# Tutorial # [Video with tutorial](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPSaPm5-rgs) # Installation - Since Pentaho 5.0 # | Only available since version 2.2 of the plugin. | |:------------------------------------------------| | Version 3.0.0 Requires CDA 5.0.1 or higher to be installed on Pentaho Server | - Stop Pentaho Server - Depending on the Pentaho's version it is necessary to add an import Handler: - **Pentaho 5.0** - Change the file _system/importExport.xml_ to allow xFusion files. This requires adding the xfusion entry in 3 places: ``` ... ... ... .xfusion .wcdf .cdfde ``` - **Pentaho 5.1+** - Change the file _system/ImportHandlerMimeTypeDefinitions.xml_ to allow xFusion files. Add this handler at the bottom of file: ``` ``` - Change the file _system/importExport.xml_ adding xfusion in 1 places: ``` ... .xfusion ``` - Install FusionCharts plugin through Pentaho's marketplace - Install dependencies - Start Pentaho Server ## Installing FusionCharts XT ## Use the FusionCharts XT installation available in Tools -> FusionCharts Manager to install the zip. ![FusionChartsInstallation](http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/923/lhdvgD.png) #### Deprecated installation method If the previous method is not available in your version. 1. Extract the zip files provided by FusionCharts Team 1. If you are installing a package you'll need to do these steps for every file provided (charts, widgets, maps, ...) 1. Look for the directory where the _`*`.js_ files are 1. Copy the directory contents to the plugin directory _fusioncharts/JSClass_ 1. Remove FusionCharts.js and rename fusioncharts.js to FusionCharts.js 1. Modify the file _fusionCharts.properties_ to set _free=false_ and _isHTML5_=true 1. Restart the server ## CDE Components ## 1. Follow the instructions on the [CDE integration page](IntegrationCDE) ## Samples ## To install the samples on the Pentaho User Console all you need to do is: 1. Open Pentaho User Console (PUC) 1. Open the browser perspective 1. Inside the public folder create a folder plugin-samples, if it doesn't exist already - **Pentaho 7+** - Change the file _system/ImportHandlerMimeTypeDefinitions.xml_ to allow js and html files to be uploaded to the system. Add this handler at the bottom of file: ``` ``` - Change the file _system/importExport.xml_ adding js and html in 1 place: ``` ... .xfusion .js .html ``` 1. Click on upload and select the fusion_samples zip file 1. A folder fusion-charts is created containing all the samples #### (Deprecated) Installation - Pentaho 4.8 #### Only possible until version 2.1 of the plugin. 1. Extract the fusion plugin zip file into the _pentaho-solutions/system_ path. 1. Extract the fusion samples zip file into the _pentaho-solutions/bi-developers_ path. 1. Set _bi-developers_ folder to visible 1. Edit file index.xml and set `true` 1. Change the file _system/pentaho.xml_ to include another entry on the acl-files list: _`...,xfusion`_ 1. Restart Pentaho Server 1. Open the Pentaho User Console (PUC) and refresh the solution repository. 1. Restart Pentaho Server # Usage # ## Standalone Chart ## When defining a standalone chart you must create a .xFusion file where the parameters can be configured. You can find some examples in the following path _public/plugin-samples/fusion-samples/Fusion Charts Free_. For more information check [StandAloneCharts](StandAloneCharts). | If the licensed version is being used don't forget to set the _free_ parameter to "false". | |:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ## Building CDF Dashboards ## The plugin can easily be used on a CDF dashboard. To allow a seamless integration with, the plugin ships with a new CDF component called FusionChartComponent. This component works the exact same way as the existing chart components. The component can be found on the samples directory: _fusion-samples/Dashboards/FCPluginCDFComponent.js_. A sample dashboard can be found at the samples directory _bi-developers/fusion-samples/Dashboards_. For more information go to [FusionChartComponent here](CDFComponent). ## Enterprise Dashboards ## You can simply drag and drop your xfusion file into the dashboard designer and create simple and effective dashboards. To test this feature you can simply go through the following steps: Create a new dashboard in the PUC. Navigate to the bi-developers/fusion-samples/Fusion Charts Free directory in the solution explorer. Drag and drop the chart samples into the dashboard. ## Pentaho Analysis Visualizations ## The plugin can be used to extend visualization types on Analyzer. For more information check this [page](IntegrationAnalyzer) # Additional Information # ## Free Vs. Licensed Version ## In the Free version the flash object use the `` tag and the element is displayed above all other elements. In the Licensed Version the flash object use the `` tag and you can define the displayed order ## XActions (Not Available) ## The FusionCharts plugin is not available on XActions. The chart library relies on Flash\html5 technologies requiring a browser for rendering.