This library makes it easy to send requests towards Freelo API
The recommended way to install package is through Composer.
# Install Composer
curl -sS | php
Next, run the Composer command to install the latest stable version of package:
composer require xnekv03/freelo-api-client
After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
You can then later update package using composer:
composer update
Login to your Dashboard, go to your Settings and obtain your API key which will be something like
# load autoload file
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
# Import Freelo library
use Freelo\Client;
$freeloApiToken = '9lDZU35Lb0wmnq4tWvmmUkugLja4dXwPDcOMP1CBdIa';
$loginEmail = '';
# Initialize a client
$freeloClient = new Client($freeloApiToken,$loginEmail);
$projectName = "Project Alice";
$currencyIso = "EUR"; // currently EUR, USD or CZK is supported
$projectId = $freeloClient->createProject($projectName, $currencyIso);
echo $projectId; // 74201 - project ID is returned
$projects = $freeloClient->getAllOwnProjectIncludinglToDo();
var_dump($projects); // array with all projects including their names, IDs and task lists
$projects = $freeloClient->getAllInvitedProjects();
var_dump($projects); // array with all invited projects
$projects = $freeloClient->getAllArchivededProjects();
var_dump($projects); // array with all archived projects
$projects = $freeloClient->getAllTemplateProjects();
var_dump($projects); // array with all templated projects
$projectId = 73335;
$projectsWorkers = $freeloClient->allProjectWorkers($projectId);
var_dump($projectsWorkers); // array with all workers assigned to given project
$projectId = 73335; // ID of an existing project
$budget = 10205; // 2 decimal places with no decimal separator, ie. 1.05 = '105'
$listName = 'Pre-launch test';
$projectDetails = $freeloClient->createToDoList($projectId, $budget, $listName);
var_dump($projectDetails); // array with task details
$projectId = 73335; // ID of an existing project
$taskId = 179444; // ID of existing task
$workers = $freeloClient->assignableWorkersCollection($projectId, $taskId);
var_dump($workers); // array with available workers and their IDs