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Finally started writing automated tests :-)
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xolox committed Jun 2, 2013
1 parent b103cae commit 1aed880
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Showing 4 changed files with 301 additions and 19 deletions.
Binary file added autoload/xolox/misc/echo.exe
Binary file not shown.
17 changes: 1 addition & 16 deletions autoload/xolox/misc/list.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" List handling functions.
" Author: Peter Odding <>
" Last Change: May 19, 2013
" Last Change: June 2, 2013
" URL:

function! xolox#misc#list#unique(list) " {{{1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,19 +39,4 @@ function! s:binsert_r(list, low, high, value, ignorecase)

if 0
" Tests for xolox#misc#list#binsert().
let s:list = ['a', 'B', 'e']
function! s:test(value, expected)
call xolox#misc#list#binsert(s:list, a:value, 1)
if s:list != a:expected
call xolox#misc#msg#warn("list.vim: Test failed! Expected %s, got %s",
\ string(a:expected), string(s:list))
call s:test('c', ['a', 'B', 'c', 'e'])
call s:test('D', ['a', 'B', 'c', 'D', 'e'])
call s:test('f', ['a', 'B', 'c', 'D', 'e', 'f'])

" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et
286 changes: 286 additions & 0 deletions autoload/xolox/misc/tests.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
" Tests for my miscellaneous Vim scripts.
" Author: Peter Odding <>
" Last Change: June 2, 2013
" URL:

" The process handling tests cannot use the built-in "echo" command from the
" Windows shell because it has way too much idiosyncrasies for me to put up
" with. Seriously. Instead I'm using an "echo.exe" from the UnxUtils project.
if xolox#misc#os#is_win()
let s:echo = xolox#misc#escape#shell(xolox#misc#path#merge(expand('<sfile>:p:h'), 'echo.exe'))
let s:echo = 'echo'

" Tests for the miscellaneous scripts. {{{1

function! xolox#misc#tests#run_all() " {{{2
" Run the automated tests of the miscellaneous functions.
let starttime = xolox#misc#timer#start()
" Start from a clean slate.
call s:test_reset()
" Run the tests.
call s:test_string_escaping()
call s:test_command_execution()
call s:test_list_handling()
call s:test_option_handling()
" Report a short summary to the user.
call xolox#misc#timer#force("Took %s to run %i tests: %i passed, %i failed.", starttime, s:num_passed + s:num_failed, s:num_passed, s:num_failed)

" Tests for autoload/xolox/misc/escape.vim {{{2

function! s:test_string_escaping()
call s:test_wrap('s:test_pattern_escaping')
call s:test_wrap('s:test_substitute_escaping')
call s:test_wrap('s:test_shell_escaping')

function! s:test_pattern_escaping() " {{{3
" Test escaping of regular expression patterns.
call s:assert_equals('foo [qux] baz', substitute('foo [bar] baz', xolox#misc#escape#pattern('[bar]'), '[qux]', 'g'))
call s:assert_equals('also very nasty', substitute('also ~ nasty', xolox#misc#escape#pattern('~'), 'very', 'g'))

function! s:test_substitute_escaping() " {{{3
" Test escaping of substitution strings.
call s:assert_equals('nasty & tricky stuff', substitute('tricky stuff', 'tricky', xolox#misc#escape#substitute('nasty & tricky'), 'g'))

function! s:test_shell_escaping() " {{{3
" Test escaping of shell arguments.
let expected_value = 'this < is > a | very " scary ^ string '' indeed'
let result = xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': s:echo . ' ' . xolox#misc#escape#shell(expected_value)})
call s:assert_equals(0, result['exit_code'])
call s:assert_equals([expected_value], result['stdout'])

" Tests for autoload/xolox/misc/os.vim {{{2

function! s:test_command_execution()
call s:test_wrap('s:test_exec_synchronous')
call s:test_wrap('s:test_exec_synchronous_error_with_raise')
call s:test_wrap('s:test_exec_synchronous_error_without_raise')
call s:test_wrap('s:test_exec_asynchronous')

function! s:test_exec_synchronous() " {{{3
" Test basic functionality of synchronous command execution.
let result = xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': printf('%s output && %s errors >&2', s:echo, s:echo)})
call s:assert_type({}, result)
call s:assert_equals(0, result['exit_code'])
call s:assert_equals(['output'], result['stdout'])
call s:assert_equals(['errors'], result['stderr'])

function! s:test_exec_synchronous_error_with_raise() " {{{3
" Test raising of errors during synchronous command execution.
call xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': 'exit 1'})
call s:assert_true(0)
call s:assert_true(1)

function! s:test_exec_synchronous_error_without_raise() " {{{3
" Test synchronous command execution without raising of errors.
let result = xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': 'exit 42', 'check': 0})
call s:assert_true(1)
call s:assert_equals(42, result['exit_code'])
call s:assert_true(0)

function! s:test_exec_asynchronous() " {{{3
" Test basic functionality of asynchronous command execution.
let tempfile = tempname()
let expected_value = string(localtime())
let command = s:echo . ' ' . xolox#misc#escape#shell(expected_value) . ' > ' . tempfile
let result = xolox#misc#os#exec({'command': command, 'async': 1})
call s:assert_type({}, result)
" Make sure the command is really executed.
let timeout = localtime() + 30
while !filereadable(tempfile) && localtime() < timeout
sleep 500 m
call s:assert_true(filereadable(tempfile))
call s:assert_equals([expected_value], readfile(tempfile))

" Tests for autoload/xolox/misc/list.vim {{{2

function! s:test_list_handling()
call s:test_wrap('s:test_list_unique')
call s:test_wrap('s:test_list_binsert')

function! s:test_list_unique() " {{{3
" Test removing of duplicate values from lists.
call s:assert_equals([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], xolox#misc#list#unique([1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5]))
" Should work for strings just as well. And it should preserve order.
call s:assert_equals(['a', 'b', 'c'], xolox#misc#list#unique(['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c']))
" Just to make sure that lists without duplicate values pass through unharmed.
call s:assert_equals([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], xolox#misc#list#unique([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))

function! s:test_list_binsert() " {{{3
" Test binary insertion algorithm.
let list = ['a', 'B', 'e']
" Insert 'c' (should end up between 'B' and 'e').
call xolox#misc#list#binsert(list, 'c', 1)
call s:assert_equals(['a', 'B', 'c', 'e'], list)
" Insert 'D' (should end up between 'c' and 'e').
call xolox#misc#list#binsert(list, 'D', 1)
call s:assert_equals(['a', 'B', 'c', 'D', 'e'], list)
" Insert 'f' (should end up after 'e', at the end).
call xolox#misc#list#binsert(list, 'f', 1)
call s:assert_equals(['a', 'B', 'c', 'D', 'e', 'f'], list)

" Tests for autoload/xolox/misc/option.vim {{{2

function! s:test_option_handling()
call s:test_wrap('s:test_option_get')
call s:test_wrap('s:test_option_split')
call s:test_wrap('s:test_option_join')
call s:test_wrap('s:test_option_eval_tags')

function! s:test_option_get() " {{{3
" Test getting of scoped options.
let magic_name = 'a_variable_that_none_would_use'
call s:assert_equals(0, xolox#misc#option#get(magic_name))
" Test custom default values.
call s:assert_equals([], xolox#misc#option#get(magic_name, []))
" Set the option as a global variable.
let global_value = 'global variable'
let g:{magic_name} = global_value
call s:assert_equals(global_value, xolox#misc#option#get(magic_name))
" Set the option as a buffer local variable, thereby shadowing the global.
let local_value = 'buffer local variable'
let b:{magic_name} = local_value
call s:assert_equals(local_value, xolox#misc#option#get(magic_name))
" Sanity check that it's possible to unshadow as well.
unlet b:{magic_name}
call s:assert_equals(global_value, xolox#misc#option#get(magic_name))
" Cleanup after ourselves.
unlet g:{magic_name}
call s:assert_equals(0, xolox#misc#option#get(magic_name))

function! s:test_option_split() " {{{3
" Tests splitting of multi-valued Vim options.
call s:assert_equals([], xolox#misc#option#split(''))
call s:assert_equals(['just one value'], xolox#misc#option#split('just one value'))
call s:assert_equals(['value 1', 'value 2'], xolox#misc#option#split('value 1,value 2'))
call s:assert_equals(['value 1', 'value 2', 'tricky,value'], xolox#misc#option#split('value 1,value 2,tricky\,value'))

function! s:test_option_join() " {{{3
" Tests joining of multi-valued Vim options.
call s:assert_equals('', xolox#misc#option#join([]))
call s:assert_equals('just one value', xolox#misc#option#join(['just one value']))
call s:assert_equals('value 1,value 2', xolox#misc#option#join(['value 1', 'value 2']))
call s:assert_equals('value 1,value 2,tricky\,value', xolox#misc#option#join(['value 1', 'value 2', 'tricky,value']))

function! s:test_option_eval_tags() " {{{3
" Tests evaluation of Vim's &tags option. We don't test ~/.tags style
" patterns because xolox#misc#option#eval_tags() doesn't support those.
" Depending on your perspective this is not a bug, because &tags gets
" special treatment in Vim anyway:
" :set tags=~/.tags
" tags=~/.tags
" :echo &tags
" /home/peter/.tags
" So at the point where xolox#misc#option#eval_tags() receives the value of
" &tags, it has already been expanded by Vim.
call s:assert_equals([fnamemodify('.tags', ':p')], xolox#misc#option#eval_tags('./.tags'))
call s:assert_equals([fnamemodify('.tags', ':p'), fnamemodify('.more-tags', ':p')], xolox#misc#option#eval_tags('.tags,.more-tags'))

" Testing infrastructure. {{{1

function! s:test_reset() " {{{2
" Reset counters for passed/failed tests.
let s:num_passed = 0
let s:num_failed = 0

function! s:test_wrap(function) " {{{2
" Call a function in a try/catch block and prevent exceptions from bubbling.
let num_failed = s:num_failed
call xolox#misc#msg#info("Running test: %s", a:function)
call call(a:function, [])
call xolox#misc#msg#warn("Test %s raised exception:", a:function)
call xolox#misc#msg#warn("%s", v:exception)
call xolox#misc#msg#warn("(at %s)", v:throwpoint)
if num_failed == s:num_failed
" Make sure exceptions are counted as failures, but don't inflate the
" number of failed assertions when it's not needed (it can produce
" confusing test output).
call s:test_failed()

function! s:test_feedback() " {{{2
" Let the user know the status of the test suite.
call xolox#misc#msg#info("Test status: %i passed, %i failed assertions ..", s:num_passed, s:num_failed)

function! s:test_passed() " {{{2
" Record a test which succeeded.
let s:num_passed += 1
call s:test_feedback()

function! s:test_failed() " {{{2
" Record a test which failed.
let s:num_failed += 1
call s:test_feedback()

function! s:assert_true(expr) " {{{2
" Check whether an expression is true.
if a:expr
call s:test_passed()
return 1
call s:test_failed()
let msg = "Expected value to be true, got %s instead"
throw printf(msg, string(a:expr))

function! s:assert_equals(expected, received) " {{{2
" Check whether two values are the same.
if s:assert_type(a:expected, a:received) && a:expected == a:received
call s:test_passed()
return 1
call s:test_failed()
let msg = "Expected value %s, received value %s!"
throw printf(msg, string(a:expected), string(a:received))

function! s:assert_type(expected, received) " {{{2
" Check whether two values are of the same type.
if type(a:expected) == type(a:received)
call s:test_passed()
return 1
call s:test_failed()
let msg = "Expected value of same type as %s, got value %s!"
throw printf(msg, string(a:expected), string(a:received))
17 changes: 14 additions & 3 deletions doc/misc.txt
Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,9 @@ Contents ~
10. String handling |misc-string-handling|
1. The |xolox#misc#str#compact()| function
2. The |xolox#misc#str#trim()| function
11. Timing of long during operations |misc-timing-of-long-during-operations|
11. Tests for my miscellaneous Vim scripts |tests-for-my-miscellaneous-vim-scripts|
1. The |xolox#misc#tests#run_all()| function
12. Timing of long during operations |misc-timing-of-long-during-operations|
1. The |xolox#misc#timer#start()| function
2. The |xolox#misc#timer#stop()| function
3. The |xolox#misc#timer#force()| function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,8 +110,8 @@ that I haven't published yet.

Start of generated documentation

The documentation of the 42 functions below was extracted from 12 Vim scripts
on June 1, 2013 at 14:57.
The documentation of the 43 functions below was extracted from 13 Vim scripts
on June 2, 2013 at 16:54.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -492,6 +494,15 @@ The *xolox#misc#str#trim()* function
Trim all whitespace from the start and end of the string given as the first

Tests for my miscellaneous Vim scripts ~

The *xolox#misc#tests#run_all()* function

Run the automated tests of the miscellaneous functions.

Timing of long during operations ~
Expand Down

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