kibot: version: 1 filters: - name: only_jlc_parts comment: 'Only parts with JLC (LCSC) code' type: generic include_only: - column: 'LCSC' regex: '^.+' variants: - name: rotated comment: 'Just a place holder for the rotation filter' type: kibom variant: rotated pre_transform: _rot_footprint outputs: - name: 'panel' type: panelize options: title: '+ (Panel)' units: mm configs: - layout: rows: 2 cols: 2 hspace: 0mm vspace: 4mm tabs: type: full cutout: 1mm cuts: type: vcuts layer: F.Fab framing: type: railstb width: 10mm space: 3mm fillet: 1mm mintotalwidth: 70mm mintotalheight: 70mm tooling: type: 4hole hoffset: 2.5 voffset: 2.5 size: 1.152 fiducials: type: 4fid hoffset: 5 voffset: 3.85 coppersize: 1 opening: 2 text: type: simple text: JLCJLCJLCJLC anchor: mt voffset: 2.5 hjustify: center vjustify: center text2: type: simple text: Design created on {date} anchor: mb voffset: -2.5 hjustify: center vjustify: center post: refillzones: true millradius: 1mm