];
    $("#selected-status").remora("render", status);


remora: less insane JavaScript templating






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