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Support for Django documentation [and others?]
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I've generalized the script to support most HTML documentation
out there and I've updated the plug-in and index file to support the
Django documentation out of the box.
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xolox committed Dec 19, 2010
1 parent 5bbea15 commit 2982ea5
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30 changes: 22 additions & 8 deletions
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
# Context-sensitive documentation <br> for Python source code in Vim

The `pyref.vim` script is a plug-in for the [Vim text editor]( that looks up keywords and identifiers in the [Python language reference]( and [library reference]( documentation using your web browser. The `:PyRef` command looks up the identifier given as an argument while the `<F1>` mapping looks up the item at the text cursor. Both are only made available inside Python buffers. The lookup works by scanning through a special index file which is included in the ZIP archive below, but you can also create/update the index yourself using the Python script [](
The `pyref.vim` script is a plug-in for the [Vim text editor]( that helps you look up the documentation for keywords and identifiers from the following sources using your web browser:

## Install & usage
* [Python language reference](
* [Python library reference](
* [Django documentation](

The `:PyRef` command looks up the identifier given as an argument while the `<F1>` mapping (only available in Python buffers) looks up the item under the text cursor. The lookup works by scanning through a special index file which is included in the ZIP archive below, but you can also create/update the index yourself using the Python script [](

Unzip the most recent [ZIP archive]( file inside your Vim profile directory (usually this is `~/.vim` on UNIX and `%USERPROFILE%\vimfiles` on Windows), restart Vim and execute the command `:helptags ~/.vim/doc` (use `:helptags ~\vimfiles\doc` instead on Windows). Now try it out: Open a Python script and press the `<F1>` key on something interesting.
## Install & usage

The following paragraphs explain the available options:
Unzip the most recent [ZIP archive]( file inside your Vim profile directory (usually this is `~/.vim` on UNIX and `%USERPROFILE%\vimfiles` on Windows), restart Vim and execute the command `:helptags ~/.vim/doc` (use `:helptags ~\vimfiles\doc` instead on Windows). Now try it out: Open a Python script and press the `<F1>` key on something interesting. If it doesn't work or you want to change how it works, see the options documented below.

### The `g:pyref_mapping` option

Expand All @@ -16,13 +20,23 @@ If you press `<F1>` and nothing happens you're probably using a terminal that do

Note that setting `g:pyref_mapping` won't change the key mapping in existing buffers.

### The `g:pyref_mirror` option
### The `g:pyref_python` option

This option is useful when you don't always have a reliable internet connection available while coding. Most Linux distributions have an installable package containing the Python documentation, for example on Ubuntu and Debian you can execute the following command to install the documentation:
This option is useful when you don't always have a reliable internet connection available while coding. Most Linux distributions have an installable package containing the Python documentation, for example on [Ubuntu]( and [Debian]( you can execute the following command to install the documentation:

$ sudo apt-get install python2.6-doc

The above package puts the documentation in `/usr/share/doc/python2.6/html/` which happens to be the default location checked by the `pyref.vim` script. If you've installed the documentation elsewhere you can change the global variable `g:pyref_mirror` accordingly.
The above package puts the documentation in `/usr/share/doc/python2.6/html/` which happens to be the default path checked by the `pyref.vim` script. If you've installed the documentation in a different location you can change the global variable `g:pyref_python`, e.g.:

:let g:pyref_python = $HOME . '/docs/python'

### The `g:pyref_django` option

This option works like `g:pyref_python` but allows you to configure the path to your local Django documentation. On [Ubuntu]( and [Debian]( you can execute the following command to install the Django documentation:

$ sudo apt-get install python-django-doc

In this case you shouldn't have to change anything because `pyref.vim` is already configured to be compatible with the `python-django-doc` package.

### The `g:pyref_index` option

Expand All @@ -34,7 +48,7 @@ You can change the above options permanently by putting the relevant `:let` stat

## Contact

If you have questions, bug reports, suggestions, etc. the author can be contacted at <>. The latest version is available at <> and <>. If you like the script please vote for it on [](
If you have questions, bug reports, suggestions, etc. the author can be contacted at <>. The latest version is available at <> and <>. If you like the script please vote for it on [Vim Online](

## License

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# To-do list

* Convert `pyref.vim` to an autoload plug-in?
* Switch to `python-doc` package instead of `python2.6-doc`?
105 changes: 58 additions & 47 deletions autoload.vim
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
" Vim auto-load script
" Author: Peter Odding <>
" Last Change: September 18, 2010
" Last Change: December 19, 2010
" URL:

let s:script = expand('<sfile>:p:~')

function! xolox#pyref#enable() " {{{1
command! -buffer -nargs=? PyRef call xolox#pyref#lookup(<q-args>)
let command = '%s <silent> <buffer> %s %s:call xolox#pyref#at_cursor()<CR>'
let mapping = exists('g:pyref_mapping') ? g:pyref_mapping : '<F1>'
execute printf(command, 'nmap', mapping, '')
Expand All @@ -26,52 +25,60 @@ function! xolox#pyref#at_cursor() " {{{1
call xolox#pyref#lookup(ident)

function! xolox#pyref#complete(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) " {{{1
let entries = map(s:read_index(), 'matchstr(v:val, ''^\S\+'')')
let pattern = xolox#escape#pattern(a:arglead)
call filter(entries, 'v:val =~ pattern')
if len(entries) > &lines
let entries = entries[0 : &lines - 1]
call add(entries, '...')
return entries

function! xolox#pyref#lookup(identifier) " {{{1

let mirror = s:find_mirror()
let ident = xolox#trim(a:identifier)

" Do something useful when there's nothing at the current position.
if ident == ''
call xolox#open#url(mirror . '/contents.html')
call s:show_match('')

" Escape any dots in the expression so it can be used as a pattern.
let pattern = substitute(ident, '\.', '\\.', 'g')
let lines = s:read_index()

" Search for an exact match of a module name or identifier in the index.
let indexfile = s:find_index()
let lines = readfile(indexfile)
let lines = []
call xolox#warning("%s: Failed to read index file! (%s)", s:script, indexfile)
if s:try_lookup(lines, mirror, '^\C\(module-\|exceptions\.\)\?' . pattern . '\t')
if s:try_lookup(lines, '^\C\(module-\|exceptions\.\)\?' . pattern . '\t')

" Search for a substring match on word boundaries.
if s:try_lookup(lines, mirror, '\C\<' . pattern . '\>.*\t')
if s:try_lookup(lines, '\C\<' . pattern . '\>.*\t')

" Try to match a method name of one of the standard Python types: strings,
" lists, dictionaries and files (not exactly ideal but better than nothing).
for [url, method_pattern] in s:object_methods
for [url, method_pattern] in [
\ ['library/stdtypes.html#str.%s', '\C\.\@<=\(capitalize\|center\|count\|decode\|encode\|endswith\|expandtabs\|find\|format\|index\|isalnum\|isalpha\|isdigit\|islower\|isspace\|istitle\|isupper\|join\|ljust\|lower\|lstrip\|partition\|replace\|rfind\|rindex\|rjust\|rpartition\|rsplit\|rstrip\|split\|splitlines\|startswith\|strip\|swapcase\|title\|translate\|upper\|zfill\)$'],
\ ['tutorial/datastructures.html#more-on-lists', '\C\.\@<=\(append\|count\|extend\|index\|insert\|pop\|remove\|reverse\|sort\)$'],
\ ['library/stdtypes.html#dict.%s', '\C\.\@<=\(clear\|copy\|fromkeys\|get\|has_key\|items\|iteritems\|iterkeys\|itervalues\|keys\|pop\|popitem\|setdefault\|update\|values\)$'],
\ ['library/stdtypes.html#file.%s', '\C\.\@<=\(close\|closed\|encoding\|errors\|fileno\|flush\|isatty\|mode\|name\|newlines\|next\|read\|readinto\|readline\|readlines\|seek\|softspace\|tell\|truncate\|write\|writelines\|xreadlines\)$']]
let method = matchstr(ident, method_pattern)
if method != ''
if url =~ '%s'
let url = printf(url, method)
call xolox#open#url(mirror . '/' . url)
call s:show_match('' . url)

" Search for a substring match in the index.
if s:try_lookup(lines, mirror, '\C' . pattern . '.*\t')
if s:try_lookup(lines, '\C' . pattern . '.*\t')

Expand All @@ -83,57 +90,51 @@ function! xolox#pyref#lookup(identifier) " {{{1
while len(parts) > 1
call remove(parts, 0)
let pattern = '\C\<' . join(parts, '\.') . '$'
if s:try_lookup(lines, mirror, pattern)
if s:try_lookup(lines, pattern)

" As a last resort, search all of using Google.
call xolox#open#url('' . ident)
" As a last resort, try Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" search.
call xolox#open#url('' . ident)


" This list of lists contains [url_format, method_pattern] pairs that are used
" to recognize calls to methods of objects that are one of Python's standard
" types: strings, lists, dictionaries and file handles.
let s:object_methods = [
\ ['library/stdtypes.html#str.%s', '\C\.\@<=\(capitalize\|center\|count\|decode\|encode\|endswith\|expandtabs\|find\|format\|index\|isalnum\|isalpha\|isdigit\|islower\|isspace\|istitle\|isupper\|join\|ljust\|lower\|lstrip\|partition\|replace\|rfind\|rindex\|rjust\|rpartition\|rsplit\|rstrip\|split\|splitlines\|startswith\|strip\|swapcase\|title\|translate\|upper\|zfill\)$'],
\ ['tutorial/datastructures.html#more-on-lists', '\C\.\@<=\(append\|count\|extend\|index\|insert\|pop\|remove\|reverse\|sort\)$'],
\ ['library/stdtypes.html#dict.%s', '\C\.\@<=\(clear\|copy\|fromkeys\|get\|has_key\|items\|iteritems\|iterkeys\|itervalues\|keys\|pop\|popitem\|setdefault\|update\|values\)$'],
\ ['library/stdtypes.html#file.%s', '\C\.\@<=\(close\|closed\|encoding\|errors\|fileno\|flush\|isatty\|mode\|name\|newlines\|next\|read\|readinto\|readline\|readlines\|seek\|softspace\|tell\|truncate\|write\|writelines\|xreadlines\)$']]

function! s:try_lookup(lines, mirror, pattern) " {{{1
function! s:try_lookup(lines, pattern) " {{{1
call xolox#debug("%s: Trying to match pattern %s", s:script, a:pattern)
let index = match(a:lines, a:pattern)
if index >= 0
let url = split(a:lines[index], '\t')[1]
call xolox#open#url(a:mirror . '/' . url)
call s:show_match(url)
return 1

function! s:find_mirror() " {{{1
if exists('g:pyref_mirror')
return g:pyref_mirror
let local_mirror = '/usr/share/doc/python2.6/html'
if isdirectory(local_mirror)
return 'file://' . local_mirror
return ''
function! s:show_match(url) " {{{1
let python_docs = s:get_option('pyref_python')
let django_docs = s:get_option('pyref_django')
let url = a:url
if url =~ '^http://docs\.python\.org/' && isdirectory(python_docs)
let url = substitute(url, '^http://docs\.python\.org', 'file://' . python_docs, '')
elseif url =~ '^http://docs\.djangoproject\.com/en/1\.1/' && isdirectory(django_docs)
let url = substitute(url, '/#', '.html#', '')
let url = substitute(url, '^http://docs\.djangoproject\.com/en/1\.1', 'file://' . django_docs, '')
call xolox#open#url(url)

function! s:find_index() " {{{1
if exists('g:pyref_index')
let index = g:pyref_index
elseif xolox#is_windows()
let index = '~/vimfiles/misc/pyref_index'
function! s:get_option(name) " {{{1
if exists('b:' . a:name)
return eval('b:' . a:name)
elseif exists('g:' . a:name)
return eval('g:' . a:name)
let index = '~/.vim/misc/pyref_index'
return ""
let abspath = fnamemodify(index, ':p')

function! s:find_index() " {{{1
let abspath = fnamemodify(g:pyref_index, ':p')
if !filereadable(abspath)
let msg = "%s: The index file doesn't exist or isn't readable! (%s)"
call xolox#warning(msg, s:script, index)
Expand All @@ -142,4 +143,14 @@ function! s:find_index() " {{{1
return abspath

function! s:read_index() " {{{1
let indexfile = s:find_index()
return readfile(indexfile)
call xolox#warning("%s: Failed to read index file! (%s)", s:script, indexfile)
return []

" vim: ts=2 sw=2 et nowrap

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