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jasonbahl committed Apr 29, 2017
1 parent eaa1881 commit ec5ae6a
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@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
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178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions vendor/ivome/graphql-relay-php/src/Connection/ArrayConnection.php
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
* @author: Ivo Meißner
* Date: 22.02.16
* Time: 18:54

namespace GraphQLRelay\Connection;

class ArrayConnection
const PREFIX = 'arrayconnection:';

* Creates the cursor string from an offset.
public static function offsetToCursor($offset)
return base64_encode(self::PREFIX . $offset);

* Rederives the offset from the cursor string.
public static function cursorToOffset($cursor)
$offset = substr(base64_decode($cursor), strlen(self::PREFIX));
if (is_numeric($offset)){
return intval($offset);
} else {
return null;

* Given an optional cursor and a default offset, returns the offset
* to use; if the cursor contains a valid offset, that will be used,
* otherwise it will be the default.
public static function getOffsetWidthDefault($cursor, $defaultOffset)
if ($cursor == null){
return $defaultOffset;
$offset = self::cursorToOffset($cursor);
return $offset !== null ? $offset: $defaultOffset;

* A simple function that accepts an array and connection arguments, and returns
* a connection object for use in GraphQL. It uses array offsets as pagination,
* so pagination will only work if the array is static.
* @param array $data
* @param $args
* @return array
public static function connectionFromArray(array $data, $args)
return self::connectionFromArraySlice($data, $args, [
'sliceStart' => 0,
'arrayLength' => count($data)

* Given a slice (subset) of an array, returns a connection object for use in
* GraphQL.
* This function is similar to `connectionFromArray`, but is intended for use
* cases where you know the cardinality of the connection, consider it too large
* to materialize the entire array, and instead wish pass in a slice of the
* total result large enough to cover the range specified in `args`.
* @return array
public static function connectionFromArraySlice(array $arraySlice, $args, $meta)
$after = self::getArrayValueSafe($args, 'after');
$before = self::getArrayValueSafe($args, 'before');
$first = self::getArrayValueSafe($args, 'first');
$last = self::getArrayValueSafe($args, 'last');
$sliceStart = self::getArrayValueSafe($meta, 'sliceStart');
$arrayLength = self::getArrayValueSafe($meta, 'arrayLength');
$sliceEnd = $sliceStart + count($arraySlice);
$beforeOffset = self::getOffsetWidthDefault($before, $arrayLength);
$afterOffset = self::getOffsetWidthDefault($after, -1);

$startOffset = max([
$sliceStart - 1,
]) + 1;

$endOffset = min([
if ($first !== null) {
$endOffset = min([
$startOffset + $first

if ($last !== null) {
$startOffset = max([
$endOffset - $last

$slice = array_slice($arraySlice,
max($startOffset - $sliceStart, 0),
count($arraySlice) - ($sliceEnd - $endOffset) - max($startOffset - $sliceStart, 0)

$edges = array_map(function($item, $index) use ($startOffset) {
return [
'cursor' => self::offsetToCursor($startOffset + $index),
'node' => $item
}, $slice, array_keys($slice));

$firstEdge = $edges ? $edges[0] : null;
$lastEdge = $edges ? $edges[count($edges) - 1] : null;
$lowerBound = $after ? ($afterOffset + 1) : 0;
$upperBound = $before ? ($beforeOffset) : $arrayLength;

return [
'edges' => $edges,
'pageInfo' => [
'startCursor' => $firstEdge ? $firstEdge['cursor'] : null,
'endCursor' => $lastEdge ? $lastEdge['cursor'] : null,
'hasPreviousPage' => $last !== null ? $startOffset > $lowerBound : false,
'hasNextPage' => $first !== null ? $endOffset < $upperBound : false

* Return the cursor associated with an object in an array.
* @param array $data
* @param $object
* @return null|string
public static function cursorForObjectInConnection(array $data, $object)
$offset = -1;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
if ($data[$i] == $object){
$offset = $i;

if ($offset === -1) {
return null;

return self::offsetToCursor($offset);

* Returns the value for the given array key, NULL, if it does not exist
* @param array $array
* @param string $key
* @return mixed
protected static function getArrayValueSafe(array $array, $key)
return array_key_exists($key, $array) ? $array[$key] : null;
195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions vendor/ivome/graphql-relay-php/src/Connection/Connection.php
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
* @author: Ivo Meißner
* Date: 22.02.16
* Time: 17:15

namespace GraphQLRelay\Connection;

use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;

class Connection {
* @var ObjectType
protected static $pageInfoType;

* Returns a GraphQLFieldConfigArgumentMap appropriate to include on a field
* whose return type is a connection type with forward pagination.
* @return array
public static function forwardConnectionArgs()
return [
'after' => [
'type' => Type::string()
'first' => [
'type' => Type::int()

* Returns a GraphQLFieldConfigArgumentMap appropriate to include on a field
* whose return type is a connection type with backward pagination.
* @return array
public static function backwardConnectionArgs()
return [
'before' => [
'type' => Type::string()
'last' => [
'type' => Type::int()

* Returns a GraphQLFieldConfigArgumentMap appropriate to include on a field
* whose return type is a connection type with bidirectional pagination.
* @return array
public static function connectionArgs()
return array_merge(

* Returns a GraphQLObjectType for a connection with the given name,
* and whose nodes are of the specified type.
public static function connectionDefinitions(array $config)
return [
'edgeType' => self::createEdgeType($config),
'connectionType' => self::createConnectionType($config)

* Returns a GraphQLObjectType for a connection with the given name,
* and whose nodes are of the specified type.
* @return ObjectType
public static function createConnectionType(array $config)
if (!array_key_exists('nodeType', $config)){
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Connection config needs to have at least a node definition');
$nodeType = $config['nodeType'];
$name = array_key_exists('name', $config) ? $config['name'] : $nodeType->name;
$connectionFields = array_key_exists('connectionFields', $config) ? $config['connectionFields'] : [];
$edgeType = array_key_exists('edgeType', $config) ? $config['edgeType'] : null;

$connectionType = new ObjectType([
'name' => $name . 'Connection',
'description' => 'A connection to a list of items.',
'fields' => function() use ($edgeType, $connectionFields, $config) {
return array_merge([
'pageInfo' => [
'type' => Type::nonNull(self::pageInfoType()),
'description' => 'Information to aid in pagination.'
'edges' => [
'type' => Type::listOf($edgeType ?: self::createEdgeType($config)),
'description' => 'Information to aid in pagination'
], self::resolveMaybeThunk($connectionFields));

return $connectionType;

* Returns a GraphQLObjectType for an edge with the given name,
* and whose nodes are of the specified type.
* @param array $config
* @return ObjectType
public static function createEdgeType(array $config)
if (!array_key_exists('nodeType', $config)){
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Edge config needs to have at least a node definition');
$nodeType = $config['nodeType'];
$name = array_key_exists('name', $config) ? $config['name'] : $nodeType->name;
$edgeFields = array_key_exists('edgeFields', $config) ? $config['edgeFields'] : [];
$resolveNode = array_key_exists('resolveNode', $config) ? $config['resolveNode'] : null;
$resolveCursor = array_key_exists('resolveCursor', $config) ? $config['resolveCursor'] : null;

$edgeType = new ObjectType(array_merge([
'name' => $name . 'Edge',
'description' => 'An edge in a connection',
'fields' => function() use ($nodeType, $resolveNode, $resolveCursor, $edgeFields) {
return array_merge([
'node' => [
'type' => $nodeType,
'resolve' => $resolveNode,
'description' => 'The item at the end of the edge'
'cursor' => [
'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::string()),
'resolve' => $resolveCursor,
'description' => 'A cursor for use in pagination'
], self::resolveMaybeThunk($edgeFields));

return $edgeType;

* The common page info type used by all connections.
* @return ObjectType
public static function pageInfoType()
if (self::$pageInfoType === null){
self::$pageInfoType = new ObjectType([
'name' => 'PageInfo',
'description' => 'Information about pagination in a connection.',
'fields' => [
'hasNextPage' => [
'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::boolean()),
'description' => 'When paginating forwards, are there more items?'
'hasPreviousPage' => [
'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::boolean()),
'description' => 'When paginating backwards, are there more items?'
'startCursor' => [
'type' => Type::string(),
'description' => 'When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue.'
'endCursor' => [
'type' => Type::string(),
'description' => 'When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue.'
return self::$pageInfoType;

protected static function resolveMaybeThunk ($thinkOrThunk)
return is_callable($thinkOrThunk) ? call_user_func($thinkOrThunk) : $thinkOrThunk;

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