xrd.port 1094 ofs.osslib libXrdPss.so pss.origin lcgcdlf01.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:1094 xrootd.redirect atlas-xrd-uk.cern.ch:1094 ? /atlas / xrootd.redirect lcgcdlf01.gridpp.rl.ac.uk:1094 /castor xrootd.export / ro all.export / all.role server all.manager atlas-xrd-uk.cern.ch+ 1098 all.sitename RAL-LCG2 # ATLAS Name2Name library pss.namelib /usr/lib64/XrdOucName2NameLFC.so root=/castor match=srm-atlas.gridpp.rl.ac.uk # Verbose server logging, set to 0 normally cms.trace all xrd.trace all # Security xrootd.seclib /usr/lib64/libXrdSec.so sec.protocol /usr/lib64/ unix sec.protocol /usr/lib64/ gsi -crl:3 -cert:/etc/grid-security/xrootd/hostcert.pem -key:/etc/grid-security/xrootd/hostkey.pem -gridmap:/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile -d:0 -gmapopt:2 -gridmap:/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile sec.protbind * only gsi sec.protbind *.gridpp.rl.ac.uk only unix # Line to prevent excess memory usage pss.setopt ReadCacheSize 0 # ATLAS monitoring #xrd.report atl-prod05.slac.stanford.edu:9931 every 60s all -buff -poll sync #xrd.report xrootd.t2.ucsd.edu:9931 every 60s all sync #xrootd.monitor all auth flush io 60s ident 5m mbuff 8k rbuff 4k rnums 3 window 10s dest files io info user redir xrootd.t2.ucsd.edu:9930 if exec xrootd xrd.report uct2-int.mwt2.org:9931 every 60s all -buff -poll sync fi xrootd.monitor all auth flush 30s window 5s fstat 60 lfn ops xfr 5 dest redir fstat info user uct2-int.mwt2.org:9930 dest redir fstat info user atlas-fax-eu-collector.cern.ch:9330