Compare photos from imgur and decide who is the funniest of them all!
For end users:
Eight will enter, only one will leave as the funniest! Decide which pics live and which pics die in a fast-paced, fun way to quickly find the best picture of a batch. It's science!
For programmers:
This is a set of different implementations of the same functionality, together demonstrating the power of clean interfaces and giving examples of several different UI and server-side approaches to the same problem.
This project is too early to use at this point. Give a star to the project and keep an eye on this space for more details.
To run JavaScript unit tests:
// TODO: convert this into proper dependencies file. :P
npm install karma
npm install karma-phantomjs-launcher
npm install karma-jasmine@2_0
npm install karma-html-reporter
npm install karma-coverage
karma start