param ( [Switch] $uninstall = $false, [Switch] $help = $false ) $browser = $args[0] $custom_hkcu = $args[1] # Repository location $repository_path = $PSScriptRoot # Hold registry path in HKEY_CURRENT_USER $hkcu_dest = "" # Json $json_path = $repository_path # Edit json file for chromium $use_chromium_json = $true # Chrome Store Extension ID $chrome_extension_id = "chrome-extension://ephjcajbkgplkjmelpglennepbpmdpjg/" # List of browsers that this script support $supported_browsers = @( 'firefox', 'librewolf', 'chromium', 'chrome', 'edge', 'custom-chromium', 'custom-firefox' ) function testCommand { Param ($command) $oldPreference = $ErrorActionPreference $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop' try { if(Get-Command $command){return $true } } catch { return $false } finally { $ErrorActionPreference = $oldPreference } } function help { Write-Output " Installing script for ff2mpv Command syntax: > .\install.ps1 [browser] [registry_path] [-uninstall] [-help] Arguments: browser: The name of the browser to install Valid options: firefox, chrome, chromium, edge, custom registry_path: The path in the registry for the NativeMessagingHost directory Only needed if browser is `"custom-chromium`" or `"custom-firefox`" Flags: -uninstall Uninstall the registry key value for the given browser -help Show this message " } function select_browser () { switch -Regex ($browser) { "^(firefox|librewolf)$" { $script:hkcu_dest = "Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Mozilla" $script:json_path = "$script:json_path\ff2mpv-windows.json" $script:use_chromium_json = $false break } "^chrome$" { $script:hkcu_dest = "Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome" $script:json_path = "$script:json_path\ff2mpv-windows-chrome.json" break } "^chromium$" { $script:hkcu_dest = "Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Chromium" $script:json_path = "$script:json_path\ff2mpv-windows-chrome.json" break } "^edge$" { $script:hkcu_dest = "Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Edge" $script:json_path = "$script:json_path\ff2mpv-windows-chrome.json" break } "^custom-(chromium|firefox)$" { if (-not $custom_hkcu) { Write-Output "Please enter a path for HKEY_CURRENT_USER" $new_path = Read-Host -Prompt "> " $new_path = $new_path.Trim() if ($new_path -like 'exit*') { exit 0 } elseif ($new_path -like 'help*') { help exit 0 } $script:custom_hkcu = $new_path select_browser break } else { $script:hkcu_dest = $custom_hkcu.replace("/", "\") if (-not $script:hkcu_dest.StartsWith('Registry::','CurrentCultureIgnoreCase')) { $script:hkcu_dest = "Registry::$script:hkcu_dest" } } } "^custom-chromium$" { $script:json_path = "$script:json_path\ff2mpv-windows-$($script:hkcu_dest.split("\")[-1]).json" break } "^custom-firefox$" { $script:use_chromium_json = $false $script:json_path = "$script:json_path\ff2mpv-windows-$($script:hkcu_dest.split("\")[-1]).json" break } "^help$" { help exit 0 } "^exit$" { exit 0 } default { Write-Output "" Write-Output "Invalid option. Please select a valid browser:" $supported_browsers | % { Write-Output $_ } Write-Output "" Write-Output "For custom options provide the path in the registry as a second argument" Write-Output "E.g. > `"custom-chromium`" `"Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome`" for Chrome" Write-Output "" Write-Output "Enter `"help`" to display more information or `"exit`" to quit." $new_input = Read-Host -Prompt "> " $new_input = $new_input.Trim() $brow, $hkcu = $new_input -split '\s+' $script:browser = $brow $script:custom_hkcu = $hkcu select_browser } } } function install () { select_browser $registry_dest = "$hkcu_dest\NativeMessagingHosts" $ff2mpv = "$registry_dest\ff2mpv" # LibreWolf has its own entry in registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\LibreWolf. # However it reads the entries for Mozilla as Firefox does and ignores the ones in LibreWolf. # Check if Mozilla entry exist or add it if not. if (($browser -eq 'librewolf') -and -not (Test-Path "$hkcu_dest")) { Write-Output "" Write-Output "Creating `"$hkcu_dest`"" Write-Output "entry in registry for librewolf" New-Item -Path "$hkcu_dest" } # Test if the browser path entry exist if (-not (Test-Path $hkcu_dest)) { Write-Output "" Write-Output "Please start your browser at least once to generate the required registry entries" exit 1 } # Create NativeMessagingHosts if it doesn't exits if (-not (Test-Path $registry_dest)) { Write-Output "" Write-Output "Creating NativeMessagingHosts entry..." New-Item -Path $registry_dest } # Handle ff2mpv registry if (Test-Path "$ff2mpv") { $current = (Get-ItemProperty "$ff2mpv")."(default)" if ($current -eq "$json_path") { Write-Output "" Write-Output "Registry key already exists for browser `"$browser`"" } else { Write-Output "" Write-Output "Registry key found with value:" Write-Output "$current" Write-Output "Overriding with: $json_path" New-Item -Path "$ff2mpv" -Value "$json_path" -Force } } else { Write-Output "" Write-Output "Creating registry key in:" Write-Output "$ff2mpv" Write-Output "with value: $json_path" New-Item -Path "$ff2mpv" -Value "$json_path" } # Detect Python Launcher $python = "" if (testCommand py) { Write-Output "" Write-Output "Found `"py`" launcher" $python = "py -3" } elseif (testCommand python3) { $python = "python3" } elseif (testCommand python) { $python = "python" } else { Write-Output "" Write-Output "Python not found!" Write-Output "Please install python and add it to your path to continue..." exit 1 } # Batch script update $bat = "@echo off`ncall $python" [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines("$repository_path\ff2mpv.bat", $bat) # JSON manipulation if using chromium based browser if ($use_chromium_json) { Write-Output "" Write-Output "Creating JSON for $browser browser..." $json_file = Get-Content "$repository_path\ff2mpv-windows.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json $json_file.PSObject.Properties.Remove('allowed_extensions') $tmp_list = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $_ = $tmp_list.add($chrome_extension_id) $json_file | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "allowed_origins" -Value $tmp_list $json_file | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 32 | Set-Content "$json_path" } elseif ($browser -eq 'custom-firefox') { Write-Output "" Write-Output "Creating JSON for $browser browser..." Copy-Item "$repository_path\ff2mpv-windows.json" -Destination "$json_path" } # Show warning if mpv cannot be found in path if (-not (testCommand mpv)) { Write-Output "" Write-Output "**** WARNING: mpv was not found!!! ****" Write-Output "Make sure it is installed and in your path to use the extension!!!" } Write-Output "" Write-Output "DONE!" } function uninstall () { select_browser $registry_dest = "$hkcu_dest\NativeMessagingHosts" $ff2mpv = "$registry_dest\ff2mpv" # Test if the browser path entry exist if (Test-Path "$ff2mpv") { Write-Output "" Write-Output "Removing registry key..." Remove-Item "$ff2mpv" Write-Output "Remove successful" } else { Write-Output "" Write-Output "Registry key for `"$browser`" not found." } } if ($help) { help exit 0 } if ($uninstall) { uninstall } else { install } exit 0