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RxJS Powered Google Maps for Angular


A relatively easy to use google maps


$ npm install ngx-ez-maps --save

Work in progress

This library is under heavy development and has only basic GoogleMap's functionality such as:

  • Map display
  • Markers
  • Info windows

More features coming soon! feel free to contribute :)

To do list

Basic Usage

This basic app instantiates the google maps ( centered on Manila, Philippines in this case :) ) with a marker and an InfoWindow. When the marker is clicked, set the animation to BOUNCE and when you click anywhere on the Map, Animation on the Marker will be removed

Import EzMapModule to your root module:

    imports: [
            apiKey: "API_KEY_HERE",
            libraries?: [

For FeatureModule, just import without the .forRoot static method call.

...on your component:

import { EzMap, EzMarker, EzInfoWindow }
    selector: "app-root"
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
    selectedMarker: EzMarker;

    pos = {
        longitude: 121.1924108,
        latitude: 14.5964957

    onMapReady(map: EzMap) {
        // do something with the map instance :D

    // Marker click returns an instance of EzMarker
    onMarkerClicked(marker: EzMarker){
        this.selectedMarker = marker;





            <!-- Required, put your templates inside #infoWindow Template Ref -->
            <div #infoWindow>
                You are here!





EzMaps is shipped with helper libraries like LocationService

LocationService encapsulates navigator.geolocation's methods with RxJS (because we all love observables)


  • getCurrentLocation
  • watchPosition


Just provide the service:

    providers: [LocationService]
export class CoreModule {}

And on your component you'll do, for example, you want to get the current location:

export class AppComponent {
    constructor(private _locationService: LocationService) {}

        // getCurrentLocation returns a Position object.
            .subscribe((pos: Position) => {
                // do something cool with the output


PlacesService encapsulates GoogleMaps' Places Library.


  • nearbySearch
  • textSearch
  • getDetails

For more information about the parameters for these methods, check out the awesome GoogleMaps docs

Start by providing the service:


    providers: [PlacesService]
export class CoreModule {}

Use its methods within onMapReady or keep the map instance returned when the event is fired because each method within the PlacesService would need map instance

    template: `
        <ez-map (mapReady)="onMapReady($event)"></ez-map>
export class AppComponent {

    pos = {
        lng: 121.1924108,
        lat: 14.5964957

    constructor(private _placesService: PlacesService) {}

    onMapReady(map: google.maps.Map){

        this._places.nearbySearch(map, {
            keyword: "store",
            radius: 5000,
            location: this.pos
        }).subscribe((data) => {
            // do something with the data
