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yav committed Oct 27, 2013
1 parent 97ec00a commit a3082cf
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Showing 2 changed files with 239 additions and 101 deletions.
275 changes: 175 additions & 100 deletions src/Data/Integer/Presburger/Omega.hs
@@ -1,30 +1,62 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
module Data.Integer.Presburger.Omega where module Data.Integer.Presburger.Omega where

import Data.Integer.Presburger.Term import Data.Integer.Presburger.Term
import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as Map import qualified Data.IntMap as Map
import Data.Ord(comparing) import Data.List(partition)
import Data.List(sortBy,partition) import Data.Maybe(maybeToList)
import Control.Applicative import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad import Control.Monad

import Debug.Trace

data RW = RW { nameSource :: !Int
, todo :: WorkQ
, inerts :: Inerts
} deriving Show

solveAll :: S ()
solveAll =
do mbEq <- getIs0
case mbEq of
Just eq -> solveIs0 eq >> solveAll
Nothing ->
do mbLt <- getIsNeg
case mbLt of
Just lt -> solveIsNeg lt >> solveAll
Nothing -> return ()

data Ct = Term :=: Term | Term :<: Term | Ct :\/: Ct
deriving Show

data RW = RW { nameSource :: !Int
, inerts :: Inerts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
, todo :: [Ct] -- The work queue
} deriving Show
data WorkQ = WorkQ { zeroTerms :: [Term] -- ^ t == 0
, negTerms :: [Term] -- ^ t < 0
} deriving Show

qEmpty :: WorkQ
qEmpty = WorkQ { zeroTerms = [], negTerms = [] }

qLet :: Name -> Term -> WorkQ -> WorkQ
qLet x t q = WorkQ { zeroTerms = map (tLet x t) (zeroTerms q)
, negTerms = map (tLet x t) (negTerms q)

ctLt :: Term -> Term -> Term
ctLt t1 t2 = t1 - t2

ctGt :: Term -> Term -> Term
ctGt t1 t2 = ctLt t2 t1


data Inerts = Inerts data Inerts = Inerts
{ upperBounds :: IntMap [(Integer,Term)] -- a |-> (c,t) <=> c*a < t { upperBounds :: IntMap [(Integer,Term)] -- ^ a |-> (c,t) <=> c*a < t
, lowerBounds :: IntMap [(Integer,Term)] -- a |-> (c,t) <=> t < c*a , lowerBounds :: IntMap [(Integer,Term)] -- ^ a |-> (c,t) <=> t < c*a
, solved :: IntMap Term -- idempotent subst , solved :: IntMap Term -- ^ a |-> t, idempotent subst
} deriving Show } deriving Show

noInerts :: Inerts noInerts :: Inerts
Expand All @@ -33,114 +65,138 @@ noInerts = Inerts { upperBounds = Map.empty
, solved = Map.empty , solved = Map.empty
} }

-- | Add a simple equality.
-- Assumes substitution has already been applied.
-- Returns: (restarted lessThan0 constraints, and new inerts)
-- The lessThan0 constraints are NOT rewritten.
iSolved :: Name -> Term -> Inerts -> ([Term], Inerts)
iSolved x t i =
( kickedOutL ++ kickedOutU
, Inerts { upperBounds = otherU
, lowerBounds = otherL
, solved = Map.insert x t $ (tLet x t) $ solved i
(kickedOutU, otherU) = upd ctLt (upperBounds i)
(kickedOutL, otherL) = upd ctGt (lowerBounds i)

upd f mp =
-- xc * x < t
let (mb, mp1) = Map.updateLookupWithKey (\_ _ -> Nothing) x mp

-- xy * y < t(x)
mp2 = fmap (partition (tHasVar x . snd)) mp1
in ( [ f (xc |*| t) t1 | (xc,t1) <- concat (maybeToList mb) ]
++ [ f (yc |*| tVar y) (tLet x t t1) | (y,(vs,_)) <- Map.toList mp2,
(yc,t1) <- vs ]
, Map.filter (not . null) (fmap snd mp2)

-- Assumes substitution has already been applied -- Assumes substitution has already been applied
addSolved :: Name -> Term -> S () addSolved :: Name -> Term -> S ()
addSolved x t = updS_ $ \rw -> addSolved x t = updS_ $ \rw ->
let i = inerts rw let (newWork,newInerts) = iSolved x t (inerts rw)
(kickedOutU, otherU) = Map.partitionWithKey kickOut (upperBounds i) in rw { inerts = newInerts
(kickedOutL, otherL) = Map.partitionWithKey kickOut (lowerBounds i) , todo = qLet x t $

let work = todo rw
in rw { inerts = in work { negTerms = newWork ++ negTerms work }
Inerts { upperBounds = otherU
, lowerBounds = otherL
, solved = Map.insert x t $ (tLet x t) $ solved i
, todo = cvt (:<:) kickedOutU ++
cvt (flip (:<:)) kickedOutL ++
todo rw
} }
kickOut y (_,s) = x == y || tHasVar x s

kickOut y (_,s) = x == y || tHasVar x s -- Add equality work

is0 :: Term -> S ()
toC f (y,(c,s)) = if x == y then f (c |*| t) (tLet x t s) is0 t = updS_ $ \rw -> rw { todo = let work = todo rw
else f (c |*| tVar y) (tLet x t s) in work { zeroTerms = t : zeroTerms work } }
cvt f = map (toC f) . Map.toList

-- Add non-equality work
isNeg :: Term -> S ()
isNeg t = updS_ $ \rw -> rw { todo = let work = todo rw
in work { negTerms = t : negTerms work } }

-- Assumes substitution has already been applied -- Assumes substitution has already been applied
-- c + xs = 0 -- c + xs = 0
addEq :: Integer -> [(Name,Integer)] -> S () solveIs0 :: Term -> S ()

solveIs0 t
addEq 0 [] = return ()

addEq _ [] = fail "impossible" -- XXX: do properly -- A == 0
| Just a <- isConst t = guard (a == 0)

addEq c [(x,xc)] = case divMod (-c) xc of -- A + B * x = 0
(q,0) -> addSolved x (fromInteger q) | Just (a,b,x) <- tIsOneVar t =
_ -> fail "impossible" case divMod (-a) b of
(q,0) -> addSolved x (fromInteger q)
_ -> mzero

addEq c xs -- x + S = 0
| ((x,xc) : ys, zs) <- partition ((1 ==) . abs . snd) xs = | Just (xc,x,s) <- tGetSimpleCoeff t =
addSolved x $ let te = T c $ Map.fromList $ ys ++ zs addSolved x (if xc > 0 then negate s else s)
in if xc > 0 then negate te else te

addEq c xs = -- K * S = 0
case common (c : map snd xs) of | Just (_, s) <- tFactor t = is0 s
Just d -> addEq (div c d) [ (x, div xc d) | (x,xc) <- xs ]

-- See page 6 of paper -- See Section 3.1 of paper for details.
Nothing -> -- We obtain an equivalent formulation but with smaller coefficients.
do let (x,cx) : rest = sortBy (comparing snd) xs | Just (ak,xk,s) <- tLeastAbsCoeff t =
m = abs cx + 1 do let m = abs ak + 1
v <- newVar v <- newVar
let sgn = signum cx let sgn = signum ak
soln = sum $ (negate sgn * m) |*| tVar v soln = (negate sgn * m) |*| tVar v
: fromInteger (sgn * modulus c m) + tMapCoeff (\c -> sgn * modulus c m) s
: [ (sgn * modulus cy m) |*| tVar y | (y,cy) <- rest ] addSolved xk soln
addSolved x soln

let upd i = div (2*i + m) (2*m) + modulus i m let upd i = div (2*i + m) (2*m) + modulus i m
addEq (upd c) $ (v, negate (abs cx)) : [ (y, upd cy) | (y,cy) <- rest ] is0 (negate (abs ak) |*| tVar v + tMapCoeff upd s)

| otherwise = error "solveIs0: unreachable"

modulus :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer modulus :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
modulus a m = a - m * div (2 * a + m) (2 * m) modulus a m = a - m * div (2 * a + m) (2 * m)

-- Find a common factor for all the given inputs.
common :: [Integer] -> Maybe Integer
common [] = Nothing
common [x] = Just x
common (x : y : zs) =
case gcd x y of
1 -> Nothing
n -> common (n : zs)

-- Assumes variables in the term part are sorted
-- Assumes that substitution has been applied -- Assumes that substitution has been applied
-- c + xs < 0 solveIsNeg :: Term -> S ()
addLt c [] solveIsNeg t
| c < 0 = return ()
| otherwise = fail "impossible" -- A < 0

| Just a <- isConst t = guard (a < 0)
addLt c0 xs0 =
let (c,(y,yc) : ys) = -- K * S < 0
case common (c0 : map snd xs0) of | Just (_,s) <- tFactor t = isNeg s
Just d -> (div c0 d, [ (x, div xc d) | (x,xc) <- xs0 ])
Nothing -> (c0, xs0) -- See Section 5.1 of the paper
in undefined | Just (xc,x,s) <- tLeastVar t =

-- a * x < alpha /\ beta < b * x if xc < 0
shadows :: Name -> Integer -> Term -> Term -> Integer -> (Ct,Ct,[Ct]) -- -XC*x + S < 0
-- S < XC*x
then do ubs <- getUBs x
let b = negate xc
beta = s
addShadows [ shadows x a alpha beta b | (a,alpha) <- ubs ]
-- XC*x + S < 0
-- XC*x < -S
else do lbs <- getLBs x
let a = xc
alpha = negate s
addShadows [ shadows x a alpha beta b | (b,beta) <- lbs ]

| otherwise = error "solveIsNeg: unreachable"

addShadows :: [(S (), S ())] -> S ()
addShadows shs =
do let (reals,dark_grays) = unzip shs
sequence_ reals
sequence_ dark_grays

-- a * x < alpha /\ beta < b * x
shadows :: Name -> Integer -> Term -> Term -> Integer -> (S (), S())
shadows x a alpha beta b = shadows x a alpha beta b =
let diff = b |*| alpha - a |*| beta let real = ctLt (a |*| beta) (b |*| alpha)
real = fromInteger 0 :<: diff dark = ctLt (fromInteger (a * b)) (b |*| alpha - a |*| beta)
dark = fromInteger (a * b) :<: diff gray = [ b |*| tVar x - i |+| beta | i <- [ 1 .. b - 1 ] ]
gray = [ (b |*| tVar x) :=: (i |+| beta) | i <- [ 1 .. b - 1 ] ] in (isNeg real, isNeg dark `mplus` mapM_ is0 gray)
in (real,dark,gray)

-- 2 * x < 1

-- 2 * x < y
-- 1 < x
-- shadows a=2 alpha=y beta=1 b=1
-- diff = y - 2
-- real = 0 < y - 2 = 2 < y
-- dark = 2 < y - 2 = 4 < y
-- gray = [ ]

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand All @@ -162,7 +218,9 @@ instance MonadPlus Answer where
mplus x y = Choice x y mplus x y = Choice x y

instance Functor Answer where instance Functor Answer where
fmap = liftM fmap _ None = None
fmap f (One x) = One (f x)
fmap f (Choice x1 x2) = Choice (fmap f x1) (fmap f x2)

instance Applicative Answer where instance Applicative Answer where
pure = return pure = return
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,15 +253,32 @@ updS_ f = S $ \s -> return ((), f s)
updS :: (RW -> (a,RW)) -> S a updS :: (RW -> (a,RW)) -> S a
updS f = S $ \s -> return (f s) updS f = S $ \s -> return (f s)

get :: (RW -> a) -> S a
get f = S $ \s -> return (f s, s)

newVar :: S Name newVar :: S Name
newVar = updS $ \rw -> (nameSource rw, rw { nameSource = nameSource rw - 1 }) newVar = updS $ \rw -> (nameSource rw, rw { nameSource = nameSource rw - 1 })

getUBs :: Name -> S [(Integer, Term)] getUBs :: Name -> S [(Integer, Term)]
getUBs x = S $ \rw -> return (Map.findWithDefault [] x (upperBounds rw), rw) getUBs x = get $ Map.findWithDefault [] x . upperBounds . inerts

getLBs :: Name -> S [(Integer, Term)] getLBs :: Name -> S [(Integer, Term)]
getLBs x = S $ \rw -> return (Map.findWithDefault [] x (lowerBounds rw), rw) getLBs x = get $ Map.findWithDefault [] x . lowerBounds . inerts

getIs0 :: S (Maybe Term)
getIs0 = updS $ \rw ->
let work = todo rw
in case zeroTerms work of
[] -> (Nothing, rw)
t : ts -> (Just t, rw { todo = work { zeroTerms = ts } })

getIsNeg :: S (Maybe Term)
getIsNeg = updS $ \rw ->
let work = todo rw
in case negTerms work of
[] -> (Nothing, rw)
t : ts -> (Just t, rw { todo = work { negTerms = ts } })

testRun (S m) = m RW { nameSource = -1, inerts = noInerts, todo = [] }

testRun (S m) = m RW { nameSource = -1, inerts = noInerts, todo = qEmpty }

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