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Mobile application based on ZSME site.

Old versions

Names in brackets indicate tags in git repository.

  • 1.x (java) used Java & XML.
  • 2.0 (old-compose) used Kotlin & experimental Jetpack Compose.
  • 2.1 (material3) used Material 3.


App is available on Play Store or in releases section.

Technologies used:

  • Jetpack Compose
  • Hilt
  • Room
  • Material Design 3
  • Retrofit
  • Firebase - Messaging, Remote Config and Cloud Functions
  • Compose Destinations


  1. Import project to Android Studio.
  2. Setup Firebase. Place your config in app/google-services.json.
  3. Setup Firebase Messaging.
  4. Setup Remote Config and populate it with values from app/src/main/res/xml/remote_config_defaults.xml.
  5. Setup Cloud Functions located in firebase directory.