I am Cees-Jan Kiewiet.
All new major package releases will be in PHP 8.2
- WyriHaximus/github-action-create-milestone (today)
- php-api-clients/github-root (today)
- php-api-clients/github-enterprise-cloud (1 day ago)
- WyriHaximusNet/docker-github-action-runner (1 day ago)
- WyriHaximus/github-workflows (1 day ago)
- WyriHaximus/php-phpstan-rules-wrapper (1 week ago)
- WyriHaximus/php-tile-stitcher (1 week ago)
- WyriHaximus/github-action-supported-php-versions (2 weeks ago)
- WyriHaximus/php-test-utilities (2 weeks ago)
- WyriHaximusNet/docker-php (2 weeks ago)
- WyriHaximus/php-fake-php-version (2 weeks ago)
- WyriHaximus/reactphp-http-middleware-with-headers (2 weeks ago)
- WyriHaximusNet/php-x-headers (2 weeks ago)
- WyriHaximus/hacs-prometheus-pushgateway - Home Assistant addon that pushes entity state changes to a Prometheus PushGateway
- WyriHaximus/php-generative-composer-plugin-tooling - Tooling for creating generative Composer Plugins
- WyriHaximus/Makefiles - Makefile building blocks
- WyriHaximus/playground-github-action-mixed-js-docker - Playground to work on shared workflows
- WyriHaximus/php-tile-stitcher -
- WyriHaximus/reactphp-phpunit-run-tests-in-fiber - Trait to run all tests in a fiber
- WyriHaximus/php-metrics-prometheus-push-gateway - Prom Push Gateway package for wyrihaximus/metrics
- WyriHaximus/phpstan-reactphp - ReactPHP extension for PHPStan
- WyriHaximus/reactphp-throw-unhandled-rejected-promises -
- WyriHaximus/promise-any-test -
- WyriHaximus/renovate-config - Renovate shared config
- WyriHaximus/reactphp-opportunistic-tls -
- WyriHaximus/php-subsplit-tools - Tools to aid with creating (dynamic) subsplit packages
- WyriHaximus/github-action-create-milestone (v1.1.2, today) - Create a new milestone
- reactphp-inspector/stream (2.0.0, 3 days ago) -
- WyriHaximus/php-metrics-lazy-registry (2.0.0, 5 days ago) - Lazy Metrics Registry
- groundhog2k/helm-charts (ghost-0.134.1, 5 days ago) - Helm charts for open source applications - ready to use for deployment on Kubernetes
- WyriHaximus/php-phpstan-rules-wrapper (6.2.0, 1 week ago) - π― PHPStan rules wrapper
- reactphp-inspector/global-state (1.0.0, 1 week ago) -
- reactphp/datagram (v1.10.0, 1 week ago) - Event-driven UDP client and server sockets for ReactPHP.
- WyriHaximus/github-action-supported-php-versions (v1.27, 2 weeks ago) -
- WyriHaximus/php-fake-php-version (1.9.3, 2 weeks ago) - Ever wanted a fake non-existing version number of PHP, well this package is for you!
- WyriHaximus/reactphp-http-middleware-with-headers (3.0.0, 2 weeks ago) -
- WyriHaximusNet/php-x-headers (3.0.0, 2 weeks ago) -
- WyriHaximus/blog.wyrihaximus.net (r51, 2 weeks ago) -
- JetBrains/phpstorm-stubs (v2024.2, 3 weeks ago) - PHP runtime & extensions header files for PhpStorm
- Remove reliance on unmaintained upstream image on WyriHaximus/github-action-set-milestone (today)
- Drop --daemon-off flag from Mockoon on WyriHaximus/github-action-create-milestone (today)
- Remove reliance on unmaintained upstream image on WyriHaximus/github-action-create-milestone (today)
- [GitHubEnterpriseCloud] Update to 1.1.4-bb053ea7f78df19d2e4d4872d9eed9c7 from 1.1.4-95df4267202b432fe4f72cf542eb28c8 on php-api-clients/github-root (1 day ago)
- Add: Helm on WyriHaximusNet/docker-github-action-runner (1 day ago)
- [GitHub] Update to 1.1.4-2613abe9bea3162d3f87cc73a6dfdeed from 1.1.4-ffa2a2629ce7e409178910932d1b8231 on php-api-clients/github-root (1 day ago)
- Switch to wyrihaximus/metrics for metrics on reactphp-inspector/event-loop (1 day ago)
- Add: jq on WyriHaximusNet/docker-github-action-runner (2 days ago)
- [GitHubEnterpriseCloud] Update to 1.1.4-95df4267202b432fe4f72cf542eb28c8 from 1.1.4-d447e3d393f86b8bab369d6928d9de52 on php-api-clients/github-root (2 days ago)
- [GitHub] Update to 1.1.4-ffa2a2629ce7e409178910932d1b8231 from 1.1.4-10709c2cd95791d7429380234be06a83 on php-api-clients/github-root (2 days ago)
- Move diffs to release management on WyriHaximus/github-workflows (3 days ago)
- Deploy kubernetes workflow on WyriHaximus/github-workflows (3 days ago)
- [GitHubEnterpriseCloud] Update to 1.1.4-d447e3d393f86b8bab369d6928d9de52 from 1.1.4-f6c5967d188725d592d648c646675aaa on php-api-clients/github-root (3 days ago)
- laylavish/uBlockOrigin-HUGE-AI-Blocklist - A huge blocklist of sites that contain AI generated content for uBlock Origin & uBlacklist. (1 day ago)
- luizm/action-sh-checker - A GitHub action that performs static analysis for shell scripts using shellcheck, shfmt and checkbashisms. (5 days ago)
- alekc/terraform-provider-kubectl - (1 week ago)
- orhun/binsider - Analyze ELF binaries like a boss πΌπ΅οΈββοΈ (1 week ago)
- pnbruckner/ha-sun2 - Home Assistant Sun2 Sensor (1 week ago)
- apple/pkl - A configuration as code language with rich validation and tooling. (2 weeks ago)
- vue-leaflet/vue-leaflet - vue-leaflet compatible with vue3 (2 weeks ago)
- Unleash/unleash - Open-source feature management solution built for developers. (2 weeks ago)
- carpenike/k8s-gitops - My k8s cluster built with talos and managed by Flux-v2 (2 weeks ago)
- Nerwyn/material-rounded-theme - A Material You and Google Home app influenced theme for Home Assistant (2 weeks ago)
- tmux/tmux - tmux source code (2 weeks ago)
- shinnn/github-username-regex - A regular expression that only matches a currently valid Github username (3 weeks ago)
- Corollarium/localtls - DNS server for providing TLS to webservices on local addresses (3 weeks ago)
- edorian (7 months ago)
- codecov (11 months ago)
- mangkepwing143 (2 years ago)
- jeromegamez (2 years ago)
- kristos80 (2 years ago)
- getflights (2 years ago)
- csev (3 years ago)
- erikaheidi (4 years ago)
- AllenJB (4 years ago)
- lcobucci (4 years ago)
- Ocramius (4 years ago)
- Mastodon: @wyri@haxim.us
- Blog: blog.wyrihaximus.net
- The X formally known as Twitter: @WyriHaximus
- Website: wyrihaximus.net
- Email: github@ceesjankiewiet.nl