[2022-03-23 16:45:28,629] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 >> "OPTIONS /api1/1.0.0/menu HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,629] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 >> "Host: localhost:8243[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,629] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 >> "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:98.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,629] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 >> "Accept: */*[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,629] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 >> "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,629] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 >> "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,629] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 >> "Access-Control-Request-Method: GET[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,629] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 >> "Access-Control-Request-Headers: authorization[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,629] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 >> "Referer: https://localhost:9443/[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,629] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 >> "Origin: https://localhost:9443[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,629] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 >> "DNT: 1[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,629] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 >> "Connection: keep-alive[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,629] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 >> "Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,629] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 >> "Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,629] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 >> "Sec-Fetch-Site: same-site[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,629] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 >> "[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,653] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,653] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Origin: https://localhost:9443[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Accept: */*[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Referer: https://localhost:9443/[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Sec-Fetch-Site: same-site[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Host: localhost:8243[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "DNT: 1[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Access-Control-Allow-Headers: authorization,Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Content-Type,SOAPAction,apikey,Internal-Key,Authorization[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "activityid: 5a4262f9-e0e0-430b-a03e-90a1bcb5a5fd[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: [\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Access-Control-Request-Method: GET[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Access-Control-Request-Headers: authorization[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 11:15:28 GMT[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Transfer-Encoding: chunked[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "Connection: keep-alive[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "0[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,654] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-12 << "[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,657] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 >> "GET /api1/1.0.0/menu HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,657] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 >> "Host: localhost:8243[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,657] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 >> "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:98.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,657] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 >> "Accept: */*[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,657] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 >> "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,657] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 >> "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,657] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 >> "Referer: https://localhost:9443/[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,657] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 >> "Authorization: Bearer eyJ4NXQiOiJOMkpqTWpOaU0yRXhZalJrTnpaalptWTFZVEF4Tm1GbE5qZzRPV1UxWVdRMll6YzFObVk1TlEiLCJraWQiOiJNREpsTmpJeE4yRTFPR1psT0dWbU1HUXhPVEZsTXpCbU5tRmpaalEwWTJZd09HWTBOMkkwWXpFNFl6WmpOalJoWW1SbU1tUTBPRGRpTkRoak1HRXdNQV9SUzI1NiIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbiIsImF1dCI6IkFQUExJQ0FUSU9OIiwiYXVkIjoiNGZrRzRVRFh1V281b0xKUXM1dk1hamVuWndvYSIsIm5iZiI6MTY0ODAzNDEwNCwiYXpwIjoiNGZrRzRVRFh1V281b0xKUXM1dk1hamVuWndvYSIsInNjb3BlIjoiZGVmYXVsdCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6OTQ0M1wvb2F1dGgyXC90b2tlbiIsImV4cCI6MTY0ODAzNzcwNCwiaWF0IjoxNjQ4MDM0MTA0LCJqdGkiOiIxZjU5MmYzNy0wZjg4LTQxNjktOWY1MS02MzI4YTg4NjY4MzIifQ.aL_c_Ds7kQ_XSQ0ntO_rxyvLemTm5AciRxtwIfaoC3qWyQgqt3mw0LWudO4NjkpefSHFD4whzfSAjeVMjaHMXOP4D7yj0y-pIxeF_TPvSfxVPnrNycVaaQ6NVWbb1WNyCGziF0QBwfBcl6QdWAFPzMbZIVS2qiI4fbGRWay_NHfWpwjVXbs47L1mYFZMvs2VFvRbwYYepI7REwbaVIl_YAgYTPPVDCLqY0ZtSAU04AXO1zft05vj9612T88Zryub0w8HtKBZlcvdJAJdDciEl_Ne2iUaisnT7iNa6LB_A2jS4YCayTYzZPGIR_YDcqTe3i05YHH_ipEkiPkxbFVuQg[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,657] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 >> "Origin: https://localhost:9443[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,657] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 >> "DNT: 1[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,658] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 >> "Connection: keep-alive[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,658] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 >> "Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,658] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 >> "Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,658] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 >> "Sec-Fetch-Site: same-site[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,658] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 >> "[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:28,970] INFO - DefaultKeyValidationHandler org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.keymgt.handlers.DefaultKeyValidationHandler Initialised [2022-03-23 16:45:29,048] INFO - JMSConnectionFactory JMS ConnectionFactory : jmsEventPublisher initialized [2022-03-23 16:45:29,057] INFO - TimeoutHandler This engine will expire all callbacks after GLOBAL_TIMEOUT: 120 seconds, irrespective of the timeout action, after the specified or optional timeout [2022-03-23 16:45:29,096] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 << "GET /menu HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,096] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 << "Origin: https://localhost:9443[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,096] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 << "activityid: c3093c1f-a225-4a2c-a885-bb65fcb4f736[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,096] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 << "Accept: */*[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,096] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 << "Referer: https://localhost:9443/[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,096] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 << "Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,096] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 << "Sec-Fetch-Site: same-site[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,096] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 << "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,096] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 << "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,096] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 << "DNT: 1[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,097] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 << "Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,097] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 << "Host: localhost:4000[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,097] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 << "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,097] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 << "User-Agent: Synapse-PT-HttpComponents-NIO[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,097] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 << "[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,108] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 >> "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,108] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 >> "X-Powered-By: Express[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,108] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 >> "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,108] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 >> "Content-Length: 46[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,108] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 >> "ETag: W/"2e-NRtA1m3+Hh7uTkpuCdm077D0Dpk"[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,108] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 >> "Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 11:15:29 GMT[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,108] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 >> "Connection: keep-alive[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,108] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 >> "Keep-Alive: timeout=5[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,108] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 >> "[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,108] DEBUG - wire HTTP-Sender I/O dispatcher-1 >> "["Tony1","Lisa1","Michael1","Ginger1","Food1"]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,161] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,161] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "activityid: c3093c1f-a225-4a2c-a885-bb65fcb4f736[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,161] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: [\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,161] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "cacheKey: 127-104113-611193245108-19-3944-35-1826-120-86[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,161] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "messageType: application/json[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,161] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,161] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "ETag: W/"2e-NRtA1m3+Hh7uTkpuCdm077D0Dpk"[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,161] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,162] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "Access-Control-Allow-Headers: authorization,Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Content-Type,SOAPAction,apikey,Internal-Key,Authorization[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,162] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "X-Powered-By: Express[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,162] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,162] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 11:15:28 GMT[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,162] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "Transfer-Encoding: chunked[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,162] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "Connection: keep-alive[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,162] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,162] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "2e[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,162] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "["Tony1","Lisa1","Michael1","Ginger1","Food1"][\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,162] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "0[\r][\n]" [2022-03-23 16:45:29,162] DEBUG - wire HTTPS-Listener I/O dispatcher-11 << "[\r][\n]"