% COMPILE WITH: synframe %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This file contains the syntactic trees of our grammar % % and connects them to their frames. Individual slots of % % these frames will be filled with frames from the frame % % lexicon (frame_dimension.mg), according to the tokens % % that are being parsed. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% type MARK = {subst, nadj, anchor, coanchor, lex, foot} type CAT = {n, np, v, vp, s, pp, p, d, det} type LABEL ! property mark : MARK % Syntactic Features feature cat : CAT % Interface Features feature argsubject : LABEL feature argobject : LABEL feature argprep : LABEL feature i : LABEL feature e : LABEL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FRAME HIERARCHY % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% frame-types = {event, causation, activity, translocation, entity, animate, person, name, animal, horse, physical_object, door, fence, stage, laughing, dancing, jumping, pushing, feeding, actor, mover, undergoer, path, landmark, trajectory} frame-constraints = { % Subtype relations: door -> physical_object, fence -> physical_object, stage -> physical_object, horse -> animal, animal -> animate, person -> animate, actor -> animate, animate -> entity, % landmark -> entity, causation -> event, translocation -> event, activity -> event, laughing -> activity, jumping -> activity, dancing -> activity, feeding -> activity, pushing -> activity, % Attribute constraints: activity -> actor: +, person -> name: +, % Incompatibilities between these subtypes: animate physical_object -> -, actor physical_object -> -, animal person -> -, event entity -> -, door fence -> -, door stage -> -, fence stage -> -, laughing jumping -> -, laughing dancing -> -, laughing feeding -> -, laughing pushing -> -, jumping dancing -> -, jumping feeding -> -, jumping pushing -> -, dancing feeding -> -, dancing pushing -> -, feeding pushing -> - } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % TREE FRAGMENTS: % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% class Subject export ?VP ?A declare ?S ?VP ?SubjNP ?A { { node ?S [cat=s] { node ?SubjNP (mark=subst) [cat=np, i=?A] node ?VP [cat=vp] } }; { [argsubject=?A] } % The argsubject feature in the interface dimension makes % the frame associated with the SubjNP available to trees % including this fragment. This is necessary in order to % compose larger frames in which this element is included % in different positions. % The frame for the SubjNP node is determined by whatever % tree substitutes to that node during derivation. } class VerbForm export ?VP ?V ?F declare ?VP ?V ?F ?X { { node ?VP [cat=vp]{ node ?V (mark=anchor) [cat=v, e=?F] } }; { [e=?F, argsubject=?X] } } class propernoun declare ?NP ?N ?X0 { { node ?NP [cat=np, i=?X0]; node ?N (mark=anchor) [cat=n]; ?NP -> ?N }; { [i=?X0] } } class commonnoun declare ?NP ?N ?X0 { { node ?NP [cat=np, i=?X0]; node ?N (mark=anchor) [cat=n]; ?NP -> ?N }; { [i=?X0] } } class determiner declare ?NP1 ?NP2 ?Det ?X0 {{ node ?NP1 [cat=np, i=?X0]; node ?Det (mark=anchor) [cat=det, i=?X0]; node ?NP2 (mark=foot) [cat=np, i=?X0]; ?NP1 -> ?Det; ?NP1 -> ?NP2; ?Det >> ?NP2 }; { [i=?X0] } } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % TREE TEMPLATES: % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Templates involving regular verbs %%% class IntransitiveDiathesis export ?VP ?V ?VPTree ?A ?F declare ?VP ?V ?SubjTree ?VPTree ?A ?F { { ?SubjTree = Subject[]; ?VPTree = VerbForm[]; ?VPTree.?F = ?F; ?SubjTree.?VP = ?VP; ?VPTree.?VP = ?VP; ?VPTree.?V = ?V; ?SubjTree.?A = ?A } } class RegularIntransitiveConstruction import IntransitiveDiathesis[] { { ?F[activity, actor:?A[animate]] } } class IntransitiveNondirectedVerbFamily { RegularIntransitiveConstruction[] } class IntransitiveVerbFamily { IntransitiveNondirectedVerbFamily[] } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % EVALUATION: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% value propernoun value commonnoun value determiner value Subject value VerbForm value IntransitiveDiathesis value RegularIntransitiveConstruction value IntransitiveNondirectedVerbFamily value IntransitiveVerbFamily