Source code for the Agile Development Practices course by ThoughtWorks
This is a fork of part of the original repository:
This material is shared through a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
How to refresh the Eclipse project files:
./gradlew cleanEclipse eclipse
How to run in the IDE:
- Execute in debug mode class com.thoughtworks.videorental.main.VideoWorldMain
- Open the browser at http://localhost:8080
How to run from the command line
./gradlew appStart
and then open the browser at http://localhost:8081
How to run unit tests
./gradlew test
How to run end-to-end tests headless mode
./gradlew cucumber -Dmode=headless
How to run end-to-end tests browser mode
./gradlew cucumber
How to run a specific scenario
./gradlew cucumber -Dcucumber.options=src/cucumber/src/test/resources/**.feature
why do stories talk about "orders" while the class is named "transaction?"
why the discrepancy between the order and content of tests in the pptx and in the "detailed agenda"?
what is story #8 "already checked in and it breaks the build"???
- Fix first user story
- review the sequence of user stories (and didactic intent)
- Set up a VM with Gitlab with a clone of this repo
- Set up GO CI on same VM