This is the implementation of the paper SquirRL: Automating Attack Discovery on Blockchain Incentive Mechanisms with Deep Reinforcement Learning (
We test 3 different chain rules: Bitcoin(longest chain rule), Ethereum(uncle block rule) and GHOST (heaviest sub-tree rule).
In \SingleAgent
, run
and you can train the RL agents and test them.
The interactive environment for 3 different protocols. OpenAI gym type APIs.
, \SingleAgent\
, \SingleAgent\
The training and testing part of the RL agent for the Bitcoin/Ethereum/GHOST protocols. You can find more detailed comments of training in \SingleAgent\
The implementation of Optimal Selfish Mining. We saved the policy in optimal_policy.txt
We reproduce the two-agent block withholding result in The Miner's Dilemma. Given the proportion of mining power two mining pools possess, there exists a unique Nash equilibirium which they fall in when deciding how much mining power to infiltrate in each other's pool. We use the SquirRL framework to find such equilibrium.
In \BlockWithholding
, run
python > result.txt
to train the RL agents and find the strategies and rewards of them.
You can specify the mining power of the two agents via argument alphas
, e.g., for two mining pools possessing 30% and 50% mining power respectively, you can run the program with --alphas 0.3 0.5
The policies and rewards of our training result is saved in \result\result.csv
Ordered by alphabet:
Charlie Hou
Mingxun Zhou :
Yan Ji :