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C++ String Toolkit Library

The C++ String Toolkit  Library (StrTk) consists of  robust, optimized
and portable string processing algorithms for the C++ language.  StrTk
is  designed to  be easy  to use  and integrate  within existing  code
bases. Furthermore the library has  a rich set of features  that makes
light work of any kind of string processing task.

Free  use  of  the  String  Toolkit  Library  is  permitted  under the
guidelines and  in accordance  with the  most current  version of  the
Common Public License.

All updates  and the most recent version of the C++ String Toolkit can
be found at:

Code repository:
(2) svn checkout strtk

(1) strtk.hpp  should be  placed in  a project  or system include path
(e.g: /usr/include/).

(2) If the Boost libraries  (random, regex,  lexical_cast etc) are not
available  or  it  not  wished   they  be  used  then  the   following
preprocessor directive needs defining, either in code before strtk.hpp
is included or as a compiler switch:
   (*) strtk_no_tr1_or_boost

(3) It is advisable to have either Boost installed or a TR1  compliant
C++ standard library. Installation of Boost on:
(*) Win32  :
(*) Ubuntu : boost packages via apt-get or synaptic
(*) Fedora : yum -y install boost-devel

(1) For a complete build: make clean all
(2) For a PGO build: make clean pgo
(3) To strip executables: make strip_bin

(*) GNU Compiler Collection (4.1+)
(*) Intel C++ Compiler (9.x+)
(*) Clang/LLVM (1.1+)
(*) PGI C++ (10.x+)
(*) Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Compiler (8.1+)
(*) Comeau C++ Compiler (4.3+)
(*) IBM XL C/C++ (10.x+)
(*) C++ Builder (XE4+)

(00) Makefile
(01) readme.txt
(02) strtk.hpp
(03) strtk_bloom_filter_example.cpp
(04) strtk_combinations.cpp
(05) strtk_combinator_example.cpp
(06) strtk_converters_example.cpp
(07) strtk_examples.cpp
(08) strtk_glober.cpp
(09) strtk_hexview.cpp
(10) strtk_ipv4_parser.cpp
(11) strtk_keyvalue_example.cpp
(12) strtk_nth_combination_example.cpp
(13) strtk_numstats.cpp
(14) strtk_parse_test.cpp
(15) strtk_period_parser.cpp
(16) strtk_random_line.cpp
(17) strtk_randomizer.cpp
(18) strtk_search_trie_example.cpp
(19) strtk_serializer_example.cpp
(20) strtk_text_parser_example01.cpp
(21) strtk_text_parser_example02.cpp
(22) strtk_tokengrid_example.cpp
(23) strtk_tokenizer_cmp.cpp
(24) strtk_tokenizer_test.cpp
(25) strtk_wordfreq.cpp


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