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wolfie edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 4 revisions

As of writing this wiki page, Alpha 2 is the newest tagged version of Bob, and this page is written for that version in mind.

  1. Get the latest version of Bob, either by cloning the Git repository, or the latest tag from the downloads page.
  2. Add the scripts directory to your system’s PATH. This is the dist/ directory inside the repository.
  3. Nothing you should need to care about (since these are autodetected and thus optional), but the BOB_HOME should point to dist/ and BOB_LIB to dist/lib/. All optional jars (such as JUnit’s jar, which is currently bundled) are placed directly in BOB_LIB, alongside bob.jar.
  4. Once PATH is set up, you should be able to simply call bob on your command line, and Bob should be invoked. Call bob -h to see the help.
  5. To build Bob with itself, go to the project’s root directory, and simply call bob. The new jar file should appear at artifacts/bob.jar

Bob has been tested with OS X Snow Leopard and Windows 7, but most UNIX systems should be ok. Windows Vista should work too, not sure about 2000 or XP (probably not).

It’s best to see how Bob builds itself, and tweak the build code. The build file is, by default, bob/, with src/ being the project’s default source path and test/ the default JUnit test path.

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