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snoyberg committed Apr 23, 2014
1 parent 54319e9 commit 63ad533
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Showing 6 changed files with 58 additions and 64 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion wai/Network/Wai.hs
Expand Up @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ sourceFilePart handle (FilePart offset count _) =

-- | The WAI application.
type Application = Request -> IO Response
type Application = Request -> (forall b. (Response -> IO b) -> IO b)

-- | Middleware is a component that sits between the server and application. It
-- can do such tasks as GZIP encoding or response caching. What follows is the
Expand Down
45 changes: 20 additions & 25 deletions warp/Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Response.hs
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Internal (defaultBufferSize)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.HTTP (chunkedTransferEncoding, chunkedTransferTerminator)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Array ((!))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Streaming.Blaze (newBlazeRecv, reuseBufferStrategy, allocBuffer)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,20 +155,19 @@ checkPartRange fileSize = checkPart

sendResponse :: Connection
-> InternalInfo
-> (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -- ^ Restore masking state.
-> Request -- ^ HTTP request.
-> IndexedHeader -- ^ Indexed header of HTTP request.
-> IO ByteString -- ^ source from client, for raw response
-> Response -- ^ HTTP response including status code and response header.
-> IO Bool -- ^ Returing True if the connection is persistent.
sendResponse conn ii restore req reqidxhdr src response = do
sendResponse conn ii req reqidxhdr src response = do
hs <- addServerAndDate hs0
if hasBody s req then do
sendRsp conn ver s hs restore rsp
sendRsp conn ver s hs rsp
T.tickle th
return ret
else do
sendResponseNoBody conn ver s hs restore response
sendResponseNoBody conn ver s hs response
T.tickle th
return isPersist
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,17 +205,16 @@ sendRsp :: Connection
-> H.HttpVersion
-> H.Status
-> H.ResponseHeaders
-> (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -- ^ restore
-> Rsp
-> IO ()
sendRsp conn ver s0 hs0 restore (RspFile path mPart mRange hook) = restore $ do
sendRsp conn ver s0 hs0 (RspFile path mPart mRange hook) = do
ex <- fileRange s0 hs path mPart mRange
case ex of
Left _ex ->
print _ex >>
sendRsp conn ver s2 hs2 id (RspBuilder body True)
sendRsp conn ver s2 hs2 (RspBuilder body True)
Right (s, hs1, beg, len) -> do
lheader <- composeHeader ver s hs1
connSendFile conn path beg len hook [lheader]
Expand All @@ -229,7 +226,7 @@ sendRsp conn ver s0 hs0 restore (RspFile path mPart mRange hook) = restore $ do


sendRsp conn ver s hs restore (RspBuilder body needsChunked) = restore $ do
sendRsp conn ver s hs (RspBuilder body needsChunked) = do
header <- composeHeaderBuilder ver s hs needsChunked
let hdrBdy
| needsChunked = header <> chunkedTransferEncoding body
Expand All @@ -241,7 +238,7 @@ sendRsp conn ver s hs restore (RspBuilder body needsChunked) = restore $ do


sendRsp conn ver s hs restore (RspStream withBodyFlush needsChunked th) = do
sendRsp conn ver s hs (RspStream withBodyFlush needsChunked th) = do
header <- composeHeaderBuilder ver s hs needsChunked
(recv, finish) <- newBlazeRecv $ reuseBufferStrategy $ allocBuffer defaultBufferSize
let addChunk builder = do
Expand All @@ -253,17 +250,16 @@ sendRsp conn ver s hs restore (RspStream withBodyFlush needsChunked th) = do
addChunk header
restore $ do
withBodyFlush $ \mbuilder -> addChunk $ case mbuilder of
Nothing -> flush
Just builder -> chunkedTransferEncoding builder
when needsChunked $ addChunk chunkedTransferTerminator
mbs <- finish
maybe (return ()) (connSink conn th) mbs
withBodyFlush $ \mbuilder -> addChunk $ case mbuilder of
Nothing -> flush
Just builder -> chunkedTransferEncoding builder
when needsChunked $ addChunk chunkedTransferTerminator
mbs <- finish
maybe (return ()) (connSink conn th) mbs


sendRsp conn _ _ _ restore (RspRaw withApp src tickle) =
sendRsp conn _ _ _ (RspRaw withApp src tickle) =
withApp recv send
recv = do
Expand All @@ -278,23 +274,22 @@ sendResponseNoBody :: Connection
-> H.HttpVersion
-> H.Status
-> H.ResponseHeaders
-> (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -- ^ restore
-> Response
-> IO ()
sendResponseNoBody conn ver s hs restore (ResponseStream _ _ withBodyFlush) = restore $ do
sendResponseNoBody conn ver s hs (ResponseStream _ _ withBodyFlush) = do
-- Allow the application to free resources
withBodyFlush $ const $ return ()

composeHeader ver s hs >>= connSendAll conn
sendResponseNoBody conn ver s hs restore (ResponseRaw withRaw _) = restore $ do
sendResponseNoBody conn ver s hs (ResponseRaw withRaw _) = do
-- Allow the application to free resources
withRaw (return S.empty) (const $ return ())

composeHeader ver s hs >>= connSendAll conn
sendResponseNoBody conn ver s hs restore ResponseBuilder{} =
restore $ composeHeader ver s hs >>= connSendAll conn
sendResponseNoBody conn ver s hs restore ResponseFile{} =
restore $ composeHeader ver s hs >>= connSendAll conn
sendResponseNoBody conn ver s hs ResponseBuilder{} =
composeHeader ver s hs >>= connSendAll conn
sendResponseNoBody conn ver s hs ResponseFile{} =
composeHeader ver s hs >>= connSendAll conn

Expand Down
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions warp/Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Run.hs
Expand Up @@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ serveConnection conn ii addr isSecure' settings app = do

sendErrorResponse istatus e = do
status <- readIORef istatus
when status $ void $ mask $ \restore ->
sendResponse conn ii restore dummyreq defaultIndexRequestHeader (return S.empty) (errorResponse e)
when status $ void $
sendResponse conn ii dummyreq defaultIndexRequestHeader (return S.empty) (errorResponse e)

dummyreq = defaultRequest { remoteHost = addr }

Expand All @@ -255,14 +255,13 @@ serveConnection conn ii addr isSecure' settings app = do
-- In the event that some scarce resource was acquired during
-- creating the request, we need to make sure that we don't get
-- an async exception before calling the ResponseSource.
keepAlive <- mask $ \restore -> do
res <- restore $ app req
keepAlive <- app req $ \res -> do
T.resume th
-- FIXME consider forcing evaluation of the res here to
-- send more meaningful error messages to the user.
-- However, it may affect performance.
writeIORef istatus False
sendResponse conn ii restore req idxhdr (readSource fromClient) res
sendResponse conn ii req idxhdr (readSource fromClient) res

-- We just send a Response and it takes a time to
-- receive a Request again. If we immediately call recv,
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions warp/test/ExceptionSpec.hs
Expand Up @@ -30,20 +30,20 @@ withTestServer inner = bracket
$ \_ -> inner port

testApp :: Application
testApp (Network.Wai.Internal.Request {pathInfo = [x]})
testApp (Network.Wai.Internal.Request {pathInfo = [x]}) f
| x == "statusError" =
return $ responseLBS undefined [] "foo"
f $ responseLBS undefined [] "foo"
| x == "headersError" =
return $ responseLBS ok200 undefined "foo"
f $ responseLBS ok200 undefined "foo"
| x == "headerError" =
return $ responseLBS ok200 [undefined] "foo"
f $ responseLBS ok200 [undefined] "foo"
| x == "bodyError" =
return $ responseLBS ok200 [] undefined
f $ responseLBS ok200 [] undefined
| x == "ioException" = do
void $ fail "ioException"
return $ responseLBS ok200 [] "foo"
testApp _ =
return $ responseLBS ok200 [] "foo"
f $ responseLBS ok200 [] "foo"
testApp _ f =
f $ responseLBS ok200 [] "foo"

spec :: Spec
spec = describe "responds even if there is an exception" $ do
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions warp/test/ResponseSpec.hs
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ testRange range out crange = it title $ withApp defaultSettings app $ \port -> d
lookup "Content-Range" hs `shouldBe` Just ("bytes " ++ crange)
lookup "Content-Length" hs `shouldBe` Just (show $ length $ last bss)
app _ = return $ responseFile status200 [] "attic/hex" Nothing
app _ = ($ responseFile status200 [] "attic/hex" Nothing)
title = show (range, out, crange)
toHeader s =
case break (== ':') s of
Expand All @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ testPartial size offset count out = it title $ withApp defaultSettings app $ \po
lookup "Content-Length" hs `shouldBe` Just (show $ length $ last bss)
lookup "Content-Range" hs `shouldBe` Just range
app _ = return $ responseFile status200 [] "attic/hex" $ Just $ FilePart offset count size
app _ = ($ responseFile status200 [] "attic/hex" $ Just $ FilePart offset count size)
title = show (offset, count, out)
toHeader s =
case break (== ':') s of
Expand Down
46 changes: 23 additions & 23 deletions warp/test/RunSpec.hs
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ err :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => Counter -> a -> m ()
err icount msg = liftIO $ I.writeIORef icount $ Left $ show msg

readBody :: CounterApplication
readBody icount req = do
readBody icount req f = do
body <- consumeBody $ requestBody req
case () of
Expand All @@ -56,21 +56,21 @@ readBody icount req = do
| not $ requestMethod req `elem` ["GET", "POST"]
-> err icount ("Invalid request method (readBody)" :: String, requestMethod req)
| otherwise -> incr icount
return $ responseLBS status200 [] "Read the body"
f $ responseLBS status200 [] "Read the body"

ignoreBody :: CounterApplication
ignoreBody icount req = do
ignoreBody icount req f = do
if (requestMethod req `elem` ["GET", "POST"])
then incr icount
else err icount ("Invalid request method" :: String, requestMethod req)
return $ responseLBS status200 [] "Ignored the body"
f $ responseLBS status200 [] "Ignored the body"

doubleConnect :: CounterApplication
doubleConnect icount req = do
doubleConnect icount req f = do
_ <- consumeBody $ requestBody req
_ <- consumeBody $ requestBody req
incr icount
return $ responseLBS status200 [] "double connect"
f $ responseLBS status200 [] "double connect"

nextPort :: I.IORef Int
nextPort = unsafePerformIO $ I.newIORef 5000
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ runTest expected app chunks = do
Right i -> i `shouldBe` expected

dummyApp :: Application
dummyApp _ = return $ responseLBS status200 [] "foo"
dummyApp _ f = f $ responseLBS status200 [] "foo"

runTerminateTest :: InvalidRequest
-> ByteString
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ spec = do
describe "special input" $ do
it "multiline headers" $ do
iheaders <- I.newIORef []
let app req = do
let app req f = do
liftIO $ I.writeIORef iheaders $ requestHeaders req
return $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
f $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
withApp defaultSettings app $ \port -> do
handle <- connectTo "" $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral port
let input = S.concat
Expand All @@ -211,9 +211,9 @@ spec = do
it "no space between colon and value" $ do
iheaders <- I.newIORef []
let app req = do
let app req f = do
liftIO $ I.writeIORef iheaders $ requestHeaders req
return $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
f $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
withApp defaultSettings app $ \port -> do
handle <- connectTo "" $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral port
let input = S.concat
Expand All @@ -231,10 +231,10 @@ spec = do
describe "chunked bodies" $ do
it "works" $ do
ifront <- I.newIORef id
let app req = do
let app req f = do
bss <- consumeBody $ requestBody req
liftIO $ I.atomicModifyIORef ifront $ \front -> (front . (S.concat bss:), ())
return $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
f $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
withApp defaultSettings app $ \port -> do
handle <- connectTo "" $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral port
let input = S.concat
Expand All @@ -254,10 +254,10 @@ spec = do
it "lots of chunks" $ do
ifront <- I.newIORef id
let app req = do
let app req f = do
bss <- consumeBody $ requestBody req
I.atomicModifyIORef ifront $ \front -> (front . (S.concat bss:), ())
return $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
f $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
withApp defaultSettings app $ \port -> do
handle <- connectTo "" $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral port
let input = concat $ replicate 2 $
Expand All @@ -271,10 +271,10 @@ spec = do
front [] `shouldBe` replicate 2 (S.concat $ replicate 50 "12345")
it "in chunks" $ do
ifront <- I.newIORef id
let app req = do
let app req f = do
bss <- consumeBody $ requestBody req
liftIO $ I.atomicModifyIORef ifront $ \front -> (front . (S.concat bss:), ())
return $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
f $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
withApp defaultSettings app $ \port -> do
handle <- connectTo "" $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral port
let input = S.concat
Expand All @@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ spec = do
it "timeout in request body" $ do
ifront <- I.newIORef id
let app req = do
let app req f = do
bss <- (consumeBody $ requestBody req) `onException`
liftIO (I.atomicModifyIORef ifront (\front -> (front . ("consume interrupted":), ())))
liftIO $ threadDelay 4000000 `E.catch` \e -> do
Expand All @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ spec = do
, ()))
E.throwIO (e :: E.SomeException)
liftIO $ I.atomicModifyIORef ifront $ \front -> (front . (S.concat bss:), ())
return $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
f $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
withApp (setTimeout 1 defaultSettings) app $ \port -> do
let bs1 = S.replicate 2048 88
bs2 = "This is short"
Expand All @@ -322,9 +322,9 @@ spec = do
S.concat (front []) `shouldBe` bs
describe "raw body" $ do
it "works" $ do
let app _req = do
let app _req f = do
let backup = responseLBS status200 [] "Not raw"
return $ flip responseRaw backup $ \src sink -> do
f $ flip responseRaw backup $ \src sink -> do
let loop = do
bs <- src
unless (S.null bs) $ do
Expand All @@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ spec = do
timeout 100000 (S.hGet handle 10) >>= (`shouldBe` Just "6677889900")

it "only one date and server header" $ do
let app _ = return $ responseLBS status200
let app _ f = f $ responseLBS status200
[ ("server", "server")
, ("date", "date")
] ""
Expand All @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ spec = do
`shouldBe` ["date"]

it "streaming echo #249" $ do
let app req = return $ responseStream status200 [] $ \write -> do
let app req f = f $ responseStream status200 [] $ \write -> do
let loop = do
bs <- requestBody req
unless (S.null bs) $ do
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