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adds release notes for 0.5.1
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wookietreiber committed Nov 7, 2016
1 parent 8cb268b commit 276816c
Showing 1 changed file with 41 additions and 0 deletions.
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions notes/0.5.1.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
`scala-chart` version 0.5.1 includes the following changes:

- cross published for Scala versions 2.10.6, 2.11.8 and 2.12.0

- still depends on jfreechart 1.0.19

- optional dependency itext updated to:

"com.itextpdf" % "itextpdf" % "5.5.10"

- optional dependency JFreeSVG updated to:

"org.jfree" % "jfreesvg" % "3.2"

- removed arguments from factories

- removed **orientation**, *vertical* is default; if horizontal is needed, which should be rare, it can be set via `chart.orientation = Orientation.Horizontal`
- removed **legend** from all factories, having a legend is default; can be removed via `chart.subtitles.clear()`
- removed **title** from all factories, empty title is default; can be changed via `chart.title = "..."`

- **theme** in generic chart companion is now implicit

- all implicit views have been migrated to implicit evidence parameters, i.e.:

def foo[A <% Comparable[A]](a: A): Foo = ???

is now:

def foo[A](a: A)(implicit evA: A => Comparable[A]): Foo = ???

you shouldn't see this using these functions, but it's there

- **combined area charts** have been added, example:

def xydata1 = for (j <- 1 to 3) yield j.toString -> (for (i <- 0 to 20) yield i -> util.Random.nextDouble())
def xydata2 = for (j <- 4 to 6) yield j.toString -> (for (i <- 0 to 20) yield i -> util.Random.nextDouble())
val data = Map("plot a" -> xydata1, "plot b" -> xydata2)

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