Tiny program for emitting the most basic information about an ELF file.
Can detect the compiler used for compiling a given binary, even if it is stripped. The following languages/compilers are supported:
- Clang
- OCaml
- Go
- TCC (compiler name only, TCC does not store the version number in the executables)
- Rust (for stripped executables, only the compiler name and GCC version used for linking are available)
For Go >=1.17:
go install github.com/xyproto/elfinfo@latest
$ elfinfo sh
GCC 10.1.0
$ elfinfo -l /usr/bin/ls
/usr/bin/ls: stripped=true, compiler=GCC 9.2.1, static=false, byteorder=LE, machine=Advanced Micro Devices x86-64
- Version: 1.2.2
- Author: Alexander F. Rødseth <xyproto@archlinux.org>
- License: BSD-3