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refactor resolution switching - WIP
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FernetMenta committed Nov 30, 2015
1 parent 9909d75 commit 4d3eafd
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Showing 9 changed files with 353 additions and 332 deletions.
274 changes: 3 additions & 271 deletions xbmc/cores/VideoPlayer/VideoRenderers/BaseRenderer.cpp
Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ CBaseRenderer::CBaseRenderer()
m_sourceFrameRatio = 1.0f;
m_sourceWidth = 720;
m_sourceHeight = 480;
m_resolution = RES_DESKTOP;
m_fps = 0.0f;
m_renderOrientation = 0;
m_oldRenderOrientation = 0;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,273 +77,6 @@ void CBaseRenderer::RegisterRenderFeaturesCallBack(const void *ctx, RenderFeatur
m_RenderFeaturesCallBackCtx = ctx;

void CBaseRenderer::ChooseBestResolution(float fps)
if (fps == 0.0) return;

// Adjust refreshrate to match source fps
#if !defined(TARGET_DARWIN_IOS)
float weight;
if (!FindResolutionFromOverride(fps, weight, false)) //find a refreshrate from overrides
if (!FindResolutionFromOverride(fps, weight, true))//if that fails find it from a fallback
FindResolutionFromFpsMatch(fps, weight);//if that fails use automatic refreshrate selection

CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE, "Display resolution ADJUST : %s (%d) (weight: %.3f)",
g_graphicsContext.GetResInfo(m_resolution).strMode.c_str(), m_resolution, weight);
CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE, "Display resolution %s : %s (%d)",
m_resolution == RES_DESKTOP ? "DESKTOP" : "USER", g_graphicsContext.GetResInfo(m_resolution).strMode.c_str(), m_resolution);

bool CBaseRenderer::FindResolutionFromOverride(float fps, float& weight, bool fallback)
RESOLUTION_INFO curr = g_graphicsContext.GetResInfo(m_resolution);

//try to find a refreshrate from the override
for (int i = 0; i < (int)g_advancedSettings.m_videoAdjustRefreshOverrides.size(); i++)
RefreshOverride& override = g_advancedSettings.m_videoAdjustRefreshOverrides[i];

if (override.fallback != fallback)

//if we're checking for overrides, check if the fps matches
if (!fallback && (fps < override.fpsmin || fps > override.fpsmax))

for (size_t j = (int)RES_DESKTOP; j < CDisplaySettings::GetInstance().ResolutionInfoSize(); j++)
RESOLUTION_INFO info = g_graphicsContext.GetResInfo((RESOLUTION)j);

if (info.iScreenWidth == curr.iScreenWidth
&& info.iScreenHeight == curr.iScreenHeight
&& info.iScreen == curr.iScreen)
if (info.fRefreshRate <= override.refreshmax
&& info.fRefreshRate >= override.refreshmin)
m_resolution = (RESOLUTION)j;

if (fallback)
CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Found Resolution %s (%d) from fallback (refreshmin:%.3f refreshmax:%.3f)",
info.strMode.c_str(), m_resolution,
override.refreshmin, override.refreshmax);
CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Found Resolution %s (%d) from override of fps %.3f (fpsmin:%.3f fpsmax:%.3f refreshmin:%.3f refreshmax:%.3f)",
info.strMode.c_str(), m_resolution, fps,
override.fpsmin, override.fpsmax, override.refreshmin, override.refreshmax);

weight = RefreshWeight(info.fRefreshRate, fps);

return true; //fps and refresh match with this override, use this resolution

return false; //no override found

void CBaseRenderer::FindResolutionFromFpsMatch(float fps, float& weight)
const float maxWeight = 0.0021f;

m_resolution = FindClosestResolution(fps, 1.0, m_resolution, weight);
curr = g_graphicsContext.GetResInfo(m_resolution);

if (weight >= maxWeight) //not a very good match, try a 2:3 cadence instead
CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Resolution %s (%d) not a very good match for fps %.3f (weight: %.3f), trying 2:3 cadence",
curr.strMode.c_str(), m_resolution, fps, weight);

m_resolution = FindClosestResolution(fps, 2.5, m_resolution, weight);
curr = g_graphicsContext.GetResInfo(m_resolution);

if (weight >= maxWeight) //2:3 cadence not a good match
CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Resolution %s (%d) not a very good match for fps %.3f with 2:3 cadence (weight: %.3f), choosing 60 hertz",
curr.strMode.c_str(), m_resolution, fps, weight);

//get the resolution with the refreshrate closest to 60 hertz
for (size_t i = (int)RES_DESKTOP; i < CDisplaySettings::GetInstance().ResolutionInfoSize(); i++)
RESOLUTION_INFO info = g_graphicsContext.GetResInfo((RESOLUTION)i);

if (MathUtils::round_int(info.fRefreshRate) == 60
&& info.iScreenWidth == curr.iScreenWidth
&& info.iScreenHeight == curr.iScreenHeight
&& info.iScreen == curr.iScreen)
if (fabs(info.fRefreshRate - 60.0) < fabs(curr.fRefreshRate - 60.0)) {
m_resolution = (RESOLUTION)i;
curr = info;

//60 hertz not available, get the highest refreshrate
if (MathUtils::round_int(curr.fRefreshRate) != 60)
CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "60 hertz refreshrate not available, choosing highest");
for (size_t i = (int)RES_DESKTOP; i < CDisplaySettings::GetInstance().ResolutionInfoSize(); i++)
RESOLUTION_INFO info = g_graphicsContext.GetResInfo((RESOLUTION)i);

if (info.fRefreshRate > curr.fRefreshRate
&& info.iScreenWidth == curr.iScreenWidth
&& info.iScreenHeight == curr.iScreenHeight
&& info.iScreen == curr.iScreen)
m_resolution = (RESOLUTION)i;
curr = info;

weight = RefreshWeight(curr.fRefreshRate, fps);

RESOLUTION CBaseRenderer::FindClosestResolution(float fps, float multiplier, RESOLUTION current, float& weight)
RESOLUTION_INFO curr = g_graphicsContext.GetResInfo(current);
RESOLUTION orig_res = CDisplaySettings::GetInstance().GetCurrentResolution();

if (orig_res <= RES_DESKTOP)
orig_res = RES_DESKTOP;

RESOLUTION_INFO orig = g_graphicsContext.GetResInfo(orig_res);

float fRefreshRate = fps;

float last_diff = fRefreshRate;

int curr_diff = std::abs((int) m_sourceWidth - curr.iScreenWidth);
int loop_diff = 0;

// Find closest refresh rate
for (size_t i = (int)RES_DESKTOP; i < CDisplaySettings::GetInstance().ResolutionInfoSize(); i++)
const RESOLUTION_INFO info = g_graphicsContext.GetResInfo((RESOLUTION)i);

//discard resolutions that are not the same width and height (and interlaced/3D flags)
//or have a too low refreshrate
if (info.iScreenWidth != curr.iScreenWidth
|| info.iScreenHeight != curr.iScreenHeight
|| info.iScreen != curr.iScreen
|| info.fRefreshRate < (fRefreshRate * multiplier / 1.001) - 0.001)
// evaluate all higher modes and evalute them
// concerning dimension and refreshrate weight
// skip lower resolutions
if (((int) m_sourceWidth < orig.iScreenWidth) // orig res large enough
|| (info.iScreenWidth < orig.iScreenWidth) // new width would be smaller
|| (info.iScreenHeight < orig.iScreenHeight) // new height would be smaller
|| (info.dwFlags & D3DPRESENTFLAG_MODEMASK) != (curr.dwFlags & D3DPRESENTFLAG_MODEMASK)) // don't switch to interlaced modes

// Allow switching to larger resolution:
// e.g. if m_sourceWidth == 3840 and we have a 3840 mode - use this one
// if it has a matching fps mode, which is evaluated below

loop_diff = std::abs((int) m_sourceWidth - info.iScreenWidth);
curr_diff = std::abs((int) m_sourceWidth - curr.iScreenWidth);

// For 3D choose the closest refresh rate
float diff = (info.fRefreshRate - fRefreshRate);
if(diff < 0)
diff *= -1.0f;

if(diff < last_diff)
last_diff = diff;
current = (RESOLUTION)i;
curr = info;
int c_weight = MathUtils::round_int(RefreshWeight(curr.fRefreshRate, fRefreshRate * multiplier) * 1000.0);
int i_weight = MathUtils::round_int(RefreshWeight(info.fRefreshRate, fRefreshRate * multiplier) * 1000.0);

RESOLUTION current_bak = current;
RESOLUTION_INFO curr_bak = curr;

// Closer the better, prefer higher refresh rate if the same
if ((i_weight < c_weight)
|| (i_weight == c_weight && info.fRefreshRate > curr.fRefreshRate))
current = (RESOLUTION)i;
curr = info;
// use case 1080p50 vs 3840x2160@25 for 3840@25 content
// prefer the higher resolution of 3840
if (i_weight == c_weight && (loop_diff < curr_diff))
current = (RESOLUTION)i;
curr = info;
// same as above but iterating with 3840@25 set and overwritten
// by e.g. 1080@50 - restore backup in that case
// to give priority to the better matching width
if (i_weight == c_weight && (loop_diff > curr_diff))
current = current_bak;
curr = curr_bak;

// For 3D overwrite weight
weight = 0;
weight = RefreshWeight(curr.fRefreshRate, fRefreshRate * multiplier);

return current;

//distance of refresh to the closest multiple of fps (multiple is 1 or higher), as a multiplier of fps
float CBaseRenderer::RefreshWeight(float refresh, float fps)
float div = refresh / fps;
int round = MathUtils::round_int(div);

if (round < 1)
return (fps - refresh) / fps;
return (float)fabs(div / round - 1.0);

RESOLUTION CBaseRenderer::GetResolution() const
if (g_graphicsContext.IsFullScreenRoot() && (g_graphicsContext.IsFullScreenVideo() || g_graphicsContext.IsCalibrating()))
return m_resolution;

return g_graphicsContext.GetVideoResolution();

float CBaseRenderer::GetAspectRatio() const
float width = (float)m_sourceWidth;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -466,7 +198,7 @@ void CBaseRenderer::CalcNormalDisplayRect(float offsetX, float offsetY, float sc
// calculate the correct output frame ratio (using the users pixel ratio setting
// and the output pixel ratio setting)

float outputFrameRatio = inputFrameRatio / g_graphicsContext.GetResInfo(GetResolution()).fPixelRatio;
float outputFrameRatio = inputFrameRatio / g_graphicsContext.GetResInfo().fPixelRatio;

// allow a certain error to maximize screen size
float fCorrection = screenWidth / screenHeight / outputFrameRatio - 1.0f;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -672,8 +404,8 @@ void CBaseRenderer::SetViewMode(int viewMode)
CMediaSettings::GetInstance().GetCurrentVideoSettings().m_ViewMode = viewMode;

// get our calibrated full screen resolution
RESOLUTION res = GetResolution();
RESOLUTION_INFO info = g_graphicsContext.GetResInfo(m_resolution);
RESOLUTION res = g_graphicsContext.GetVideoResolution();
RESOLUTION_INFO info = g_graphicsContext.GetResInfo();
float screenWidth = (float)(info.Overscan.right - info.Overscan.left);
float screenHeight = (float)(info.Overscan.bottom -;

Expand Down
26 changes: 9 additions & 17 deletions xbmc/cores/VideoPlayer/VideoRenderers/BaseRenderer.h
Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ class CBaseRenderer
ERenderFormat GetRenderFormat() { return m_format; }

void SetViewMode(int viewMode);
RESOLUTION GetResolution() const;

/*! \brief Get video rectangle and view window
\param source is original size of the video
Expand All @@ -128,22 +127,15 @@ class CBaseRenderer
static void SettingOptionsRenderMethodsFiller(const CSetting *setting, std::vector< std::pair<std::string, int> > &list, int &current, void *data);

void ChooseBestResolution(float fps);
bool FindResolutionFromOverride(float fps, float& weight, bool fallback);
void FindResolutionFromFpsMatch(float fps, float& weight);
RESOLUTION FindClosestResolution(float fps, float multiplier, RESOLUTION current, float& weight);
static float RefreshWeight(float refresh, float fps);
void CalcNormalDisplayRect(float offsetX, float offsetY, float screenWidth, float screenHeight, float inputFrameRatio, float zoomAmount, float verticalShift);
void CalculateFrameAspectRatio(unsigned int desired_width, unsigned int desired_height);
void ManageDisplay();

virtual void ReorderDrawPoints();//might be overwritten (by egl e.x.)
void saveRotatedCoords();//saves the current state of m_rotatedDestCoords
void syncDestRectToRotatedPoints();//sync any changes of m_destRect to m_rotatedDestCoords
void restoreRotatedCoords();//restore the current state of m_rotatedDestCoords from saveRotatedCoords
void MarkDirty();

RESOLUTION m_resolution; // the resolution we're running in
void CalcNormalDisplayRect(float offsetX, float offsetY, float screenWidth, float screenHeight, float inputFrameRatio, float zoomAmount, float verticalShift);
void CalculateFrameAspectRatio(unsigned int desired_width, unsigned int desired_height);
void ManageDisplay();
virtual void ReorderDrawPoints();//might be overwritten (by egl e.x.)
void saveRotatedCoords();//saves the current state of m_rotatedDestCoords
void syncDestRectToRotatedPoints();//sync any changes of m_destRect to m_rotatedDestCoords
void restoreRotatedCoords();//restore the current state of m_rotatedDestCoords from saveRotatedCoords
void MarkDirty();

unsigned int m_sourceWidth;
unsigned int m_sourceHeight;
float m_sourceFrameRatio;
Expand Down
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions xbmc/cores/VideoPlayer/VideoRenderers/LinuxRendererGL.cpp
Expand Up @@ -259,7 +259,6 @@ bool CLinuxRendererGL::Configure(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsign

// Calculate the input frame aspect ratio.
CalculateFrameAspectRatio(d_width, d_height);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -681,9 +680,6 @@ void CLinuxRendererGL::PreInit()
m_bConfigured = false;
m_bValidated = false;
m_resolution = CDisplaySettings::GetInstance().GetCurrentResolution();
if ( m_resolution == RES_WINDOW )
m_resolution = RES_DESKTOP;

m_iYV12RenderBuffer = 0;

Expand Down
17 changes: 13 additions & 4 deletions xbmc/cores/VideoPlayer/VideoRenderers/RenderManager.cpp
Expand Up @@ -957,11 +957,20 @@ void CRenderManager::FlipPage(volatile bool& bStop, double timestamp /* = 0LL*/,

RESOLUTION CRenderManager::GetResolution()
RESOLUTION res = g_graphicsContext.GetVideoResolution();

CSharedLock lock(m_sharedSection);
if (m_pRenderer)
return m_pRenderer->GetResolution();
if (m_renderState == STATE_UNCONFIGURED)
return res;

#if defined(TARGET_DARWIN_IOS)
return res;

res = CResolutionUtils::ChooseBestResolution(m_fps, m_width, CONF_FLAGS_STEREO_MODE_MASK(m_flags));

return res;

float CRenderManager::GetMaximumFPS()
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