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docs: update CHANGELOG to 2.0.0
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xianmin committed Oct 2, 2018
1 parent b10f58e commit ebadc96
Showing 1 changed file with 85 additions and 0 deletions.
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,4 +1,89 @@

2.0.0 / 2018-09-18

* docs: add Update (#124)
* no new window for mailto, fix #111 (#123)
* don't split threads when query parameters exist (#122)
* fix: photoswipeCSS link
* docs: a simple config for common user (#117)
* docs: add new site @ifttl (#116)
* feat: add photoswip CDN (#115)
* style: enlarged bilibili icon
* feat: Add bilibili icon to footer social links #110
* feat: add leancloud counter. #95 #104
* feat: add busuanzi counter. #95 #104
* docs: update theme min_version
* fix `<link hreflang="lang_code"... >` (#102)
* docs: add blog site (#99)
* disable google analytics on localhost (#98)
* docs: Update, add (#94)
* docs: Update, add (#93)
* fix API incompatibility for v0.45 (#91)
* feat: add shortcode notice
* update youku shortcode (#90)
* Merge pull request #89 from xianmin/fix-bad-css
* chore: rebuild css
* docs: add more syntax highlight example
* style: add chroma line highlight background-color
* style: change code-font-family
* fix: code block row alignment
* fix: mathjax overflow for displayed mathematics
* style: toc padding-right more
* feat: show language name in language chooser (#85)
* docs: add more contributors
* Merge pull request #83 from shaform/hardcoded
* try urlized page as well
* remove params.uglyURLs
* remove hardcoded URLs for tags/categories
* link to correct RSS URL in Multilingual site, fix #75 (#82)
* fix: demo site menu link
* docs: add site language name
* fix: mobile drop down menu behavior
* Merge pull request #79 from shaform/lang-switch
* npm run build
* add langugae chooser to mobile menu as well
* add globe icon
* add basic language chooser on menu
* docs: add @cizel blog Update (#80)
* feat: mobile-menu support drop down menu
* fix: fork-me-on-github display none in mobile
* fix: use relLangURL for multilingual support (#76)
* i18n: Add zh-tw translation (#77)
* docs: update README
* style: better comment style
* feat: support utterances comment (#74)
* Add a note to JSON output (#71)
* To not break the RSS output (#70)
* fix: url gets messed up with mobile navigation (#64)
* feat: add option 'fork-me-on-github'
* feat: support series shortcode (#62)
* fix: normal image preview doesn't work while photoswipe is enable (#58)
* fix: image preview in quick start error (#59)
* fix: W3C validator errors
* logo title use safeHTML
* change safeURL to absLangURL in site-navbar menu for multi languages (#56)
* docs: add contributor @juanwolf
* i18n: Add fr translation (#54)
* Update cdn mathjax version to 2.7.4
* docs: update image preview
* style: show <code> style anywhere, include in <li>, <table>, <h2>
* fix: In code block, no language is specified, console show error #51
* fix: hoek node module vulnerability (CVE-2018-3728) #50
* Merge pull request #48 from Zebradil/master
* conifg: default use photoswipe, compatibility both photoswipe & fancybox
* fix: Unified code style, remove console.log in load-photoswipe.js
* fix: add photoswipe local files
* 🚸 Backward compatibility for photoswipe
* 💄 Improve gallery style
* 🎨 Format the code
* ✨ Integrate hugo-easy-gallery and replace fancybox by photoswipe
* 🙈 Ignore node environment
* style: fix figure image style
* feat: add custom favicon support
* i18n: add Portuguese translation #47
* docs: update CHANGELOG to 1.3.0

1.3.0 / 2018-04-22 1.3.0 / 2018-04-22
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