This project has been merged into VIM; and I am now the maintainer of the vim filetype=hog
- Feel free to continue using this however if your vim is out-of-date; not bleeding edge.
Provide better support for Snort configuration files in VIM. Includes
- Fixed syntax highlighting
- Automatic indentation following a line continuation ('')
- Folding of multiline confiugrations (following a line continuation)
To be done:
- A better README
snort hog Improved vim experience for Snort users.
____ _ __ ~
/ ___| _ __ ___ _ __| |_ ___ ___ _ __ / _| ~
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___) | | | | (_) | | | |_ | (_| (_) | | | | _| ~
|____/|_| |_|\___/|_| \__(_)___\___/|_| |_|_| ~
Version: ALPHA.1
Author: Victor Roemer
Last Changed: March 10, 2013
CONTENTS *hog-contents*
INTRO *hog-intro*
Note: This is plugin is only a first-pass.
This plugin aims to improve the experience of modifying Snort configuration
and rule files with Vim.
Provided features
* Syntax highlighting (compatible with modern versions of Snort)
* Automatic indentation
* Navigation mappings
To make full use of the provided functionality, you'll need the following
configurations in your |vimrc|.
set nocompatible
filetype plugin indent on
syntax on
SYNTAX *hog-syntax*
This plugin provides syntax highlighting support for modern versions of
Snort's configurations.
TODO: Fill me out!
Syntax highlighting is defined in the syntax/hog.vim file.
INDENTATION *hog-indent*
Snort configurations, while usually spanning a single line, can span multiple
lines with the use of the line-continuation character '\'.
For example:
preprocessor stream5_global: \
track_tcp yes, track_udp no
Upon encountering a line-continuation character, Snort reads past any whitespace,
comments, empty lines and lines only containing comments.
For example, the following configurations are identical:
preprocessor stream5_global: \ # This is a comment
# track_tcp no, track_udp yes
track_tcp yes, track_udp no
preprocessor stream5_global: track_tcp yes, track_udp no
This plugin provides intelligent indentation when encountering line-continuations.
TODO: Examples!
NAVIGATION *hog-navigation*
The following motions are provided for navigating while in normal mode.
|]]| [count] sections forward or to the next config.
|[[| [count] sections backward or to the previous config.
If the matchit plugin is installed (See |matchit-install), the following
motion is enabled by default:
|%| Find the end of the config line. (This motion spans