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A cat toy

A short poem:

I am not a free


Click on the cat icon in the top left of my site Make the cats rain.

Add-on usage

For Firefox-based browsers, Stray Kitty can be installed from here.

For chromium based browsers, Stray Kitty can be installed from here

UserScript usage:

  1. Get GreaseMonkey or a similar add-on that can run UserScripts
  2. Install this add-on
  3. Click on the + button to add a kitty. Click on the - button to remove a kitty.

Script Usage:

Host and include this script

<script src="StrayKitty.js"></script>

Somewhere in your Javascript code after the page loads, write:

var myManager = new StrayKittyManager(fps); myManager.start();

To add a kitty, call StrayKittyManager.addKitty().

OPTIONAL: StrayKittyManager.addKitty() can accept 3 values:

myManager.addKitty(0); //a Tabby Cat named Ginger
myManager.addKitty(1); //a pink cat named Elizabeth
myManager.addKitty(2); //a Siamese cat named Jack-Jack

If no value is provided, a kitty will be chosen one for you. This method has a return value of the number of kitties currently on screen.

To remove a kitty, write:


It removes the oldest kitty added. If there are no kitties left, then it does nothing. To remove a specific kitty, a number can be applied. The number is in the order that it was added, starting at 0 from the oldest. This will remove the 3rd kitty:


StrayKitty can be paused with:


It can be resumed or started with:


NOTE: The script will not run unless the start() method is called.

The execution can be toggled between start and pause with:


The amount of kitties can be viewed with the read-only property:




To build it, you will need nodejs and npm installed. First, clone the repository then install the required packages.

git clone
npm install

Building it as a browser JavaScript library

npm run js

Building it as a UserScript

npm run userscript

Building it as a WebExtension

webextension builds an unpacked folder. webextension-release builds and zips

npm run webextension npm run webextension-release

Cleaning dist/ and obj/ folders

obj/ is a folder created by the TypeScript compilation process. It is then compiled by browserify into the dist/ folder. The build script also copy some files into the dist/ folder depending on what is being built. If you are building different versions, in between builds you may consider typing:

npm run clean