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RRBoost: a robust boosting algorithm for regression problems

Xiaomeng Ju and Matias Salibian Barrera 2020-08-21

This repository contains R code implementing the robust boosting algorithm described in Ju X, Salibian-Barrera M. Robust Boosting for Regression Problems (to appear in Computational Statistics and Data Science). This method provides an outlier-robust fit for non-parametric regression models.

The package can be installed as follows:


Below we illustrate the use of the package with the airfoil dataset. It consists of n = 1503 observations with p = 5 explanatory variables, and the goal is to predict the response variable y. We load the data and look at the first few observations:

##   frequency angle chord_length velocity  thickness       y
## 1       800     0       0.3048     71.3 0.00266337 126.201
## 2      1000     0       0.3048     71.3 0.00266337 125.201
## 3      1250     0       0.3048     71.3 0.00266337 125.951
## 4      1600     0       0.3048     71.3 0.00266337 127.591
## 5      2000     0       0.3048     71.3 0.00266337 127.461
## 6      2500     0       0.3048     71.3 0.00266337 125.571

In order to train our predictor, we split the data set into a training set (with 60% of the available data), a validation set and a test set (both with 20% of the data). We first randomly select the observations for each of these three sets:

n <- nrow(airfoil) 
n0 <- floor( 0.2 * n ) 
idx_test <- sample(n, n0)
idx_train <- sample((1:n)[-idx_test], floor( 0.6 * n ) )
idx_val <- (1:n)[ -c(idx_test, idx_train) ] 

We now create the matrices of explanatory variables (x) and vectors of responses (y) corresponding to this partition.

xx <- airfoil[, -6]
yy <- airfoil$y
xtrain <- xx[ idx_train, ]
ytrain <- yy[ idx_train ]
xval <- xx[ idx_val, ]
yval <- yy[ idx_val ]
xtest <- xx[ idx_test, ]
ytest <- yy[ idx_test ]

The Boost function implements the RRBoost estimator, as well as the following previously proposed boosting algorithms: L2Boost, LADBoost, MBoost (Friedman, J. H. (2001)) and Robloss (Lutz et al. (2008)).

There are two choices for the initial fit used in the RRBoost algorithm: median (corresponds to a constant initial fit equal to the median of the response variable in the training set), and LADTree (the initial fit is an L1 Tree as proposed in Breiman (1984)). To construct the L1 initial fit the user can select the desired maximum depth and minimum leaf size, or use the function Boost.validation to select these parameters based on the predictive performance on the validation set.

We now train the RRBoost predictor using the following three initial fits: median, an LADTree with parameters chosen a priori, and an LADTree with parameteres selected using the validation set. The performance of the resulting three predictors on the test set will be measured using the root mean squared (prediction) error (setting the argument error = "rmse"). Other possible options for this argument are: aad (average absolute deviation), trmse (trimmed root mean squared (prediction) error) and rrmse (a robust root mean squared (prediction) error). For more information see the help page of the function Boost.

The depth of the base learners in the boosting algorithm is set with the argument max_depth (below we use decision stumps: max_depth = 1). The argument niter specifies the number of iterations (epochs) to be used (we set niter = 1000). Predictions (on the supplied test set) and variable importance scores can be computed by setting make_prediction = TRUE and cal_imp = TRUE in the argument control, as we do below.

For the fit computed with an initial LADTree with parameters chosen a priori, we set its maximum depth to max_depth_init = 2 and the minimum number of observations per node at min_leaf_size_init = 20.

Finally, we also use as initial fit the best LADTree among those constructed with all the possible combinations of max_depth_init_set between 1 and 5 (max_depth_init_set = 1:5) and min_leaf_size_init_set equal to 10, 20 or 30 (min_leaf_size_init_set = c(10,20,30)).

model_RRBoost_median = Boost(x_train = xtrain, y_train = ytrain, 
                             x_val = xval, y_val = yval, 
                             x_test = xtest, y_test = ytest, 
                             type = "RRBoost", error = "rmse", 
                             y_init = "median", max_depth = 1, 
                             niter = 1000, 
                             control = Boost.control(make_prediction =  TRUE,
                                                     cal_imp = TRUE))

model_RRBoost_LADTree = Boost(x_train = xtrain, y_train = ytrain, 
                              x_val = xval, y_val = yval, 
                              x_test = xtest, y_test = ytest, 
                              type = "RRBoost", error = "rmse", 
                              y_init = "LADTree", max_depth = 1, 
                              niter = 1000, 
                              control = Boost.control(max_depth_init = 2,
                                                      min_leaf_size_init = 20,
                                                      make_prediction =  TRUE,
                                                      cal_imp = TRUE))

model_RRBoost_cv_LADTree = Boost.validation(x_train = xtrain, 
                                            y_train = ytrain, 
                                            x_val = xval, y_val = yval, 
                                            x_test = xtest, 
                                            y_test = ytest, 
                                            type = "RRBoost", 
                                            error = "rmse", 
                                            y_init = "LADTree", 
                                            max_depth = 1, niter = 1000,
                                            max_depth_init_set = 1:5,
                                            min_leaf_size_init_set = c(10,20,30),
                                            control = Boost.control(
                                              make_prediction =  TRUE,
                                              cal_imp = TRUE))

The parameters of the selected LADTree are returned in the params entry of the returned object:

##    min_leafs max_depths
## 14        20          5

The predictive performance of each of the fits on the test set is stored in the value entry of the returned objects. This is the test error (using the criterion specified with the error argument of the Boost call) evaluated at the early stopping time, which is determined using the validation set to avoid overfitting (see paper for more details). In this example the returned value is the test rmse evaluated at the early stopping time. The user can evaluate more than one prediction performance by passing a vector of strings to the argument error (e.g. Boost(..., error=c('rmse', 'rrmse'), ...)). In that case the returned value will be a vector corresponding to those prediction error measures.

The best prediction performance on the test set was obtained by selecting a deeper initial LADTree:

print(c(median = model_RRBoost_median$value, 
        LADTree = model_RRBoost_LADTree$value,
        cv_LADTree = model_RRBoost_cv_LADTree$value))
##     median    LADTree cv_LADTree 
##   4.622946   4.410887   3.443912

The variable selection scores are returned in the var_importance entry.

 print(cbind(median = model_RRBoost_median$var_importance,
         LADTree = model_RRBoost_LADTree$var_importance,
         cv_LADTree = model_RRBoost_cv_LADTree$var_importance))
##                 median   LADTree cv_LADTree
## frequency    3.7844891 3.7814350 5.99593796
## angle        0.0651800 0.3201209 0.08082488
## chord_length 0.9628652 1.0416198 1.87940434
## velocity     0.5609014 0.5983525 0.65163300
## thickness    2.9582819 2.5745679 4.53945203

We note that for the top 2 explanatory variables are consistently found to be frequency and thickness.

We can also separate the process of training the predictor, evaluating it on a test set, and calculating the variable importance scores. In this way we have the flexiblity to compute predictions on multiple test sets and calculate variable importance when needed. In this case the user needs to use save_tree = TRUE in the argument control. This option includes the trainer weak learners in the returned object, which are needed for calculating predictions and variable importance scores. The following code illustrates this procedure:

model = Boost(x_train = xtrain, y_train = ytrain, 
              x_val = xval, y_val = yval, 
              # x_test = xtest, y_test = ytest,
              type = "RRBoost", error = "rmse", 
              y_init = "LADTree", max_depth = 1, niter = 1000, 
              control = Boost.control(max_depth_init = 2, 
                                      min_leaf_size_init = 20, 
                                      save_tree = TRUE, 
                                      make_prediction =  FALSE, #TRUE, 
                                      cal_imp = FALSE))

prediction <- cal_predict(model, x_test = xtest, y_test = ytest)
var_importance <-  cal_imp_func(model, x_val = xval, y_val= yval)

Sanity check: the results are the same as the ones obtained before:

print(all.equal(prediction$value, model_RRBoost_LADTree$value))
## [1] TRUE
print(all.equal(var_importance, model_RRBoost_LADTree$var_importance))
## [1] TRUE

Finally, we compare the predictive performance of RRBoost on the test set with those of the other boosting algorithms implemented in the package, namely: L2Boost, LADBoost, MBoost, and Robloss.

model_L2Boost = Boost(x_train = xtrain, y_train = ytrain, 
                              x_val = xval, y_val = yval, 
                              x_test = xtest, y_test = ytest, 
                              type = "L2Boost", error = "rmse", 
                              y_init = "median", max_depth = 1, 
                              niter = 1000, 
                              control = Boost.control(make_prediction =  TRUE,
                                                      cal_imp = TRUE))
model_LADBoost = Boost(x_train = xtrain, y_train = ytrain, 
                              x_val = xval, y_val = yval, 
                              x_test = xtest, y_test = ytest, 
                              type = "LADBoost", error = "rmse", 
                              y_init = "median", max_depth = 1, 
                              niter = 1000, 
                              control = Boost.control(make_prediction =  TRUE,
                                                      cal_imp = TRUE))
model_MBoost = Boost(x_train = xtrain, y_train = ytrain, 
                              x_val = xval, y_val = yval, 
                              x_test = xtest, y_test = ytest, 
                              type = "MBoost", error = "rmse", 
                              y_init = "median", max_depth = 1, 
                              niter = 1000, 
                              control = Boost.control(make_prediction =  TRUE,
                                                      cal_imp = TRUE))
model_Robloss = Boost(x_train = xtrain, y_train = ytrain, 
                              x_val = xval, y_val = yval, 
                              x_test = xtest, y_test = ytest, 
                              type = "Robloss", error = "rmse", 
                              y_init = "median", max_depth = 1, 
                              niter = 1000, 
                              control = Boost.control(make_prediction =  TRUE,
                                                      cal_imp = TRUE))

Note that RRBoost yields the best predictions on the test set:

print(c( RRBoost = model_RRBoost_cv_LADTree$value,  
         L2Boost = model_L2Boost$value, 
         LADTree = model_LADBoost$value,
         MBoost = model_MBoost$value, 
         Robloss = model_Robloss$value))
##  RRBoost  L2Boost  LADTree   MBoost  Robloss 
## 3.443912 4.521834 4.520258 4.483478 4.648868


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