- Frontend (JQuery, SASS)
- Backend (NodeJS, SQLite)
- Autoupdater (NodeJS, SQLite)
- MS Word exporter (Perl, MS Office/OLE)
- Static files
Docker file currently builds the frontend and backend, filling the database with up-to-date records from Google Spreadsheet and loading static files from external repository.
However, the same build could be compiled manually, according to the instruction below.
To build autogenerated documentation (via JSDoc) execute document.sh
It will be placed in docs
Frontend web-server is a regular Express.js application. The CLI that fill the database shares dependencies with the frontend, but has independent codebase.
Completely separate part of the project is a task of MS Word files processing: the code is written in Perl and file parsing has to be run on Windows machine with Microsoft Office installed (and Perl, obviously). However, in this repo preparsed files are provided.
NodeJS must be installed on a server.
NB: the application and data processing scripts were tested on Ubuntu 18.04 with NodeJS 13.14.0.
Execute npm install
in a project folder.
To process the data run node ./cli.js
with appropriate arguments
– load spreadsheet from Google.Disk-j
– import JSON file into database-d
– import descriptions into database-g
– call №1 and №2 sequentially-a
– perform all tasks: №1, №2 and №3
Additional flag:
, --verbose
– verbose output
To update the data from Google Spreadsheet use node cli.js -g
To make full import use node cli.js -a
To successfully run importing tasks, one has to provide
- valid config file
- JWT token: generate Google Token (JWT) for web-service (keyFile property as path to file in config) and share the spreadsheet with the Google user who owns the token.
- mappings: mapping tables for field names and their respective SQL column codes have to be provided – as CSV files. Currently used mappings are in mapping directory of this repository.
Descriptions files are here, but for importing they have to be put into data
directory next to cli.js
Content of data
is imported as an additional table containing detailed descriptions of objects related by their CIR codes.
Make sure that you provided environment variables USER_ID, USER_PASSWORD and SESSION_SECRET either in dotenv config file in root directory, or pass them with shell. They are used to allow administrator to log in. Currently, access to the project is limited via authorization interface.
Perform node ./cli.js -a -v
– the database will be filled with actual data.
npm run css-build
(optional) -
npm run start
ornodemon index.js
The front-end code does not have any externally linked libraries, and can be run in a local network or on a local computer.
By default, the web-server works on a port 7528.
Proxy-pass directive must be set on a front-end web-server, like this for Nginx:
To fetch actual data from Google Spreadsheets, one has to add cronjob like this (5 AM for Moscow timezone on a UTC server):
0 2 * * * npm run sync --prefix /<...path..to.the...app...directory...>/ > /dev/null 2>&1
As well one should restart NodeJS process, the command depends on environment (pm2
or other), because the data are cached on process start.
There is config for PM2 (NodeJS process manager). It is not recommended to run NodeJS application in production environment neither via node
directly nor with nodemon
Currently, there are two Docker configurations, both accompanied with corresponding start scripts
- Simple (in the root directory). One has to run
git clone
and perform all the above mentioned steps of populating the database before. Then Docker would able to run it inside container. - Complex (in
directory). It automatically clones main repository and one with resources, after that it builds the database and starts the web-server. One has to provide deploy keys (as id_rsa_epigraphy and id_rsa_epidata) , as well as JWT token (as jwt.json).
Run run-docker.sh
to start the app in Docker container available on local port 3333.
In docker-update
folder dockerfile and script are provided which allow to build Docker image avoiding manual cloning this repository. But to work properly this Docker configuration requires Github Deploy keys, Google Web Token and authentication login/password pair (as env file or as shell environment variables).
Credentials are not stored in git, for security reasons. One has to provide them (place into the directory where Docker scripts are to be executed).
Separate repository for static files is a temporary stub, as soon as those files are also could be updated. WebDAV/FTP or similar infrastructure should be provided to users and appropriate directories are to be mapped into directory space accessible by frontend web-server.