11.11.2015 The original purpose that connections.sg had served has ceased to exist, as better efforts like webuild.sg have sprouted out. I think that is the beauty of evolution.
It is now time to focus this light on other areas of Singapore. It has been an incredibly joyful experience to seed this list with the help of the local community, and we can only hope to see it grow.
There are many things to be proud of in Singapore, and I hope this little effort will give you a reason to feel so.
connections.sg came into life sometime during Mar 2011 after the realisation that even though Singapore is a really small country with an even smaller startup ecosystem, people still generally had a difficult time finding the right connections – to people, spaces and resources.
I built it on drupal with custom fields and RSS thinking it would be easier to maintain. I was wrong.
People, especially the ones new to Singapore, found it as a valuable resource regardless of the state. It is a very simple initiative that have saved people time, so I implore you to think of other initiatives that can do the same. Simple -> ripple effect.
So three years later on Mar 2014 I have ported it into Github which will make it much simpler to maintain via Markdown. Please feel free to send pull requests, though please be mindful of the fact that I have deliberately kept it concise and neutral.
<3 Winnie.