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Online Build Instructions

Andreas Plesch edited this page Feb 20, 2023 · 4 revisions

Introduction shows how to fork the project, work on a feature branch and build a x3dom.js file. It involves a few steps and learning git.

It is also possible to quickly build a specific version with just a few clicks on github directly. It takes only a few minutes.

Online Building


Use the Fork button in the upper right to fork the project to your own github account.

Choose branch, tag or commit

By default the master branch is selected. You can select another branch or tag from the upper right to go back in time. Online node based building is only supported by v. 1.8.2 or later.

For more fine grained time travel, click on the small clock icon with commits in the upper right. It is a link to the changes (commits) in chronological order. In the list click on the blue, 7 character id to see the details of the change.

From the details page, click on Browse files which shows the project with all files at the time of this change.

Build with Codespaces

Github has Codespaces which is a fully featured online IDE which can run builds. It has a free tier which is all we need.

Click on the green Code button, then on Codespaces.

Click on the + to launch a Codespace. It will automatically fetch the repo at the currently selected state, and then take a little bit to show in a new tab.

It will also automatically run the build (since it looks for the package.json file). You can watch the build progress in the terminal window on the tab.

After the build is finished click on the > dist folder in the file explorer on the left to expand. The folder has all the freshly built files including the various x3dom.js files.

Choose a file, right click and download.

Stop Codespace

Make sure to stop the codespace to limit the number of hours. Go to the main Github page, find and click Codespaces on top, and stop or delete the new codespace from the ... menu.

Of course, you can also use the online IDE to quickly test out changes to the code base, and rebuild.