- Alina Smirnova
- Andrey Kostousov
- Kirill Borozdin
- Pavel Egorov
- Yuriy Okulovskiy
Prebuilt solution play_icfp2015.exe is located in bin directory - you can run it directly.
Suppose we are running inside Windows OS
Make sure .NET 4.6 and MS Build Tools are installed (see below)
You can get Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 here: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=528222
You can get Microsoft Build Tools 2015 here: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=615458
Or instead of installing different packages you can just install Visual Studio Community Edition
Run build.cmd
Executable play_icfp2015.exe will be built into bin directory