HNOCS is an open-source implementation of a NoC simulation framework using OMNeT++. As an event driven simulation engine OMNeT++ provides C++ APIs to a reach set of services that can be used to model, configure, describe the topology, collect simulation data and perform analysis. OMNeT++ provides extensive user documentation and training material enabling fast ramp-up time for new researches. The HNoCS framework utilizes the OMNeT++ module interface feature to support runtime selection of simulation modules from a library of parametrized components. The models provided support heterogeneous NoC configuration in terms of link capacity and number of VCs. HNOCS modules available today implement wormhole switching, with round-robin or winner-takes-all arbitration.
For getting started and FAQ, see:
How to Add HNOCS to OMNeT Workspace
Also, see the HNOCS Google discussion group
A summary paper of HNOCS:
Y. Ben-Itzhak, E. Zahavi, I. Cidon, and A. Kolodny, "HNOCS: Modular Open-Source Simulator for Heterogeneous NoCs"
, SAMOS XII: International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation
@inproceedings{ben2012hnocs, title={HNOCS: modular open-source simulator for heterogeneous NoCs}, author={Ben-Itzhak, Yaniv and Zahavi, Eitan and Cidon, Israel and Kolodny, Avinoam}, booktitle={2012 international conference on embedded computer systems (SAMOS)}, pages={51--57}, year={2012}, organization={IEEE} }