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Andrea Dutra edited this page Feb 8, 2016 · 9 revisions

In one sentence, WhereHows collects metadata from various sources, standardizes and models it together, and serves as an integrated metadata repository for many analytical purposes.

The name WhereHows combines two important points for your data: WHERE is the data, and HOW is it produced/consumed.


10-minute quick start with VM: Quick-Start-With-VM

How to configure your environment to get started: Getting-Started

An introduction to the entire system: Architecture


login page dataset page dataset detail page lineage page

Data Discovery Find data objects (tables, columns) across the platform using a few key strokes.

Data Lineage Trace the downstream/upstream of datasets and jobs, do impact analytics, lineage tracing.

Metric and Business Glossary Coming soon

Workflow Discovery Navigate Projects, Flows, SubFlows, and Jobs in a convenient tree and check out the underlying job lineage with data object information.

UI and API You can do all the above things by clicking through the UI. But if you want to use metadata to automate your application, you can also use the Backend API.