Feb 27 05:47:21 Monetizations-iPhone InstagramShareExtension(ImageIO)[8441] : CGImageCopyImageSource:4607: *** CGImageGetImageSource: cannot get CGImageSourceRef from CGImageRef (CGImageSourceRef was already released) Feb 27 05:47:21 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : BLE NearbyAction lost SFBLEDevice ID 7afc13aa-e101-dfc7-789a-7fb79bb258ea, RSSI -65 (-61)t~F, Ch 37, AdvD <0000>, Nm '?', Paired no, Cnx no, OBC=? Feb 27 05:47:21 Monetizations-iPhone rapportd(CoreUtils)[88] : BLE device lost: ID 7AFC13AA-E101-DFC7-789A-7FB79BB258EA DFl 0x2 < Action > Feb 27 05:47:21 Monetizations-iPhone rapportd(CoreUtils)[88] : Ranging BLE action scanner lost: SFDevice ID 7afc13aa-e101-dfc7-789a-7fb79bb258ea, RSSI -62 (0)~U, AcLv ? (16) Feb 27 05:47:21 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : Device stopped requesting SFDevice ID 7afc13aa-e101-dfc7-789a-7fb79bb258ea, RSSI -65 (-61)~F, AcLv ? (16) Feb 27 05:47:21 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:21 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone InstagramShareExtension(ImageIO)[8441] : CGImageCopyImageSource:4607: *** CGImageGetImageSource: cannot get CGImageSourceRef from CGImageRef (CGImageSourceRef was already released) Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone Yousician(ShareSheet)[8406] : Presented view controller: for UI activity activityType:com.burbn.instagram.shareextension activityTitle:UISocialActivity (com.burbn.instagram.shareextension) Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone Yousician(UIKitCore)[8406] : (B0BEB460-15BC-4B68-82D2-1F0F4ADE9F60) Scene updated orientation preferences: ( Ll ) -> ( Ll Lr ) Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone tccd[44] : REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=108, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=108.1444 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone tccd[44] : AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=108.1444, function=, service=kTCCServiceUserTracking, preflight=yes, query=1, Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone tccd[44] : AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=108.1444, attribution={accessing={}, requesting={}, }, Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone tccd[44] : requestor: is checking access for accessor Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone tccd[44] : AUTHREQ_SUBJECT: msgID=108.1444, subject=com.yousician.yousician, Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone tccd[44] : AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=108.1444, authValue=2, authReason=2, authVersion=1, error=(null), Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone tccd[44] : REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=108.1444 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone Yousician(AppTrackingTransparency)[8406] : [ATTrackingManager] trackingAuthorizationStatus API call invoked. Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone tccd[44] : REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=108, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=108.1445 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone tccd[44] : AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=108.1445, function=, service=kTCCServiceUserTracking, preflight=yes, query=1, Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone tccd[44] : AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=108.1445, attribution={accessing={}, requesting={}, }, Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone tccd[44] : requestor: is checking access for accessor Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone InstagramShareExtension(ImageIO)[8441] : CGImageCopyImageSource:4607: *** CGImageGetImageSource: cannot get CGImageSourceRef from CGImageRef (CGImageSourceRef was already released) Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone tccd[44] : AUTHREQ_SUBJECT: msgID=108.1445, subject=com.yousician.yousician, Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone tccd[44] : AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=108.1445, authValue=2, authReason=2, authVersion=1, error=(null), Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone tccd[44] : REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=108.1445 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(FindMyDevice)[67] : -[FMDFMIPManager lostModeIsActive] Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(FindMyDevice)[67] : lostModeIsActive = 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : Posted com.apple.sharing.DeviceSetup: { "deviceID" : "8F94C5C0-4C3D-041E-62EC-55EAB725D6CD", "needsSetup" : true, } Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : Ignoring unpaired proximity Repair with SFBLEDevice ID 8f94c5c0-4c3d-041e-62ec-55eab725d6cd, RSSI -68 (-68)T*F, Ch 37, AdvD , Nm '?', Repair, Paired no, Cnx no, WiFiP2P, OBC=?, NeedsSetup, Problems 0x20000 < CDP > Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : Fast scan cancel: 'Triggered' Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : BLE NearbyAction advertiser update: 0x0 < > Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(FindMyDevice)[67] : -[FMDFMIPManager lostModeIsActive] Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(FindMyDevice)[67] : lostModeIsActive = 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : Posted com.apple.sharing.DeviceSetup: { "deviceID" : "59BDD720-D332-85E7-9EB1-B9F4C7A7DF4E", "needsSetup" : true, } Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : Ignoring unpaired proximity Repair with SFBLEDevice ID 59bdd720-d332-85e7-9eb1-b9f4c7a7df4e, RSSI -70 (-70)T*F, Ch 39, AdvD , Nm '?', Repair, Paired no, Cnx no, OBC=?, NeedsSetup, Problems 0x20000 < CDP > Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : BLE NearbyInfo found SFBLEDevice ID 59bdd720-d332-85e7-9eb1-b9f4c7a7df4e, RSSI -70 (0)t~U, Ch 39, AdvD <0100>, Nm '?', Repair, Paired no, Cnx no, OBC=?, NeedsSetup, Problems 0x20000 < CDP > Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : Fast scan cancel: 'Triggered' Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : BLE NearbyAction advertiser update: 0x0 < > Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : decryptProximityPairingPayload device: address: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone locationd[69] : {"msg":"#durian onAvengerAdvertisement", "address":, "date":"Mon Feb 27 05:47:22 2023", "data":, "status":, "needsmaint":, "isWild":, "uuid":} Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : BLE NearbyInfo found SFBLEDevice ID 016cbec9-1103-e4dd-16f4-73a95b0a6787, RSSI -69 (0)t~U, Ch 37, AdvD <021cd1235c>, Nm '?', Paired no, Cnx no, WiFiP2P, OBC=? Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone InstagramShareExtension(UIKitCore)[8441] : : Ending background task with UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier: 1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone InstagramShareExtension(UIKitCore)[8441] : : Ending task with identifier 1 and description: , _expireHandler: (null) Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone InstagramShareExtension(UIKitCore)[8441] : : Decrementing reference count for assertion (used by background task with identifier 1: ) Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone InstagramShareExtension(UIKitCore)[8441] : : Will invalidate assertion: for task identifier: 1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[31] : Invalidating assertion 31-8441-61971 (target:[xpcservice:8406])>:8441]) from originator [xpcservice:8406])>:8441] Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(UIKitCore)[67] : deactivate generator with style: Prewarm; activationCount: 1 -> 0; styleActivationCount: 1 -> 0; Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(UIKitCore)[67] : cooldown engine <_UIFeedbackCoreHapticsHapticsOnlyEngine: 0x10170bc50>, prewarmCount: 3 -> 2 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(UIKitCore)[67] : deactivate generator with style: Prewarm; activationCount: 1 -> 0; styleActivationCount: 1 -> 0; Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(UIKitCore)[67] : cooldown engine <_UIFeedbackCoreHapticsHapticsOnlyEngine: 0x10170bc50>, prewarmCount: 2 -> 1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(UIKitCore)[67] : deactivate generator with style: Prewarm; activationCount: 1 -> 0; styleActivationCount: 1 -> 0; Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(UIKitCore)[67] : cooldown engine <_UIFeedbackCoreHapticsHapticsOnlyEngine: 0x10170bc50>, prewarmCount: 1 -> 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(UIKitCore)[67] : _internal_cooldownEngineIfPossible <_UIFeedbackCoreHapticsHapticsOnlyEngine: 0x10170bc50> Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(UIKitCore)[67] : _internal_cooldownUnderlyingPlayerIfPossible <_UIFeedbackCoreHapticsHapticsOnlyEngine: 0x10170bc50> Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreHaptics)[67] : CHHapticEngine.mm:1149 -[CHHapticEngine stopPrewarm]: Stopping prewarm on the underlying Haptic Player Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreHaptics)[67] : AVHapticPlayer.mm:657 -[AVHapticPlayer stopPrewarm]: stop prewarm: clientID: 0x1000043 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreHaptics)[67] : AVHapticClient.mm:352 -[AVHapticClient stopPrewarm]: Client 0x1000043 stopping prewarm Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(UIKitCore)[67] : engine <_UIFeedbackCoreHapticsHapticsOnlyEngine: 0x10170bc50: state=0, numberOfClients=0, prewarmCount=0, _internal_isSuspended=0> state changed: Prewarmed -> Inactive Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone mediaserverd(AudioToolbox)[35] : AVHapticServer.mm:2095 -[AVHapticServer doStopPrewarm:audio:haptics:]: Stopping prewarmed client ID: 0x1000043 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone mediaserverd(AudioToolbox)[35] : AVHapticServer.mm:1798 -[AVHapticServer decrementPrewarmCountAndStopAudio:stopHaptics:]: haptics prewarm count will be 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone mediaserverd(AudioToolbox)[35] : AVHapticServer.mm:1805 -[AVHapticServer decrementPrewarmCountAndStopAudio:stopHaptics:]: haptics prewarm count at zero, calling stopPrewarm on synth Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone mediaserverd(AudioToolbox)[35] : ServerManager.mm:252 stopSynthPrewarm: Calling stopPrewarm(0, 1) on synth Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreAudio)[35] : HALS_IOContext_Legacy_Impl::Server_Internal_StopIOProcID: 148 Actuator (VAD [vzzz] AggDev 2): Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone kernel(AppleARMIISAudio)[0] : + Actuator::stopIOEngineGated() Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone kernel(AppleARMIISAudio)[0] : + Actuator stopTransport Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone kernel(AppleAOPHaptics)[0] : + /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleEmbeddedAudio/AppleAOPEmbeddedAudio.cpp::setDevicePowerState Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreAudio)[35] : HALS_IOContext_Legacy_Impl::Server_Internal_StopIOProcID: stopping 0x0 state: Prewarm: 1 Play: 0 State: Prewarmed IOProc 0x21: no Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone kernel(AppleAOPHaptics)[0] : - /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleEmbeddedAudio/AppleAOPEmbeddedAudio.cpp::setDevicePowerState Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone kernel(AppleEmbeddedAudio)[0] : Actuator: off Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone mediaserverd(VirtualAudio)[35] : AsyncExecutorImpl.cpp:64 :744:: Client request to stop IO proc ID 0x0 on VAD 155. Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone mediaserverd(VirtualAudio)[35] : AsyncExecutorImpl.cpp:64 :468:: IOProc (AggregateDevice 145, IO type NullIOProc) running state is now not running (0). Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone mediaserverd(VirtualAudio)[35] : AsyncExecutorImpl.cpp:64 :568:: Stopping IO type 1 on AggregateDevice 145. Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone kernel(AppleARMIISAudio)[0] : - Actuator stopTransport ret=success(0) Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone kernel(AppleARMIISAudio)[0] : - Actuator::stopIOEngineGated() ret=success(0) Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone CommCenter[94] : #I request: . Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreAudio)[35] : IO Stopped Context 148 after 97280 frames. Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreAudio)[35] : HALS_IOContext_Legacy_Impl::IOWorkLoopDeinit: 148 Actuator (VAD [vzzz] AggDev 2): stopping with error 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreAudio)[35] : HALB_PowerAssertion::Release: releasing power assertion ID 2147680256 of type 'PreventUserIdleSystemSleep' with name: 'com.apple.audio.VAD [vzzz] AggDev 2.context.preventuseridlesleep' taken at for 2.036495 seconds Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone mediaserverd(CoreAudio)[35] : 321315 HALS_IOThread.mm:162 Running ConfigureThreadForNormalPriority Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : decryptProximityPairingPayload device: address: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone locationd[69] : {"msg":"#durian onAvengerAdvertisement", "address":, "date":"Mon Feb 27 05:47:22 2023", "data":, "status":, "needsmaint":, "isWild":, "uuid":} Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone contextstored(HumanUnderstandingFoundation)[63] : Finished writing ambient light values to the biome stream Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(FindMyDevice)[67] : -[FMDFMIPManager lostModeIsActive] Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(FindMyDevice)[67] : lostModeIsActive = 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : Posted com.apple.sharing.DeviceSetup: { "deviceID" : "8F94C5C0-4C3D-041E-62EC-55EAB725D6CD", "needsSetup" : true, } Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : Ignoring unpaired proximity Repair with SFBLEDevice ID 8f94c5c0-4c3d-041e-62ec-55eab725d6cd, RSSI -68 (-68)T*F, Ch 37, AdvD , Nm '?', Repair, Paired no, Cnx no, WiFiP2P, OBC=?, NeedsSetup, Problems 0x20000 < CDP > Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : Fast scan cancel: 'Triggered' Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : BLE NearbyAction advertiser update: 0x0 < > Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone rapportd(CoreUtils)[88] : Device discovery scan rate: HighNormal Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone rapportd(CoreUtils)[88] : PrimaryAppleID updated: NULL Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone rapportd(CoreUtils)[88] : Friend sync throttling is enabled Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone rapportd(CoreUtils)[88] : Friend sync: updated accounts: Total 0, Removed 0, Refresh 0, Retry 0, Later 0, Request 0, Failed 0, OverMax 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone rapportd(Proximity)[88] : Watchdog timed out Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone rapportd(Proximity)[88] : heartbeatTimeout: current mach continuous time Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone rapportd(Proximity)[88] : New scores: empty list Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(FindMyDevice)[67] : -[FMDFMIPManager lostModeIsActive] Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(FindMyDevice)[67] : lostModeIsActive = 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : Posted com.apple.sharing.DeviceSetup: { "deviceID" : "59BDD720-D332-85E7-9EB1-B9F4C7A7DF4E", "needsSetup" : true, } Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : Ignoring unpaired proximity Repair with SFBLEDevice ID 59bdd720-d332-85e7-9eb1-b9f4c7a7df4e, RSSI -70 (-70)T*F, Ch 39, AdvD , Nm '?', Repair, Paired no, Cnx no, OBC=?, NeedsSetup, Problems 0x20000 < CDP > Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : DeviceDiscoveryUpdate: SFDeviceDiscovery (RPPeople), 0x1 < Info >, cflags 0xF < AdvData Distance RSSI Attrs >, ScanRate HighNormal, RSSI >= -70 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : Fast scan cancel: 'Triggered' Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : BLE NearbyAction advertiser update: 0x0 < > Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : NearbyInfo: Starting scan: blob <>/<>, devices 0, rate HighNormal, RSSI -70, dups yes, cache no, tracked 0, useCases , force no, stop no Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(WirelessProximity)[67] : Nearby start scanning with data: scan request of type 16, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 1, screen on: 60, screen off: 300, locked: 1, rssi: -70, peers: () nearby scan mode: 20, advbuf: 0, priority critical: 0, range: 0, retain duplicates: 0, usecases: SharingDefault Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[91] : Start scanning for process sharingd (67) with scan request of type 16, blob: {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, mask {length = 0, bytes = 0x}, active: 0, duplicates: 1, screen on: 60, screen off: 300, locked: 1, rssi: -70, peers: () nearby scan mode: 20, advbuf: 0, priority critical: 0, range: 0, retain duplicates: 0, usecases: SharingDefault Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[91] : Adding scan request called Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[91] : Adding scan request scan request of type 16, blob: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000}, mask {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000}, active: 0, duplicates: 1, screen on: 60, screen off: 300, locked: 1, rssi: -70, peers: () nearby scan mode: 20, advbuf: 0, priority critical: 0, range: 0, retain duplicates: 0, usecases: SharingDefault for client 31D45D79-FBE6-417E-9DE8-6566EE8CE0B4 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[91] : Passively scanning for devices of types: 4 5 7 15 16 (Window: 30/Interval: 60) Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[91] : About to scan for type: 5 - rssi: -80 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0, bundleID: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[91] : About to scan for type: 4 - rssi: -40 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0xff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0, bundleID: (null) Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[91] : About to scan for type: 15 - rssi: -70 - range: 1 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0, bundleID: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[91] : About to scan for type: 16 - rssi: -70 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0, bundleID: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[91] : About to scan for type: 7 - rssi: -60 - range: 0 - payload: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - mask: {length = 22, bytes = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000} - peers: 0, bundleID: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd(WPDaemon)[91] : Scan options changed: 1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : Received XPC message "CBMsgIdStopScan" from session "com.apple.bluetoothd-central-91-0" Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : BT Stats for metric '' sent to CoreAnalytics with result 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : Received 'stop scan' request from session "com.apple.bluetoothd-central-91-0" (Wiprox) updateScanParams:YES shouldUpdateState:YES Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ShouldScan=1 AnyValidScanRequests=1 anyValidScanRequestInPaused=0 fObserverState=Active ClientScanPowerAssertRequired=0 fScanFiltersNeedUpdagint=1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : updateADVBufferConfig current:03 new:03 configChanged:00 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : enableObjectDiscoveryADVBuffersIfNeeded objectDiscoveryHwAdvBufferOnly:1 fScreenState:1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : updateAgentScanUseCaseEntry controllerSupportsScanRx:0 session: usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn previous: entry: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : coexStateBitmap:0x0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ObjectDiscovery Client (com.apple.locationd-central-69-22) HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : coexStateBitmap:0x0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ObjectDiscovery Client (com.apple.locationd-central-69-1108) HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : coexStateBitmap:0x0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ScanParams: numScanAgents 4, combined params AD:0 RD:0 AS:0 PHYS:1 MSL:4 (30/300) PSV:0 Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pWiFi:0 pCfg:0 type:0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ScanParams: [com.apple.locationd-central-69-22] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[CBDaemon-0x64AE000C] AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:1|[com.apple.locationd-central-69-1108] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ScanParams: [com.apple.sharingd-central-67-1105] AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : Returning scan parameters: Main:30.00ms/300.00ms LP:0.00ms/300.00ms(supported) SC:0.00ms/50.00ms/non-concurrent(supported) Dm:(m:30/300) Cond:0:1:0 Sc:1 (passive) Dupfilter:Enabled minScanLevel:4 HD:Yes MP:No Comp:No(50,1) Pri:0/0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : needToRestart=1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : stopTrackingForSession: com.apple.bluetoothd-central-91-0 for tracking devices (null) from requests {} Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : Now tracking {} with devices {( )} Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : Stopping scan for session "com.apple.bluetoothd" - 45 advertisements delivered Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : Received XPC message "CBMsgIdScan" from session "com.apple.bluetoothd-central-91-0" Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : Setting client list to Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : fShouldRetainDupsNextUpdate 0, screen? 1, retaindup? 0, EN scans? 0, created[EN]=0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : EN is not active - new retain dups value 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : Creating a match table with handle 100 for type 15 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : Received 'start Unspecified scan' request , with duplicates, duration:unlimited, all UUIDs on 1M PHY scan timing 30/60 scanLevel=1 ObjectLocatorResponse on type 15from session "com.apple.bluetoothd-central-91-0" Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : Waiting for scan state to settle before updating scan Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : Scanning stopped successfully. 63 Advertising Events, 0 dropped pkts Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : Trying to remove scan filters with forceRemove=NO fHaveZoneFilters:NO fZoneScansHaveChanged:NO fHaveUUIDFilters:YES fHaveRuleFilters:YES Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : handleScanStoppedEvent state=Idle observerState=Active Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ShouldScan=1 AnyValidScanRequests=1 anyValidScanRequestInPaused=0 fObserverState=Active ClientScanPowerAssertRequired=0 fScanFiltersNeedUpdagint=1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : updateADVBufferConfig current:03 new:03 configChanged:00 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : enableObjectDiscoveryADVBuffersIfNeeded objectDiscoveryHwAdvBufferOnly:1 fScreenState:1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : updateAgentScanUseCaseEntry controllerSupportsScanRx:0 session: usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn previous: entry: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : coexStateBitmap:0x0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ObjectDiscovery Client (com.apple.locationd-central-69-22) HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : coexStateBitmap:0x0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ObjectDiscovery Client (com.apple.locationd-central-69-1108) HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : coexStateBitmap:0x0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ScanParams: numScanAgents 5, combined params AD:1 RD:0 AS:0 PHYS:1 MSL:4 (30/60) PSV:0 Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pWiFi:0 pCfg:0 type:0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ScanParams: [com.apple.bluetoothd-central-91-0] AP:0 AD:1(30/60) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:1|[com.apple.locationd-central-69-22] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[CBDaemon-0x64AE000C] AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ScanParams: [com.apple.locationd-central-69-1108] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[com.apple.sharingd-central-67-1105] AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : Returning scan parameters: Main:30.00ms/60.00ms LP:0.00ms/60.00ms(supported) SC:0.00ms/0.00ms/non-concurrent(supported) Dm:(m:30/60) Cond:0:1:0 Sc:1 (passive) Dupfilter:Disabled minScanLevel:4 HD:Yes MP:No Comp:No(0,1) Pri:0/0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : needToRestart=1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : Starting passive scan (60.00ms/30.00ms) with duplicate filter disabled scNeed=1 stateO=0, retainDups=0 fScanFiltersNeedUpdating=YES Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[121] : Ignoring source 0x100c83fe0, snapshot is from kernel kernel_task UDPSUBFLOW6 flow id 546777 (close) so first 1 pkts rx 7 tx 0, bytes 2744 0 cell 0 0 wifi 0 0 wired 0 0 deltas 2744 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[121] : Data Usage for mDNSResponder on flow 546777 - WiFi in/out: 352962612/14647920, WiFi delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, Cell in/out: 0/0, Cell delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, RNF: 0, subscriber tag: 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[121] : Ignoring source 0x100d7d9e0, snapshot is from kernel kernel_task UDPSUBFLOW6 flow id 546471 (close) so first 1 pkts rx 26 tx 0, bytes 8331 0 cell 0 0 wifi 0 0 wired 0 0 deltas 8331 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[121] : Data Usage for mDNSResponder on flow 546471 - WiFi in/out: 352962612/14647920, WiFi delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, Cell in/out: 0/0, Cell delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, RNF: 0, subscriber tag: 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[121] : Ignoring source 0x100c83fe0, snapshot is from kernel kernel_task UDPSUBFLOW6 flow id 546577 (close) so first 1 pkts rx 164 tx 0, bytes 49516 0 cell 0 0 wifi 0 0 wired 0 0 deltas 49516 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[121] : Data Usage for mDNSResponder on flow 546577 - WiFi in/out: 352962612/14647920, WiFi delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, Cell in/out: 0/0, Cell delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, RNF: 0, subscriber tag: 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[121] : Ignoring source 0x100d7d9e0, snapshot is from kernel kernel_task UDPSUBFLOW4 flow id 546778 (close) so first 1 pkts rx 9 tx 0, bytes 3528 0 cell 0 0 wifi 0 0 wired 0 0 deltas 3528 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[121] : Data Usage for mDNSResponder on flow 546778 - WiFi in/out: 352962612/14647920, WiFi delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, Cell in/out: 0/0, Cell delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, RNF: 0, subscriber tag: 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[121] : Ignoring source 0x100c83fe0, snapshot is from kernel kernel_task UDPSUBFLOW4 flow id 546576 (close) so first 1 pkts rx 161 tx 0, bytes 47513 0 cell 0 0 wifi 0 0 wired 0 0 deltas 47513 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[121] : Data Usage for mDNSResponder on flow 546576 - WiFi in/out: 352962612/14647920, WiFi delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, Cell in/out: 0/0, Cell delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, RNF: 0, subscriber tag: 0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : overrideEnableGlobalDupFilter:1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : Scanning started successfully Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ShouldScan=1 AnyValidScanRequests=1 anyValidScanRequestInPaused=0 fObserverState=Active ClientScanPowerAssertRequired=0 fScanFiltersNeedUpdagint=0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : updateADVBufferConfig current:03 new:03 configChanged:00 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : enableObjectDiscoveryADVBuffersIfNeeded objectDiscoveryHwAdvBufferOnly:1 fScreenState:1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : updateAgentScanUseCaseEntry controllerSupportsScanRx:0 session: usecase:FindMyNotOptedIn previous: entry: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : coexStateBitmap:0x0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ObjectDiscovery Client (com.apple.locationd-central-69-22) HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : coexStateBitmap:0x0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ObjectDiscovery Client (com.apple.locationd-central-69-1108) HWADVBufferIntervalMs:300.000000 HWADVBufferWindowMs:30.000000 _interval:300 _window:30 _active:0 specifiedParams:1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : coexStateBitmap:0x0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ScanParams: numScanAgents 5, combined params AD:1 RD:0 AS:0 PHYS:1 MSL:4 (30/60) PSV:0 Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pWiFi:0 pCfg:0 type:0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ScanParams: [com.apple.bluetoothd-central-91-0] AP:0 AD:1(30/60) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:1|[com.apple.locationd-central-69-22] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[CBDaemon-0x64AE000C] AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:1 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : ScanParams: [com.apple.locationd-central-69-1108] AP:0 AD:1(0/0) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:1(30/300) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3|[com.apple.sharingd-central-67-1105] AP:0 AD:0(30/300) AS:0 RAS:0 DMN:1 FG:0 ADVBF:0(0/0) Rg:0 Cri:0 pBT:0 pwrAsrt:0 CT:0 type:0 level:3 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : Returning scan parameters: Main:30.00ms/60.00ms LP:0.00ms/60.00ms(supported) SC:0.00ms/0.00ms/non-concurrent(supported) Dm:(m:30/60) Cond:0:1:0 Sc:1 (passive) Dupfilter:Disabled minScanLevel:4 HD:Yes MP:No Comp:No(0,1) Pri:0/0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone bluetoothd[91] : needToRestart=0 Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[31] : Invalidating assertion 31-8441-61975 (target:[xpcservice:8406])>:8441]) from originator [xpcservice:8406])>:8441] Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:22 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(FindMyDevice)[67] : -[FMDFMIPManager lostModeIsActive] Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(FindMyDevice)[67] : lostModeIsActive = 0 Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : Posted com.apple.sharing.DeviceSetup: { "deviceID" : "8F94C5C0-4C3D-041E-62EC-55EAB725D6CD", "needsSetup" : true, } Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : Ignoring unpaired proximity Repair with SFBLEDevice ID 8f94c5c0-4c3d-041e-62ec-55eab725d6cd, RSSI -68 (-68)T*F, Ch 37, AdvD , Nm '?', Repair, Paired no, Cnx no, WiFiP2P, OBC=?, NeedsSetup, Problems 0x20000 < CDP > Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : Fast scan cancel: 'Triggered' Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : BLE NearbyAction advertiser update: 0x0 < > Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone mediaserverd(libAudioStatistics.dylib)[35] : CAReportingClient.mm:535 Sending message { message="{ "issue_detected_sample_time" = "21516516.000000"; node = "Speaker|51|Output|52"; peak = "-240.000000"; "report_type" = RMS; rms = "-120.000000"; "rtaid_client" = HAL; }", reporters="( 150323855376 )" } Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone mediaserverd(libAudioStatistics.dylib)[35] : CAReportingClient.mm:535 Sending message { message="{ "issue_detected_sample_time" = "21516516.000000"; node = "Speaker|51|Output|52"; peak = "-240.000000"; "report_type" = RMS; rms = "-120.000000"; "rtaid_client" = HAL; }", reporters="( 150323855592 )" } Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone mediaserverd(libAudioIssueDetector.dylib)[35] : IssueReporting.cpp:481 RTAID [ use_case=SystemSounds report_type=RMS Generic Chain clientID=HAL node=Speaker|51|Output|52 issue_detected_sample_time=21516516.000000 ] -- [ -120.000000, -240.000000 ] Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone CAReportingService[133] : CAReportingService.mm:572 sessions for client { pid=35, "sessions"="( "repID=150323855370,sn=haptics,pid=35,client=mediaserverd,app=Unknown,started=0,single=0,msg=0,smsg=0", "repID=150323855376,sn=systemsounds,pid=35,client=mediaserverd,app=com.yousician.yousician,started=0,single=0,msg=30,smsg=0", "repID=150323855592,sn=longformaudio,pid=35,client=(null),app=com.yousician.yousician,started=1,single=0,msg=48,smsg=0" )" } Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone CAReportingService[133] : CAReportingService.mm:572 sessions for client { pid=35, "sessions"="( "repID=150323855370,sn=haptics,pid=35,client=mediaserverd,app=Unknown,started=0,single=0,msg=0,smsg=0", "repID=150323855376,sn=systemsounds,pid=35,client=mediaserverd,app=com.yousician.yousician,started=0,single=0,msg=31,smsg=0", "repID=150323855592,sn=longformaudio,pid=35,client=(null),app=com.yousician.yousician,started=1,single=0,msg=48,smsg=0" )" } Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone CAReportingService[133] : CAReportingSessionRtcWorker.mm:272 Session never started. { func="-[CAReportingSessionRtcWorker handleMessage:]" } Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone sharingd(CoreUtils)[67] : Distance changed: Unknown -> Far, SFBLEDevice ID 7afc13aa-e101-dfc7-789a-7fb79bb258ea, RSSI -56 (-56)t~F, Ch 39, AdvD <431cbb8aee>, Nm '?', Paired no, Cnx no, WiFiP2P, OBC=? Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone rapportd(Proximity)[88] : Watchdog timed out Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone rapportd(Proximity)[88] : heartbeatTimeout: current mach continuous time Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone rapportd(Proximity)[88] : New scores: empty list Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: () Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone nearbyd[194] : #sp,[UNSUCCESSFUL RANGING CYCLE] Ticket: , ErrorCode: Feb 27 05:47:23 Monetizations-iPhone backboardd(BackBoardHIDEventFoundation)[64] : destinations for VendorDefined event: ()